The best winter-hardy varieties of roses that bloom all summer and features of their cultivation

The rose is the queen of the garden, blooming all summer with white, pink, lilac and yellow buds. Experienced gardeners choose winter-hardy varieties for growing in the middle zone and northern regions. Such shrubs successfully tolerate low temperatures, which does not affect their properties.

The best winter-hardy rose varieties that bloom all summer

Canadian varieties are chosen for growing roses in Siberia and the Urals. Plants grafted onto winter-hardy rose hips are suitable for the middle zone. They are not afraid of severe frosts and short daylight hours, bloom for a long time and grow well.

The best winter-hardy varieties of roses that bloom all summer and features of their cultivation


This is a hybrid tea rose with an unusual color of the petals: the outer part is soft pink, and closer to the center the color smoothly turns into milky or peach.

Bush characteristics:

  • height - from 70 to 120 cm, width - from 30 to 50 cm;
  • branches are erect, powerful, moderately spreading;
  • dark green glossy fleshy foliage;
  • flowers are 10 to 12 cm in diameter, with golden brown stamens inside;
  • buds are spherical, with a conical core;
  • The petals are thick, terry.

From 1 to 7 single buds are formed on one stem.

Advantages of the variety:

  • resistance to cold and direct sunlight;
  • constant flowering: from June to August;
  • immunity to powdery mildew and black spot;
  • brightness of colors.

Among the shortcomings, gardeners point out the excessive spreading of bushes. They take up a lot of space on the site and require timely pruning.

Advice! In October a rose feed phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, treated with anti-pest drugs. If the plant does not receive nutrients, it will not survive the winter.

Flowers suffer from lack of light and react painfully to drafts.

King Arthur

This variety was obtained in the UK. It is distinguished by the English form of flowers, light aroma, rich raspberry-ruby shade of petals.


  • height - up to 125 cm, width - up to 80 cm;The best winter-hardy varieties of roses that bloom all summer and features of their cultivation
  • flower diameter - from 5 to 10 cm;
  • terry petals raspberry-ruby or pink-apricot;
  • lush flowering lasts from June to October;
  • buds are spherical, single.

Advantages of the variety:

  • good frost resistance - suitable for growing in northern regions;
  • resistance to powdery mildew, cancer, gray rot;
  • long and lush flowering;
  • undemanding to the landing site.

Disadvantages - flowers do not tolerate drafts and require shelter for the winter.

Rugosa Alba

Another name is wrinkled rose. It is distinguished by bright green leaves with wrinkles. The plant's homeland is the Far East and Japan. Shrubs are planted in April or late October.

The best winter-hardy varieties of roses that bloom all summer and features of their cultivation


  • height and width of the bush - up to 1.5 m;
  • the crown is round and dense;
  • leaves are large, dark green, wrinkled;
  • the flowers are large, up to 8 cm in diameter, simple in shape, white, with a wonderful aroma;
  • The fruits are edible, rich red in color, round in shape, up to 2.5 cm in diameter.


  • resistance to frost, drought, high humidity;
  • easy adaptation to new conditions;
  • long and abundant flowering;
  • quick recovery after pruning or mechanical damage;
  • immunity to powdery mildew, black spot.

Disadvantages: tendency to grow quickly.The bush takes over territories and therefore requires constant monitoring of the growth.

The fruits are rich in vitamin C (up to 2.75%), and they are used to make healthy fruit juice or jam.

Dominique Loiseau

The polyanthus rose from France is named after the wife of the great chef Bernard Loiseau. This is a compact remontant shrub with sparse thorny shoots.

The variety was obtained by crossing Chinese tea and multi-flowered roses.


  • height and width - from 40 to 60 cm;
  • flowers are white, semi-double, fragrant, with a bright bouquet of stamens, 4–6 cm in diameter;
  • the crown is round and loose;
  • leaves are light green, small, shiny, lanceolate.


  • harmonious combination of style, shape, color mixture, aroma;
  • immunity to rust, powdery mildew, gray rot, cancer;
  • frost resistance;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • continuous flowering from June to September.

The variety is grown in the middle zone because it does not tolerate severe Siberian frosts.

Lilac rain

The best winter-hardy varieties of roses that bloom all summer and features of their cultivation

This rose belongs to the scrubs. It features beautiful pastel lilac buds and double petals. Requires shelter if winter temperatures drop below -20°C.

