Gardeners call the pear a “cunning” fruit. Today it still hangs hard on the tree, but tomorrow it lies soft on the ground. Catching the moment of perfect ripeness of pears is not easy, so many people collect or buy...
Peach is a capricious crop that requires increased attention and compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. The southern fruit needs proper crown molding to maintain fruiting and strengthen the immune system. In this article we will talk about peach pruning...
Like most fruit crops, plums can be propagated artificially and naturally. Natural types of vegetative propagation include growing from seeds, using root shoots, and layering. From artificial methods (grafting, cuttings)...
Once upon a time, the peach tree was grown only in warm southern regions. Today it is often found in the central zone of the country. Summer residents grow juicy and sweet varieties on their plots, many of which appeared ...
As soon as signs of aphid activity appear on the gooseberries, you need to immediately begin the fight. It refers to prolific insects, the larvae of which constantly suck juices from the plant, actively reproduce, and become carriers of infections. Aphids...
Rose hips, combining beauty and benefits, have become a very popular plant in home gardening. To increase the population of a crop, summer residents resort to different methods of propagation. However, practice has shown that the most...
Yellowing of sea buckthorn leaves in summer is a problem that gardeners often encounter. Timely identification and relief of the cause will help return the bush to a healthy state. We'll tell you why sea buckthorn leaves turn yellow in summer...
Important procedures for caring for grapes include pruning. Not only the appearance of the plant, but also the quality of the harvest depends on it. If you don't prune in summer, nutrients will be diverted...
A competent gardener regularly inspects his property in order to notice the appearance of diseases or pests in time. The discovery of dark or red spots on currant leaves, similar to cankers, indicates infection of the bushes with anthracnose. To ...