
Gooseberry diseases and their treatment

To get a rich gooseberry harvest, it is important not only to choose the appropriate variety and planting location, but also to know by sight the most common diseases and pests of the plant. Even if all the rules are followed...

Growing petunia at home and in open ground: necessary conditions, planting, care

Petunia belongs to the nightshade family. The ornamental plant is distinguished by beautiful oval leaves and large delicate flowers. Petunia flowers amaze with their variety of colors and shapes. There are specimens with unusual patterns, petals with terry...

Popular delicious grape variety Aligote

Aligote is a grape native to France. Farmers and gardeners immediately fell in love with this variety for its productivity indicators, attractive commercial qualities, and ease of care. Grapes are grown in summer cottages and gardens. Aligote is used...

Early maturing resistant honeysuckle variety Vasyuganskaya

Vasyuganskaya is one of the most popular varieties of edible honeysuckle. It is unpretentious, characterized by the decorative appearance of the bushes, frost resistance, early ripening and large fruit. About what conditions are necessary for the development and fruiting of this...

Decorative honeysuckle - planting and care

Decorative honeysuckle (Honeysuckle) is a shrub designed to decorate a site. It has bright, large, beautiful leaves, and during flowering it is covered with many unusual large and bright inflorescences. The plant bears fruit with small bright orange berries, ...

Woman and oranges - benefits and harms

Orange is good for the body, especially women.It is used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of certain diseases, it is indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and helps preserve beauty and youth. Let's tell you in detail...

What nuts are the healthiest for women?

On store shelves you can find a variety of nuts - unique natural gifts that have a beneficial effect on the human body. They contain vitamins, dietary fiber, and microelements. Nuts increase intellectual abilities and...

How to grow lemon at home on a windowsill

Lemon is not only a healthy sour fruit, but also a beautiful tree. It has bright green glossy leaves and blooms with delicate small cream-colored flowers. Both leaves and flowers of lemon have...

Black currant for weight loss

The currant diet is a simple, effective and inexpensive way to lose weight, especially for those who cannot stick to the diet for too long. The diet is extremely simple: replace all meals for three days...

How to properly store cut avocados

With the appearance of a variety of exotic products on the shelves of vegetable stores, many housewives are faced with the problem of storing them. Avocado is a perishable fruit, but if you follow the recommendations, you can significantly extend its shelf life, ...