Variety characteristics:

  • height - from 70 to 100 cm;
  • width - from 75 to 80 cm;
  • cup-shaped, densely double flowers, 4-5 cm in diameter, with a light aroma;
  • bush semi-spreading, uniform;
  • The foliage is dark green, semi-glossy, dense.


  • frost tolerance from -29 to -34°C;
  • abundant re-blooming from June to October;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to powdery mildew, prolonged rains;
  • pleasant faint aroma of buds.

There are no disadvantages. Suitable for growing by beginning gardeners. The main thing is not to forget about timely pruning.


It is a vine-like plant with rich ruby ​​flowers. It has a long flowering period from May to October.


  • height - from 2.5 to 3 m;
  • width - from 1.5 to 2 m;
  • large-flowered ruby ​​or red flowers, from 8 to 12 cm in diameter, with a velvety tint;
  • leaves are juicy green, with a waxy coating;
  • shoots are highly branched;
  • buds are formed evenly over the entire height and width of the bush.


  • cold resistance;
  • long and abundant repeated flowering;
  • resistance to gray rot, cancer, powdery mildew;
  • light pleasant smell.

The rose is suitable for creating vertical compositions and does not require support. The downside is that it is demanding in terms of where it grows: Santana does not like strong drafts or dark areas.

Uncovered, continuously flowering varieties

Conditionally varieties of roses divided into several categories. They differ in the growth characteristics of shoots and buds.


The best winter-hardy varieties of roses that bloom all summer and features of their cultivation

The most popular varieties of uncovered roses of continuous flowering:

  1. Aisha. Frost-resistant plant with resistance to powdery mildew and gray rot, which does not require shelter for the winter. It is a densely leafy and fairly voluminous shrub up to 1.5 m high. It blooms profusely and for a long time, but only once. The flowers are medium-sized, 6-7 cm in diameter, simple, in a rich sunny shade. They withstand rain well and retain their shape. Externally they resemble rosehip flowers.
  2. Frühlingsduft. Belongs to the group of wild roses and park roses. It withstands severe frosts well, does not require shelter for the winter, and is not susceptible to powdery mildew or black spot. The bushes reach 2 m in height, spreading, 1.2 m wide. The flowers are creamy-white, with a pink tint and a yellow center, and are formed early. Repeat flowering is possible from May to August.
  3. Parade. Belongs to the Climing group, the class of large-flowered roses. Requires support, since the height of the bush reaches 4 m and width - 2 m. Flowering begins in mid-June and continues until the 20th of October. The flowers come in a variety of shades, from hot pink to cherry red. The bush can withstand frosts and long rains. Resistant to black spot and powdery mildew.

climbing roses they die without support: the shoots bend to the ground under the weight of the buds and rot. Therefore, experienced gardeners create arches and walls from sustainable materials.


These roses look good in single and group plantings, but are rarely used among flower growers and landscape designers.

Prominent representatives of plants:

  1. Ave Maria. Refers to hybrid tea varieties of re-blooming roses. The flowers are bright orange, reaching 11-12 cm in diameter. The plant takes root well in northern regions, is resistant to powdery mildew and black spot, and is not afraid of prolonged rains.
  2. Aelita. Large-flowered white rose. Developed by Russian breeder Shtanko I.I. in 1952 specifically for cultivation in regions with harsh winters. Resistant to gray rot, not afraid of high humidity.
  3. Mermaid. Large-flowered, produces carmine-colored flowers with a salmon-orange tint and a yellow base. Well suited for growing in cold climates. The shoots reach 3 m and develop well in shade and partial shade.


The best winter-hardy varieties of roses that bloom all summer and features of their cultivation

Flowers in this category are formed by bushes. Which bush roses to plant in your dacha so that they bloom all summer long:

  1. Romance. A shrub with large crimson flowers (up to 12 cm in diameter) and a pleasant aroma. The clusters contain up to 15 buds. The rose blooms again. The foliage is lush, the shoots are densely spaced.
  2. Gartentraume. A shrub with double flowers and a very pleasant aroma. Looks good in group planting, as a hedge. Suitable for growing in flowerpots. The flowers are pale pink, often located on stems.

Small and large flowered

Many gardeners pay attention to the size of flowers. Some prefer to admire small roses, others prefer lush and large ones.

