Where and how does macadamia nut grow and how is it used?

Macadamia nut is the most expensive in the world. Its cultivation is a real test for plantation owners. The plant, which requires climate and care, is constantly attacked by pests, and begins to bear fruit only in the tenth year after planting. All these difficulties make its fruits so expensive.

Despite the high cost and difficulty of growing, macadamia is popular all over the world. This nut with an amazing delicate taste contains many useful and rare substances. Its presence in the diet has a positive effect on health; the kernel and oil of the product are used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

Features of macadamia nut

Macadamia nut is also called king nut. This is due not only to its high cost, but also to its amazing taste and beneficial biochemical composition.

The fruits are round nuts covered with two layers of shell. The outer skin is soft and dark green in color. Underneath is a very hard and durable chocolate-colored shell.

Where and how does macadamia nut grow and how is it used?

The most valuable thing in a nut is its kernel. It is white or cream in color, with a delicate oily consistency. It tastes sweetish, with a nutty-vanilla aroma. Describing its taste, some say that it is similar to both baked chestnuts and hazelnuts.

This is interesting! Not only macadamia kernels are useful, but also its shell and leaves.

general description

Macadamia is an evergreen tree from the genus Proteaceae.. To grow it, you need a warm tropical climate with frequent rainfall.

The tree grows in height from 2 to 15 m. At the same time, it has a weak and superficial root system.

Leaves are elongated, feather-like, dark green. There are jagged edges. The texture is dense and has a glossy sheen.

The plant blooms in early spring. The flowers are small, pale pink or pale lilac. Collected in long, hanging racemes up to 20 cm long. Flowering is accompanied by a subtle sweetish aroma.

Where and how does macadamia nut grow and how is it used?

Macadamia nuts begin to bear fruit at 7-10 years of age and continue until 40 years of age., yielding about 100 kg of nuts per tree annually. On average, the ripening period for nuts lasts six months.

There are nine types of macadamia nuts in total.. However, seven of them do not produce edible fruits, and some are even considered poisonous.

Four-leaf and three-leaf macadamia are grown for gastronomic purposes.. Many varieties of this plant have been bred. The taste may vary depending on the variety. Some of them contain notes of chocolate, spices, cashews, etc.

Growing a tree is difficult. It is demanding not only on climatic conditions, but also on soil composition, watering and fertilizing. If the rules of care are violated, it gets sick and is often attacked by pests.

Origin story

The macadamia nut owes its origin to Australia.. It is there that his historical homeland is located.

The Aborigines considered this plant sacred. He was called kindal-kindal, boomera and mullimbimby.

The Australian botanist Von Muller named the macadamia nut in honor of his chemist friend Macadam.

Where and how does macadamia nut grow and how is it used?

Where does macadamia nut grow?

The distribution area of ​​macadamia is very narrow. The tree can only grow in humid and warm tropical climates.In addition to its homeland of Australia, it is grown in several other countries with suitable conditions: Brazil, Hawaii, Mexico, China and the USA.

The main importer of macadamia is Hawaii., which are famous for their volcanic-based soil. Australia takes second place.

In Russia, macadamia is grown only in heated greenhouses or winter gardens, since with cold snaps even down to +3°C it dies. In such conditions, the plant looks more like a bush than a tree, and rarely bears fruit.

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Composition and properties of macadamia

Macadamia is valued for its rich chemical composition. This is one of the most healthy nuts. With its regular use, your health improves significantly.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

This is a high-calorie product - its nutritional value is 715 kcal. The high rate is explained by the fact that the nut consists of 80% fat and 6% sugar.

100 g of nuts contain 75 g of fat, 8 g of protein and 5 g of carbohydrates. There is no need to be afraid of the fats in macadamia nuts. They are useful and necessary for the body. In addition, the product does not contain cholesterol.

Macadamia has a rich biochemical composition. It contains many substances beneficial to the body.:

  • minerals: chromium, selenium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, molybdenum, manganese;
  • fatty acids: palmitic, stearic, oleic;
  • vitamins: C, B1, E, B2, B6, B3, B9, A, PP, K;
  • omega-3 and omega-6;
  • phytosterols;
  • essential oils;
  • beta phytosterols.

Where and how does macadamia nut grow and how is it used?


Eating macadamia nuts helps with many health problems. Royal nut has a number of beneficial properties:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stabilizes hormonal balance;
  • removes waste, toxins and bad cholesterol from the body;
  • promotes collagen production;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, in particular eliminates flatulence;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • strengthens the musculoskeletal system;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves skin color and condition and strengthens hair follicles;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • activates the brain;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • improves vision;
  • improves liver function;
  • improves mood;
  • tones the body;
  • prolongs youth.

Harm and contraindications

When consumed in excessive quantities The product can bring not only benefits to the body, but also harm. The main reason why you shouldn't eat too much macadamia is being overweight. If you eat more than the daily norm (40-60 g per day), unnecessary kilograms will very soon make themselves felt.

To lose weight, eat up to 20 g of nuts per day. In this quantity, they will not turn into fat deposits, but will improve metabolism and suppress the desire to eat sweets, which will promote weight loss.

Macadamia has the following contraindications::

  • allergic reaction to nuts;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines.

The product should not be given to animals. It is not life-threatening, but does cause unpleasant side effects.

Where and how does macadamia nut grow and how is it used?


Macadamia nut has found its application in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. It is added to various dishes, prepared as medicinal and cosmetic products, and also consumed raw.

