
The section is dedicated to shrubs such as currants, honeysuckle, raspberries, grapes, gooseberries, blackberries, and viburnum.

Black currant for weight loss

The currant diet is a simple, effective and inexpensive way to lose weight, especially for those who cannot stick to the diet for too long. The diet is extremely simple: replace all meals for three days...

What to do if rust appears on honeysuckle leaves and how to treat it

Diseases and pests are the most common cause of crop loss and death of honeysuckle. The disease is caused by a parasitic fungus that gradually destroys all parts of the plant. It becomes covered with red formations, from which rusty...

Black currant leaves - beneficial and medicinal properties

Due to the rich composition of beneficial compounds, currant leaves are widely used as a preventive and therapeutic agent. With their help, you can protect the body from infections, resist diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys, ...

Grape variety Jupiter: description, advantages and disadvantages, growing technology

Grapes are an indispensable attribute of summer and autumn, along with melons and watermelons. Many gardeners prefer store-bought fruits and berries grown on their own plot. It is important to choose a variety that is suitable...

Growing grapes for beginners

Grapes are among the first plants that humans began to cultivate. It was grown by the ancient Romans and Egyptians. Now it is popular all over the world. The grapes grow successfully in both southern climates...

How and what to feed pomegranate at home

Indoor pomegranate is an unpretentious plant that, with proper care, pleases with abundant flowering and fruiting. To prevent the tree from dying, it is important not only to choose suitable soil for it and a place in the house, ...

The famous wine grape variety Malbec

Malbec is a technical dark grape variety originally from France with its own unique character. The crop received its “second wind” in Argentina, where it confidently took the position of the flagship variety. It is in this country that grapes...

The best raspberry varieties for the Urals and features of their cultivation

To fill pantry shelves with delicious jam and healthy compote, gardeners grow a variety of berries on their plots. One of the most beloved and popular berries among Russian summer residents is raspberries. There are red, yellow,...

Early Moldovan grape variety Codrianca with large, tasty berries

The early Moldovan grape variety Codrianca is known in many countries. In Italy it is grown under the name Black magic. Dark, almost black oblong berries with a harmonious content of sugar and acid are few ...

Early ripening variety of honeysuckle Blue Cliff

Honeysuckle is a crop genetically adapted to harsh climatic conditions. Therefore, it is widespread in regions where spring frosts, severe frosts and hot days are common. Based on wild species of shrubs, breeders ...

