
The section is dedicated to shrubs such as currants, honeysuckle, raspberries, grapes, gooseberries, blackberries, and viburnum.

Where is the best place to plant gooseberries in the garden?

Gooseberry bushes are planted in a permanent place both in spring and autumn. Before planting, cut off the tops of the shoots and remove dried roots. If you choose the right place and follow simple rules of care, the shrub can bear fruit...

What does a pomegranate flower look like and how to care for a houseplant during flowering and fruiting

Anyone who has seen a pomegranate tree bloom will never forget this mesmerizing sight. Spreading shrubs, tall trees and dwarf indoor plants look equally beautiful during this period. Let's look at how...

Growing gooseberries on a trunk

Standard plantings are gaining popularity due to a number of advantages: they are easier to care for, they are less susceptible to diseases, and the berries grow larger and tastier. The shrub on a trunk looks original and decorates the garden plot. ...

Gooseberry fruit - description and characteristics

Gooseberries delight with an abundant harvest of aromatic and tasty berries, from which jams, jams, and compotes are usually made. In Western European countries, gooseberry fruits have found wider use in cooking. For example, in England...

What types of canopies for grapes are there and how to make them yourself

Large bunches of grapes are a decoration for any garden. Many summer residents grow grapes under arched canopies or tents - this is convenient and practical. They build canopies over the porch, near the walls of houses or in the center of the garden ...

Gooseberry pruning: goals, timing, technology

To reap a rich gooseberry harvest, gardeners care for the plant all year round: it loves moisture, mineral and organic fertilizers, and mulch. A mandatory stage of care is pruning. It can be sanitary and rejuvenating, thinning...

Varieties and features of growing thornless gooseberries

So far there are no gooseberry varieties that are completely devoid of thorns. However, there are gooseberries where the thorns are very small and non-thorny - it is impossible to get injured by them during care or harvesting. ...

How to properly propagate currants in the spring by cuttings so that they take root

Cutting currants in the spring is one of the best ways to obtain the required number of bushes. You don’t have to spend money on purchasing planting material. It is enough to choose a healthy mother bush with excellent varietal qualities and cut ...

When and how to prune grapes correctly in spring for beginners step by step: instructions and diagrams

With proper care, grapes can bear fruit for several decades. Even an old vineyard can be revived with the help of rejuvenating pruning. In spring, young plants are pruned for shaping using suitable patterns, damaged ones are pruned and ...

How to water and feed grapes in spring: instructions for beginners

Grapes require special attention throughout the growing season. In the fall, it is prepared for cold weather, and in the spring, favorable conditions are created for abundant fruiting. Spring watering and fertilizing should be consistent...