Some popular long-flowering varieties and hybrids:

  1. Super Excelsa. Small-flowered bush rose. The flowers are bright crimson, reaching only 4 cm in diameter. The plant does not like the scorching sun, so it is planted in partial shade.
  2. Polka. Large-flowered bush rose with apricot or soft coral flowers. Their diameter ranges from 25 to 30 cm. The plant blooms all summer, 2 or 3 times.
  3. Super Dorothy. Bright crimson small-flowered semi-climbing rose. It blooms at the end of May, pleasing with bright buds until mid-October. Excellent resistance to powdery mildew and black spot.


The best winter-hardy varieties of roses that bloom all summer and features of their cultivation

These are small copies of garden roses. They have lush, long-lasting flowering until late autumn.

The plants are suitable for growing in cold climates, in the garden or at home.

Prominent representatives:

  1. Los Angeles. A bush up to 40 cm high, with salmon-colored flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm. The buds evenly cover the stems and do not fade in the sun.
  2. Clementine. Ground cover rose with small, densely double flowers of a soft pink hue. The height of the plant is 60 cm. Over time, the plant turns into a dense bush. Blooms in mid-June and continues to bloom until September.
  3. Cinderella. Hybrid tea rose with soft pink flowers. The bushes are compact, no more than 20 cm high. They bloom 2-3 times per season.Well suited for creating an alpine slide.

How to choose a variety that will bloom all summer

Experienced gardeners recommend carefully studying the description of the variety you like and paying attention to the frost resistance class: it is marked with snowflakes - the more of them, the better.

It’s good if the rose is a repeat-blooming plant and is capable of forming buds up to 3 times per season.

Winter-hardy varieties for different regions

Well suited for Moscow and Moscow region Rosarium Jutersen, Santana, Polka, Super Excelsa, Super Dorothy.

For the middle band - Parade, Frühlingsduft, Dominique Loiseau, Watercolor, Lilac Rain.

For northern regions choose Aishu, King Arthur, Rugosu Alba and other winter-hardy varieties.

Features of growing such roses

The best winter-hardy varieties of roses that bloom all summer and features of their cultivation

Winter-hardy roses grow in well-lit areas, without drafts or direct sunlight. The soil should be light, breathable and rich in organic matter.

For plants, pits are prepared with a depth of 60 cm and a diameter of 50 cm. The distance between them is at least 1 m. They are filled with a mixture of leaf soil, compost, fertile soil and sand in equal proportions. Add 20 g of potassium-phosphorus fertilizer per 1 m2 plot. 1 tbsp is poured into each hole. wood ash.

The seedlings are immersed in the holes, sprinkled with the remaining mixture, compacted well and watered. Mulch the top layer with straw or sawdust 8 cm thick.

Water the seedlings once a week with warm water. Up to 2 liters of liquid are poured under each bush.

Attention! Roses need to remove fading flowers and deformed branches. Pruning carried out 3-4 times per season. Bushes are formed based on personal preferences.

Feed the plants 3 times throughout the entire season. In the spring, give rotted manure: 1/2 bucket for 1 bush.During the formation of buds, calcium nitrate is added: 3 tsp is diluted in a bucket of water. drug. 0.5 liters of solution is poured under each plant. In autumn, fertilize with a ready-made mineral complex for roses. It is bought in a store and used according to the instructions.

At the end of October, the trunk circles are mulched with fallen leaves in a layer of 30 cm. Fir branches are well suited as shelter.

Advice from experienced flower growers

The best winter-hardy varieties of roses that bloom all summer and features of their cultivation

Professional rose lovers recommend to beginners:

  • carefully study the description of the selected variety and the conditions for its cultivation;
  • maintain a distance between seedlings of at least 1 m;
  • prepare supports for climbing and semi-climbing roses;
  • regularly inspect plants for pests and signs of disease;
  • water once a week, avoiding the soil becoming waterlogged;
  • do not forget about covering the root system for the winter;
  • carry out regularly pruning to form a beautiful crown.


Winter-hardy varieties of roses are often chosen by residents of the middle zone and northern regions.

Plants require minimal care when planted in well-lit areas without strong drafts. The only condition for preserving seedlings is the creation of good shelter for the winter in the form of a layer of fallen leaves or spruce branches.

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