How long can buckwheat be stored at home?

If you do not want to be poisoned by buckwheat, pay attention not only to the expiration date of the product, but also to its storage conditions. At the same time, different types of cereals require taking into account important nuances and features. The article will tell you how to store dry cereals and cooked porridge, and how to understand that the product is spoiled.

How to store dry buckwheat

How long can buckwheat be stored at home?

In order for dry cereal to be stored as long as possible, three basic conditions must be met:

  • the place should be dark, since exposure to direct sunlight harms buckwheat;
  • temperature range within +5…+25°С;
  • humidity should not exceed 60%.

If these conditions are not observed and buckwheat is left, for example, in a hot room on an open shelf, condensation will appear in the container and the grain will quickly deteriorate. The same thing will happen if the product is exposed to direct sunlight and increased humidity.

Shelf life of cereals in the freezer

Since buckwheat is successfully stored at above-zero temperatures, it is not advisable to place it in the freezer. As a result of freezing, it will quickly lose its beneficial properties and taste, and the product will have to be thrown away.

Reference. If desired, dry buckwheat can also be stored in the refrigerator on the lower shelves. This option is suitable for the hot summer months. In this case, the cereal is poured into a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

Storing buckwheat at room temperature

How long can buckwheat be stored at home?

If the described conditions are met in the room where buckwheat is stored, the product remains usable for up to two years. The following factors will also influence the safety of cereals:

  • the material from which the container is made;
  • tightness of the container.

Let's decide on the types of containers that are suitable for storing buckwheat.

Selecting a Storage Capacity

These containers are suitable for buckwheat:

How long can buckwheat be stored at home?

  • glass or metal jars with tight-fitting lids;
  • plastic containers suitable for storing food;
  • canvas bags made of natural fabric.

If you decide to pour the cereal into bags, before using, boil them in a concentrated saline solution for 10-15 minutes and then dry. This preparation will protect buckwheat from pests and excess moisture.

To get rid of excess moisture in another container, place a small gauze bag of table salt on its bottom.

Important. If you pour cereal into a plastic bag or plastic container that is not suitable for storing food, it will quickly spoil.

Shelf life of dry buckwheat

Dry buckwheat can be stored for 8 to 24 months. Please note that the freshness of the product is affected not only by temperature and humidity, but also by the packaging in which the cereal is located.

Reference. If the necessary storage conditions are violated, then after 8-10 months the cereal will lose all its beneficial properties.

In open packaging and by weight

If you buy buckwheat by weight or open the package immediately after purchase, the product remains suitable for no longer than four months. The indicated shelf life is relevant if you comply with all the necessary conditions, but do not pour the cereal into a container with a tight lid.

Important. When choosing a suitable place for buckwheat, do not forget that it quickly absorbs surrounding odors.Therefore, cereals should be stored away from spices and other odorous products.

How long can buckwheat be stored at home?

In a closed package

In sealed store packaging, buckwheat can be stored for 12-24 months. When purchasing, pay attention to the expiration date, as well as the year and month of packaging. This information can be found on the surface of the package.

Important. If the required dates are not stamped on the package itself, but on a glued label, it is better to refuse the purchase, since it is not known under what conditions and for how long such buckwheat was stored.

How does the consumption time change after opening the package?

If you open the store packaging, but do not pour the cereal into a suitable airtight container, its shelf life is greatly reduced. As mentioned earlier, such a product will be suitable for use for no longer than 3-4 months.

It is also worth considering the overall shelf life. If you open the package 1-2 months before its end, you will have to use buckwheat in the remaining 30-60 days.

What do GOSTs say?

How long can buckwheat be stored at home?

The state standard contains the following information about the storage period and process of buckwheat:

  1. It is recommended to store cleaned, dry and refrigerated.
  2. During storage, it is necessary to regularly inspect the grain, monitoring its color, smell, temperature, humidity and the presence of parasites.
  3. The shelf life of the cereal can be set by its manufacturer.

Signs of spoiled cereal

To determine the suitability of the product, pour a small amount of cereal onto a saucer and carefully examine it.

Pay attention to the following signs:

  • whitish coating or mold on the surface of the grains;
  • unpleasant musty smell;
  • bitterness appeared in the taste;
  • there are bugs, moths or worms inside the container with cereal;
  • the grains stick together, turning into lumps.

If you notice at least one of the described signs, it is better to throw away the buckwheat.

How to store boiled buckwheat

How long can buckwheat be stored at home?

Cooked cereal is stored much less than dry. In this case, it is necessary to take into account factors such as temperature conditions and the presence of additives.

How long can boiled buckwheat be stored without additives in the refrigerator?

If the porridge was cooked in water without oil or other additives, then it can be put in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. But keep in mind that after just four days, buckwheat will begin to lose its taste, aroma and benefits.

Is it possible to freeze

If buckwheat was cooked in water without any additives, it can be put in the freezer and stored there for 2-3 weeks without loss of taste, aroma and beneficial properties. In this case, it is recommended to place the porridge in small portions in flat containers suitable for freezing.

How long to store cereals with additives in the refrigerator

If any additives were used during the preparation of porridge, its shelf life is reduced.

The shelf life of buckwheat will depend on the products added to it:

  1. Porridge cooked with milk must be eaten immediately after cooking, as it quickly spoils. This dish can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 24 hours.
  2. Buckwheat porridge with chicken can be kept in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.
  3. Porridge with pork, beef or meat gravy is suitable for consumption for no longer than two days.
  4. If you add butter to buckwheat boiled in water, it will be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days, if vegetable oil - five days.

Storing boiled buckwheat at room temperature

There is no way to put cooked buckwheat in the refrigerator; it must be eaten within 3-4 hours after cooking, otherwise the dish will begin to lose its taste, aroma and beneficial properties.

If the room temperature does not exceed +15°C, the porridge will be suitable for consumption within the next 24 hours. If the temperature exceeds +20°C, buckwheat will spoil within 6-10 hours.

This is interesting:

How to properly rinse buckwheat and is it necessary to do so?

Can adults be allergic to buckwheat?

Is it possible to eat buckwheat with milk: what are the benefits and harms of such a combination?

How to understand that boiled buckwheat is not suitable for consumption

How long can buckwheat be stored at home?

If boiled buckwheat goes bad, the following signs will appear:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • unpleasant sour taste;
  • mucus at the bottom of the pan or in the porridge itself;
  • mold.

If at least one of the listed signs appears, stop eating this porridge.

Important. If cooked buckwheat has spoiled, do not attempt to boil or fry it. It’s also not worth getting rid of an unpleasant taste with seasonings. Any attempts to “bring back to life” spoiled food can lead to poisoning.


To buckwheat stored for as long as possible, immediately after purchase, pour it into sealed glass or plastic packaging, and then put it in a dark and cool place. To prevent buckwheat from spoiling, do not buy or cook more of it than necessary.

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