We take care of roses in the garden in the summer so that they bloom magnificently and for a long time

Miniature dwarf rose flowers will decorate small gardens, and lush climbing flowers will decorate arches and arbors. A beautiful and fragrant rose garden is the dream of every gardener. Most varieties begin flowering in June and end only in August or September. All this time, the rose needs proper care, otherwise there can be no talk of beauty and long-term flowering. Let's look at how to care for roses in the garden in the summer so that they bloom luxuriantly.

Features of summer rose care

Lush blooming of roses is the result of timely and competent care. The flower needs regular watering and fertilizing, loosening and weeding. Every year gardeners conduct pruningto prevent the development of diseases and pests.

They also pay attention to protective measures - they treat the bushes with fungicides and complex fertilizers. To achieve better results, summer residents combine procedures. For example, weeding is carried out along with loosening, and immediately after pruning the flower is treated to protect against diseases.

We take care of roses in the garden in the summer so that they bloom magnificently and for a long time

Favorable conditions for roses to bloom in the garden

The rose does not grow well in the shade, so it is planted in a sunny area. With a lack of sun and light, diseases occur and the plant withers. It is recommended to choose a place with low groundwater levels, otherwise high humidity will provoke the development of fungi.

The soil must be fertile, with a drainage layer. The recommended acidity level is low or medium.

Another important condition for favorable flowering is the absence of northern winds and drafts. Rose is a southern flower that does not tolerate sudden changes in weather. When planting, there should be free space between plants for air microcirculation.

Growing roses too close together will lead to the development of diseases and insect pests.

How to care for roses for lush blooms

Rose needs proper care throughout the summer. At the beginning of summer, summer residents pay attention to watering and feeding, since July they have been preventing diseases and pests.

It is important not to forget about mulching and loosening - these procedures help roses bloom as quickly as possible.


We take care of roses in the garden in the summer so that they bloom magnificently and for a long time

Water the plant 2-3 times a month, the abundance depends on the age of the flower. Half a bucket of water is used for a young bush, and 2 buckets for an adult bush. If the rose grows in dry and sandy soil, water it more often.

The procedure depends on weather conditions: if the summer is rainy, the amount of watering is reduced. It is recommended to moisten the soil in the evening so that less moisture is lost through evaporation. From August, the amount of water is reduced to prepare the crop for autumn and winter.


After each watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of 5-6 cm. This provides oxygen access to the roots, prevents the growth of weeds and the appearance of pests.

Loosening protects the soil from crust formation, so water penetrates better to the roots.

Loosen the rose 1-2 times a month, depending on the weather and soil conditions. It is not recommended to bury the hoe more than 5-6 cm, so as not to damage the root system of the plant.


Experienced gardeners combine weeding the rose garden with loosening.The main purpose of the procedure is to protect flowers from weeds, which draw water and nutrients from the ground. For weeding, use a hoe or chopper.

It is recommended to avoid contact of the tool with the stems and not to penetrate deeper than 2-3 cm.

Attention! In the rose garden there are often annual weeds that reproduce by seeds, for example, bindweed, quinoa, and hogweed. Summer residents advise removing them from the site before seeds form. This will help protect the roses in the future.

The optimal time for care is dry and windless weather so that the weeds dry out faster. When humidity is high, weeds will provoke the appearance of insect pests.


Mulching enriches the soil with nutrients and retains moisture. Mulch protects flower roots from the scorching sun in southern regions.

Before the procedure, gardeners remove weeds and plant debris. Ready-made compounds or mown grass, wood chips, sawdust, and humus are used as mulch.

Compost is especially popular: it nourishes the soil and prolongs the flowering of roses. The thickness of the mulch layer is about 5 cm.

Top dressing

In summer, flowers need potassium-phosphorus supplements. They strengthen the immunity of plants, protect them from adverse weather conditions, and nourish the soil.

Phosphorus affects the size of buds and promotes the formation of new roots, and potassium is responsible for frost resistance. Summer residents use ready-made fertilizer "Bona Forte". In addition to trace elements, it contains succinic acid and silicon. Sold in granules, convenient and effective to use.

Fertika Kristalon complex fertilizer is also used. Water-soluble fertilizer increases the color intensity of flowers and leaves and increases the duration of flowering.To water, dissolve 10 ml of the product in 10 liters of water and apply the mixture under the root. Some gardeners use the product as a foliar feeding.


