Planting and growing

Celery is a unique vegetable known since ancient times. It was previously believed to bring good luck and protection. And only from the 17th century. they began to eat it. All parts of the plant are used: ...

Cauliflower does not form the usual heads of cabbage, but inflorescences, which are used for food. Although this crop has been known for a long time, when growing it, gardeners often encounter various problems, the most common...

Buckwheat holds the lead among cereals in terms of the content of nutrients. At the same time, when cooked, it is low in calories, which allows it to be included in most diets. Thanks to the chemical composition of buckwheat, dishes made from it ...

Several centuries ago, honeysuckle was considered exclusively an ornamental shrub: it was believed that its fruits were poisonous. Now the culture is found on the personal plots of not only Russian, but also Belarusian gardeners. She is unpretentious in growing...

Gooseberries are the highest-yielding crop among berry bushes. When planted correctly, the bush produces up to 12 kg of juicy berries and bears fruit for 20 or more years in a row. The plant is easy to care for and...

Felt cherry is a fruit and berry crop whose homeland is considered to be China. Now it is popular in Russia, Europe, Mongolia, and Asian countries. The plant is grown not only for its harvest. It is used...

Kalibos cabbage attracts the attention of vegetable growers not only with its original cone-shaped shape and bright color of the heads, but also with its high productivity, unpretentiousness and pleasant sweetish taste. The article will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of the variety, ...

For growing grapes, choose areas with loose and nutritious soil. It is recommended to place plantings on sunny lands, located away from marshy areas and groundwater - waterlogging harms the plant and increases the risk...

Large-fruited gooseberries - what's not a dream? Fragrant, juicy and crispy. The size and weight of the fruit depends on many factors: the characteristics of the variety, the amount of fertilizer applied, the planting location and weather conditions. Some bushes need...