Purple basil: planting and care

Despite the variety of types and varieties of basil, gardeners often prefer purple. The plant is characterized by dark leaf color, a spicy but mild aroma and a sharper taste than the green one. In addition to vitamins and minerals, purple basil contains anthocyanins, flavonoids with antioxidant properties. Let us describe in detail the cultivation of this crop.

Growing purple basil seedlings from seeds

It is allowed to sow seeds directly into open ground. The optimal time for this in the southern regions is mid-to-late April; in other regions, due to the risk of return frosts, it is the end of May to June.

To protect seedlings from frost and speed up harvesting, basil is grown in seedlings. In this case, the seeds are germinated at home, and then the already grown and strengthened seedlings are transplanted into the beds.

Purple basil: planting and care

When to sow

Defining sowing time for seedlings, are guided by the fact that Plants are transferred to open ground no earlier than at the age of 45–60 days. In all regions except the southern ones, where sowing is carried out directly in open ground, the optimal time for this is the end of March - the beginning of April.

Seed preparation

One of the main conditions for successfully growing basil is proper preparation of planting material., since the ethereal shell of seeds makes it difficult for them to germinate. Coated grains do not require pre-sowing treatment.

For 10–15 days before sowing, keep the seeds in a well-warmed place. Most often they are placed on the battery, wrapped in natural fabric.

After warming up seeds are soaked in warm water: laid out on gauze, tied with thread and placed in a container with hot water (+40°C). Place in a warm place for 1-2 days, change the water every 12 hours. Afterwards, the gauze bag is carefully washed with water to remove mucus from the seeds and dried.

Reference. If the material was collected independently, before sowing it is soaked for 1 day in a solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect and improve resistance to diseases and pests.

To improve root formation The seeds are immersed in the Kornevin solution for 1 hour.

Purple basil: planting and care

Selection of soil and container

Seeds are sown in elongated containers with a depth of 10 cm with the condition of subsequent picking or immediately into individual containers (for example, peat pots, glasses, cut-off bottles, yogurt or baby food jars, kefir boxes). A prerequisite is the presence of drainage holes. The minimum volume of the container for sowing is 0.2 l, the maximum is 5 l.

Used for growing seedlings a ready-made substrate purchased in a store, soil from the garden, or a self-prepared soil mixture consisting of equal parts of peat, garden soil and humus.

Reference. Suitable soil for basil is light, loose and fertile.

In the last two cases, the ground is disinfected in advance: pour with a solution of potassium permanganate, freeze for 1 week or roast in the oven at +180°C for 2 hours. This rids the soil of harmful microorganisms and protects plants from diseases.

Before sowing, the substrate is watered with a nutrient solution.: add 5 g of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate and potassium chloride to the water.


Algorithm of actions:

  1. At the bottom of the prepared container, lay a layer of drainage made of expanded clay, broken brick, perlite or small pebbles 1 cm thick.
  2. Fill the container with substrate.
  3. Seeds are planted densely, deepening them by 0.5–1 cm.
  4. Water the crops a little, sprinkle with soil, tamp it down slightly to eliminate the risk of air pockets, and water again.
  5. Cover the container with plastic film or glass to create a greenhouse effect and put it in a warm place.

Purple basil: planting and careOptimal air temperature for seed germination - +25...+27°C.

Subject to temperature conditions shoots appear in 10–12 (less often - 7-8) days after sowing. After this, the polyethylene or glass is removed, and the container is placed on a lighted windowsill.

The seedlings are watered regularly, focusing on the condition of the soil.: Do not allow it to dry out or over-wet it.

When growing seedlings in a common container After the formation of 1-2 leaves on the seedlings, picking is carried out - the plants are carefully planted in individual containers.

How to plant purple basil outdoors

Seedlings are transplanted into open ground at the age of 45–60 days., when 4-5 leaves are formed on the sprouts, and only after stable warm weather has established. In most regions of Russia, this time falls at the end of May - beginning of June.

Basil planted in a well-lit place, protected from gusty winds and drafts. The crop does not grow well in wet, heavy clay and loamy soil. The soil should be light, loose and nutritious, have good moisture permeability and aeration.

Before planting purple basil, dig up the soil and fertilize it, add 3–5 kg of humus, 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt for every 1 m².

Reference. Good neighbors for the crop are legumes, tomatoes and sweet peppers, bad neighbors are daikon and radishes.

In the prepared area, rows are formed at a distance of 25–30 cm from each other., make planting holes in them and place basil seedlings using the transshipment method. The distance between plants is from 25 cm.