The rose is pruned regularly, 1-2 times a year. This stimulates the growth of new shoots and protects the bush from pests. The length of pruning depends on the potential of each flower. If the rose is not growing well, it is recommended to prune it by 15–20 cm. This ensures the health of the bush and the resumption of development.

Attention! For the procedure, a garden knife and pruning shears are used. Tools must be disinfected and sharp to prevent damage and deformation of the shoots. It is better to wear gloves to avoid injury from the thorns.

The flower is always cut above the eyes; the cut should be oblique and not straight. Otherwise, the rose will take a long time to recover after the procedure. Dry and diseased branches are removed completely. Shoots that have turned dark brown are also removed.

Protection from diseases and pests

We take care of roses in the garden in the summer so that they bloom magnificently and for a long time

Protective and preventive measures are required for roses of any age and at every stage of development. Diseases and pests appear for various reasons: due to agrotechnical errors, excess or lack of moisture, acidic soil, and debris on the site.

To grow a healthy rose garden, gardeners use the following methods:

  1. Roses are sprayed with Tiovit Jet fungicide and acaricide. The drug helps get rid of powdery mildew and sucking insects. The product is sold in granules, which are dissolved in water and sprayed over the plant at a distance of 15–20 cm.
  2. A solution of Bordeaux mixture (1%) helps get rid of rust. Leaves, shoots and buds are sprayed with a spray bottle early in the morning.
  3. To protect against septoria, aphids and black spot, a solution based on the drug “Topaz” is used. Before treatment, remove all affected parts of the plant and burn them.

Features of care depending on the type/variety of roses

Roses are divided into climbing, dwarf, hybrid tea.

Climbing They are distinguished by long and developed shoots and are used to decorate arches, gazebos and fences. When caring for them, special attention is paid to pruning: with its help, the bush is given the desired appearance and shape. Pruning is carried out in early spring and late summer. It is recommended to shorten the rose so that the length of one stem is no more than 20 cm. After the procedure, the plant is fed with wood ash to restore strength. Favorite varieties of gardeners are Rosarium Yutersen and Elf.

Height dwarf roses do not exceed 40 cm. The bushes are neat and miniature and require good lighting. In summer, plants must be fed 2-3 times with organic matter (compost, manure, humus) and mineral fertilizers (potassium salt, superphosphate). Popular varieties dwarf roses - Hummingbird, Rosemary, Meidi.

U hybrid tea roses have compact tall shoots and delicate flowers. To keep them fresh and bloom longer, it is important to water them properly. Plants do not tolerate drought, but also do not tolerate excess moisture. After moistening, the roses are mulched with sawdust. Common hybrid tea varieties are Lovely Red, Grand Gala, Polar Star.

Depending on the growing region

For roses in the north, it is important to strengthen the immune system. To do this, use complex fertilizers that improve metabolism and saturate the soil with vitamins and microelements. A prerequisite for care is mulching.A layer of grass or hay will protect the root system from unexpected cold snaps or frosts.

In the Moscow region and southern regions, it is recommended to monitor the level of moisture in the soil. Water the flowers in the morning, before sunrise. This simple rule prevents moisture evaporation. Summer residents use water at room temperature; on average, 1 bucket is used for 1 bush. The amount of moisture is increased if the soil is sandy and dry.

Advice from experienced gardeners

We take care of roses in the garden in the summer so that they bloom magnificently and for a long time

Before you plant stalk roses in indoor or outdoor ground, it is recommended to prepare the soil. It should be light and fluffy, with neutral or low acidity.

Attention! You cannot place a rose garden in areas that are located near swamps or groundwater: in such places the flower often gets sick. This is especially true for gardens in the Leningrad region, the Urals, Siberia and the middle zone.

It is not recommended to feed the rose more than once every 2 weeks. An excess of microelements is just as dangerous as a deficiency. Experienced gardeners advise recording when and how much fertilizer was applied. This will help avoid mistakes in care.

To understand the condition of the rose, it is regularly inspected. For example, the presence of black spots indicates that the plant lacks potassium and magnesium, and the falling of petals indicates an excess of water. In this case, the soil is loosened and sprinkled with sand.


Proper care of roses in the country, in an open area, has many features. So, the plant is pruned every year to get as many beautiful and fragrant buds as possible. Water the rose garden only with water at room temperature to protect it from diseases and pests.

In summer, it is recommended to feed flowers with mineral complex preparations.If you follow all the recommendations, the buds will turn into fragrant and colorful flowers that will delight you until the end of summer.

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