Why do worms appear in cauliflower and how to get rid of them
Cauliflower is famous for its unique nutritional and healing qualities, which is why many gardeners grow it in their plots. However, often, counting on a good harvest, they end up encountering worms in cabbage inflorescences. Read on to learn about the reasons for their appearance and ways to combat them.
Why do worms appear in cauliflower?
Worms are usually called:
- Cabbage whites. The yellow-green caterpillars of this butterfly feed on the pulp of leaves, leaving behind small holes or just leaf veins.
- Cabbage moth. Yellowish-colored caterpillars 9-12 mm in size gnaw out the pulp, leaving the upper tissue intact.
- Slugs. They gnaw through holes in leaves, as well as long passages in heads of cabbage.
- Scoop. The dark gray caterpillar feeds on cabbage seedlings and eats up young plants close to the surface of the ground.
Among the many worms that belong specifically to the class of invertebrates, there are also organisms that parasitize cabbage beds:
- Nematodes (white roundworms). A microscopic worm (its body length is 1-1.5 mm) penetrates the root system of plants and eats it from the inside. Due to insufficient nutrients, affected heads of cabbage are stunted in growth. As a result, the yield and taste of vegetables decrease. Since the nematode develops well and in open ground, and in hothouse conditions, then everyone is in danger cauliflower varieties.
- Earthworms (ringed worms). They feed on weakened plants or partially rotted leaves. Actively moving in the ground, they damage the thin roots of the crop, after which it dries out.
Most often, small worms in the head of cabbage between the leaves appear when the rules of agricultural technology and crop rotation of plants are violated. Also, the development of these organisms is favored by loamy soil and regular watering, which facilitate their transfer to susceptible roots.
Nematodes, for example, can spread through contaminated soil, infected seedlings, tools and farm equipment.
Reference. Plants that survive worm attacks produce small, loose heads and have discolored root systems.
How to get rid of worms in cabbage
The problem can be quickly and radically solved with the help of pesticides - within 1-2 hours after treatment, most worms and caterpillars die. However, experienced gardeners suggest using folk remedies based on natural ingredients:
- Regular hot water. Affected pests The plant is dug up and the rhizome is immersed in water at a temperature of +50°C. The bush is kept in water for about 20 minutes, during which both the adults and their eggs die.
- Infusion of marigolds. 1 kg of crushed marigolds is poured into 10 liters of water and infused for 2 days. The infusion is used for irrigation.
- The infusion of nasturtium is large. 250-300 g of crushed plant are poured into 5 liters of water and left in a warm place. After a day, the product is filtered and used for irrigation.
Cabbage is processed 3 times with a weekly interval.
If traditional methods of fighting worms are unsuccessful, use chemicals from the group of nematicides:
- "Heterophos";
- "Mercaptophos";
- "Phosfamide."
Plants are treated by spraying solutions of these chemicals. The procedure is carried out 3 times every 5 days.
What to do if there are earthworms in white cabbage
To prevent earthworms from crawling into white cabbage, experienced gardeners recommend mulching the soil in the beds. The procedure is carried out in the fall with a thick layer of hay or straw.
Over the winter, the mulch is compressed and becomes moisture-absorbing. It does not dry out for a long time, and the moisture underneath also remains for a long time. In such conditions, earthworms feel comfortable, so they do not have to crawl into a young emerging head of cabbage and hide in damp leaves from the scorching rays of the sun.
If you suspect that there are earthworms in the cabbage head, perform the following steps:
- Wash the head of cabbage thoroughly.
- Each leaf is separated and carefully inspected for pests.
- Place the leaves in a container, pour a weak saline solution and leave for 10-15 minutes.
- Then rinse and use to prepare any dish.
Do earthworms eat cabbage?
Since earthworms do not have a gnawing mouthpart, they are unable to eat either the roots or leaves of cabbage. They feed on semi-decomposed plant matter.
What to do if cabbage roots are eaten by white worms
Cabbage roots can be affected by white root worms (root-knot nematodes). They are extremely tenacious and voracious, resistant to traditional pesticides.
If the cabbage is slightly damaged, it is recommended to completely replace the old soil with new soil to a depth of 0.5 m, after which this area is treated with an insecticidal solution.
Attention! The first signs of the presence of nematodes in cabbage beds are wilting and discoloration of the leaves, and their curling.If the plant is dug up, swellings may be found on the roots.
The fight against nematodes involves timely implementation of preventive measures.
What to do if a cabbage root is eaten by a worm:
- Water the soil before landing boiling water To obtain the effect of the procedure, it is necessary to saturate the soil to a depth of at least 15-20 cm with water at a temperature of +50...+55°C.
- Maintain crop rotation. Many worms prefer to feed on certain plants. By planting another crop in a specific area, you can get rid of the nematode.
- Choose varieties and hybrids that are relatively resistant to nematode damage.
- Plant plants that repel pests, such as marigolds or calendula, between rows.
- Renew the soil by adding mustard powder or tobacco dust.
- Use specific drugs aimed at combating nematodes: “Aktofit”, “Fitoverm”.
Can you eat cauliflower if it has worms?
If the head of cabbage is not severely damaged by worms and their waste, it can be used for food. You just need to divide it into inflorescences, carefully examine them and process them in the manner described above.
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Effectively controlling worms in cauliflower is difficult, but not impossible. Before resorting to chemicals, you should use folk remedies. It is also important to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner.