Stone fruits

This section of the site contains articles about stone fruit trees. Plum, cherry, lemon, sweet cherry, apricot, peach are all stone fruits.

How to ripen green peaches at home

Peach is a very aromatic and tasty fruit, so in the summer it fills not only the shelves of markets and shops, but also Russian gardens. It often happens that the fruit is externally ready for consumption - ...

Does a home-grown avocado bear fruit or not?

Avocado is a high-maintenance tropical plant. Its seeds germinate easily, quickly take root and begin to grow, but with improper care and in unsuitable conditions they die within 1-2 years. To caring flower growers...

Why do you need to prune cherry trees in summer and how to do it correctly

Traditionally, cherry trees are pruned once a year, in spring or autumn. However, summer formation is also favorable for the tree. From the article you will learn about the purposes of pruning cherries in the summer and how...

How to prune cherry plums correctly in summer: diagrams, steps and tips on the topic

Anyone who has already encountered a problem when a cherry plum planted on a plot becomes “harmful” and produces only small fruits understands how important it is to properly care for this demanding plant. When selecting gardening procedures, it is important...

How much and how often to water apricots in summer: detailed instructions

Not every garden has apricot trees, but every beginner dreams of growing this tasty, beautiful and healthy fruit. Although apricot is considered a heat-loving crop and grows in the southern regions, there are ...

Step-by-step instructions for pruning a plum tree in the summer with your own hands

To obtain a healthy, abundantly fruiting tree from a plum seedling, it is important to prune so that the crown is formed correctly. Many gardeners perform the procedure in the spring, giving the plant more time to recover before winter frosts. ...

A guide to proper watering of peach trees in summer for beginner gardeners

Watering is the most important agrotechnical procedure in plant care. Gardeners who grow capricious peach trees on their plots are especially attentive to it. Without regular and proper soil moisture...

A step-by-step guide to pruning felt cherry trees in summer for beginners.

Gardeners love felt cherries for their good harvest, ease of care and beautiful compact crown. To increase fruiting, the plant is pruned not only in autumn and spring, but also in summer. If you know the technique...

How to properly prune a peach in summer: diagrams and procedures

Peach is a capricious crop that requires increased attention and compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. The southern fruit needs proper crown molding to maintain fruiting and strengthen the immune system. In this article we will talk about peach pruning...

Instructions for propagating plums by cuttings in summer: from preparing cuttings to caring for seedlings

Like most fruit crops, plums can be propagated artificially and naturally. Natural types of vegetative propagation include growing from seeds, using root shoots, and layering. From artificial methods (grafting, cuttings)...