In cooking

Thanks to their delicate smell and taste, macadamia fruits are good on their own. They are often added to various dishes, especially often used in expensive restaurants.

Often nuts are added to desserts. They go well with pastries, cakes, pastries and chocolate. They decorate desserts both as a whole and in crushed form.

Those who don't like sweets sprinkle nuts on their salads. The product goes well with chicken, fish and vegetables.

Macadamia Recipes:

  1. Fruit and nut salad. Strawberries, apples and pears are cut into small cubes. The banana is crushed with a blender. Add a handful of chopped macadamia nuts to the banana mixture. The resulting sauce is poured over the fruit.
  2. Quick macadamia cheesecake. Unsweetened cookies or crackers are crushed into crumbs, mixed with a small amount of butter and a cake is formed in a baking dish. Cottage cheese, egg yolk, sweetener, vanillin and agar-agar are beaten into a homogeneous mass. The curd filling is placed on the crust. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top of the not yet hardened curd mass. Place the cheesecake in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours.

Where and how does macadamia nut grow and how is it used?

In cosmetology

Macadamia helps you look more beautiful. The positive effect is noticeable even if you simply include the product in your diet. However Various home remedies are also prepared with nut oil.:

  1. For stretch marks. Macadamia oil accelerates tissue regeneration. To even out the texture of the skin, it is rubbed daily into new stretch marks. It is useful to carry out this procedure during pregnancy to avoid skin injuries.
  2. Where and how does macadamia nut grow and how is it used?For hair. In a plastic or glass container, mix the yolk of one egg and 1 tbsp. l. macadamia oils. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair, covered with a towel and left for an hour. The mask is washed off with cool water.To avoid split ends and protect hair from ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures, rub a few drops of pure macadamia oil into the ends.
  3. For cellulite. Mix 1 s. l. blue clay, 1 tsp. macadamia oil and 1 tsp. pepper Water is added to the ingredients to form a mass with a creamy consistency. It is applied to problem areas and wrapped in film. Stand for 40 minutes. in a warm place, then wash off.
  4. For wrinkles and pigmentation. 1 tsp. white clay mixed with 1 tsp. macadamia oil and 1 tsp. thick sour cream. The mixture is applied to the face. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. Those with dry skin can additionally add a little oil to the cream or apply it to the face 1-2 times a week.

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In folk medicine

The product is also used in folk medicine. Macadamia helps cope with the following diseases and problems:

  1. Dystrophy. The rich composition and high calorie content normalize the vitamin and mineral balance and help the body recover faster.
  2. Diabetes. The product helps lower blood sugar levels.
  3. Where and how does macadamia nut grow and how is it used?Atherosclerosis, thrombosis. The nut helps cope with these problems due to its ability to remove harmful cholesterol from the body.
  4. Headaches and migraines (unless they are caused by other dangerous diseases).
  5. Obesity. Macadamia activates metabolism, which promotes weight loss. It also helps cope with sweet cravings and replenish vitamin and mineral balance.
  6. Endocrine disorders. This problem is solved by normalizing hormonal levels when eating nuts.
  7. Indigestion. The plant fibers in macadamia improve digestive processes.
  8. Colds and viral diseases. When eating a nut, the immune system is activated. Thanks to this, the body copes with the disease faster.
  9. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Macadamia contains all the substances needed to maintain and build bones. Moreover, in this form, each of them is assimilated.

Macadamia also has antitumor properties., as it promotes the destruction and removal of free radicals.

Important! Folk remedies are not used as independent treatment. They are used as an addition to the main course with the permission of a doctor.

Eating a few nuts a day is already good for your health. However Medicines are also prepared from macadamia:

  1. For migraine. Macadamia oil is rubbed into the temples in a circular motion.
  2. For arthritis and osteochondrosis. The oil is rubbed into problem areas to reduce pain.
  3. To boost immunity. 3 tbsp. l. honey mixed with 3 tbsp. l. ground macadamia. In the morning before meals, take 1 tsp. facilities.

Where and how does macadamia nut grow and how is it used?

How to choose nuts

For macadamia to be beneficial, it is important to know how to choose this product correctly. Basic rules are presented in the list:

  • the seller must have certificates;
  • the nuts should have a pleasant sweetish aroma without sourness or mustiness;
  • the kernels should be light and have a uniform color;
  • there should be no stains, traces of mold or damage on the kernels and shells;
  • It is better if the nuts are vacuum packed.

Buy nuts from health food stores or those specializing in exotic foods., dried fruits. You can also order macadamia nuts online.

When purchasing inshell nuts, you should pay attention to presence of a cut (split) in the coating along the seam. Without it, getting the core is problematic.

Note! Macadamia nuts don't come cheap. The average price for 1 kilogram of nuts is $30.

How to store them correctly

Nuts are stored in the refrigerator. If the kernels are shelled, it is better to keep them in vacuum packaging, as they oxidize in air.

If you plan to store the nuts for more than two months, they are frozen.. In the freezer, at a stable low temperature, the product can be stored for up to a year.


Macadamia nut is one of the healthiest and most expensive in the world. Its high cost is explained not only by its valuable composition, but also by the difficulties of growing it. The plant requires care, bears fruit only in the tenth year of life and is often attacked by pests. It grows only in countries with a tropical climate.

Macadamia nuts are used in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking. It improves health and appearance both when taken internally in its natural form and as an ingredient in topical products.

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