Crop care consists of following basic agrotechnical rules: regular watering, fertilizing, weeding, loosening and protection from diseases and pests.

Purple basil: planting and care

Watering rules

Basil water based on weather conditions: on hot days, plants are moistened daily, on cloudy days - once every 2-3 days. Watering is carried out in the morning by pouring water at room temperature that has been standing for 24 hours under the root.

Excessive moisture leads to the development of blackleg. When the soil dries out, productivity decreases.

Loosening and weeding

The soil is loosened after each watering. This improves the access of oxygen and moisture to the roots and helps avoid the formation of a dry soil crust.

Several times during the growth of basil, the ground is weeded., removing weeds that take away moisture and nutrients, creating a favorable environment for the development of diseases and pests.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied for the first time 10–12 days after transplanting the plants into the garden bed. (2 tbsp. “Nitrophoska” per 12 liters of water). Solution consumption - 3-4 liters per 1 m².

In the future, basil is fed every 25–30 daysusing mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, which promotes the growth of green mass.


In order for basil to grow correctly, form a lush bush, increase leaf mass, it is pinched - remove the apical shoots when at least 6 leaves are formed on the plants.

Important! If the plant is about to bloom, it is pinched. After flowering, basil quickly withers.

Protection from diseases and pests

Purple basil: planting and care

Diseases and pests dangerous to purple basil:

Disease/pest Reasons for appearance Signs Treatment
Blackleg Increased acidity and poor soil aeration, excessive watering. The disease affects the root collar of seedlings, the vessels become soft, turn black and thin. As a result, the plant turns yellow and dies. The affected areas are removed, the plants are treated with biological preparations (“Topaz”, “Fitosporin”).
Fusarium High temperature against a background of high air humidity. In young plants, the stem becomes thinner and turns brown; in adults, the upper part dries out, the greenery withers and dies. At the early stage of the disease, basil is sprayed with an infusion of onion peels (it is poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:4 and infused for 24 hours).


In case of severe damage, the drugs “Teldor”, “Sumilex”, “Fundazol”, “Vectra”, “Skor” are used.

Gray rot The fungus lives in the soil and begins to multiply when the air humidity is high. First, light brown spots appear on the lower leaves, and later on the entire plant.
Curling leaves Damage by blackleg, downy mildew, fusarium, aphids, bugs or improper care (poor or excessive watering, high temperature, root damage). The edges of the leaves curl inward. Review the watering and fertilizing schedule. Inspect plants for symptoms of diseases or pests and, if necessary, provide appropriate treatment.
Yellowing of leaves Depletion of soil, damage to roots when transplanting seedlings, damage by aphids and bugs. Leaves turn yellow or gray. Plants are fed with mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, magnesium and phosphorus.
Falling leaves Lack of moisture in the soil. The leaves dry out and fall off. Increase the frequency and abundance of watering.
Aphid Violation of agrotechnical requirements: untimely weeding, thickened plantings, excessive or insufficient watering. A dark coating appears on the surface of the leaves, and a sugary secretion remains on which sooty fungus multiplies. The plant is withering. Basil is sprayed with decoctions of hot pepper, wormwood, dandelion, tansy, onion or garlic, and soap solution. In advanced cases, Bankol, Akarin, Actellik are used.
Spider mite Dryness, heat, stagnant air. A thin white web appears on the plant, the leaves dry out, and black dots are visible on the back side. Basil is treated with soap solution or infusion of tansy, lavender and rosemary in equal proportions. For significant lesions, Akarin is used.

To increase the immunity of the crop, it is sprayed 1-2 times per season with the preparations “Immunocytofit”, “Novosil”, “Obereg”.

Interesting things on the site:

Germinating basil seedlings in a snail

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Why does purple basil turn green?

Basil is a light-loving crop. Purple leaves turn green when there is a lack of sunlight. Daylight hours for the plant should last 14–16 hours.

Purple basil: planting and care

If your basil leaves and shoots don't turn purple When growing in the garden, all you have to do is wait for sunny days. With their onset, the bushes will return to their original color.

Important! If basil grows on a windowsill and the weather is cloudy outside or the window is located on the shaded side, the seedlings are taken to a sunny place or lamps are installed for artificial lighting.


Purple basil is a spicy annual plant, which, due to its poor resistance to frost, is most often grown in seedlings. The plant is sensitive to soil composition, loves warmth and light, but is unpretentious in care. To obtain a bountiful harvest, it is enough to regularly water the plantings, apply fertilizers and loosen the soil. The aromatic beneficial leaves are consumed fresh, dried, frozen or canned.

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