Purple cauliflower: description and photo

Recently, gardeners have been paying more and more attention to cauliflower. The trend of growing varieties with unusual colored heads, for example, purple, is gaining particular popularity. This plant is interesting from an aesthetic point of view and has health benefits. In this article we will tell you everything about purple cauliflower.

Origin and description of purple cauliflower

Purple cauliflower: description and photo

Since the 70s XX For centuries, scientists have been breeding variegated varieties of cauliflower. Basically, all work was carried out in Mediterranean countries, as the most suitable climate.

Subsequently, the experience of developing new varieties was extended to the rest of Europe. Thus, the Swiss company Syngeta contributed to the appearance of purple cauliflower in the UK. Andrew Coker, an employee of the company, said that they were able to obtain a bright, stable color without using GMO technology. When breeding the purple variety, breeders used the selection of classic samples with a natural mutation and the use of natural pigments that affect the color of the plant head.

The purple and violet-colored varieties differ slightly in beneficial properties from the original variety, and are even superior in taste. However, they are inferior to white varieties in terms of yield. The head of cabbage, called the head in cauliflower, has a round, slightly flattened shape and is surrounded by dense green leaves.

Varieties and hybrids of purple cauliflower

Nowadays, gardeners have a large selection of seed planting material. In addition to varieties, there are hybrids on the market, thanks to which it is possible to obtain a harvest of purple cauliflower almost until late autumn.

Purple Queen F1

Refers to early ripening hybrids. It has a rich purple color. Slightly flattened, rounded heads of cabbage ripen in 70-80 days. Fresh inflorescences can be consumed. Looks beautiful when decorating dishes.

Amethyst F1

Purple cauliflower: description and photo

Refers to mid-early hybrids. It has a rich purple color of inflorescences. Its peculiarity is the ability to self-cover with large, dense leaves with a waxy film. Heads of cabbage ripen in 70-80 days. A high-quality harvest with aligned heads is obtained when sowing in spring and summer.

The recommended period is from mid-May. Particularly good when preparing a colored salad, as well as in frozen vegetable mixtures after boiling for 7 minutes. The optimal weight of the heads - 0.6-1.2 kg - and their color are achieved by observing the planting scheme (0.4x0.4 m) and the rules of agricultural technology.

Graffiti F1

Purple cauliflower: description and photo

Mid-early hybrid. The round-flat heads are lumpy, rich dark purple in color, and reach a weight of up to 1.1 kg. High-yielding – 5-6 kg per 1 m². Recommended seedling planting method. 30-day-old seedlings reach technical ripeness in 70-80 days.

The hybrid has high commercial qualities. In temperate climates it can be grown all season, and in subtropical climates winter cultivation is allowed. It has excellent taste and is suitable for consumption raw.

purple ball

Refers to high-yielding mid-season varieties. The period from germination to harvest is 110-120 days.The semicircular heads have a rich violet-purple color. Characterized by high commercial qualities. The heads are dense in structure, weighing up to 1.4 kg. Suitable for storage.

Cabbage is resistant to autumn frosts and some diseases. The plant is medium-sized, the head is medium-leafed. Suitable for preparing vegetable side dishes, mixtures, freezing. It is not eaten raw. When cooked, it may lose color brightness.

Purple cauliflower: description and photo


The variety is mid-season - 110-120 days, high-yielding. The heads are round-flat in shape, rich violet-purple in color. Dense in structure, weighing up to 1.5 kg. The cold-resistant variety is resistant to some diseases.

It has high taste qualities. Suitable for long-term storage in a cold room or refrigerator, as well as for freezing. Suitable for preparing hot side dishes and canning.

Purple cauliflower: description and photo

Sicily purple

Medium late variety – 140-150 days. It has a hemispherical head of inky purple color. The structure is very dense, weighing up to 1.2 kg. Coverage of the head by leaves is average. There is no friability of the inflorescences.

Characterized by a compact, erect rosette and amicable ripening. Requires tight deadlines for cleaning. To obtain a decent harvest, when planting in a permanent place, it is necessary to observe grouping - 4 seedlings per 1 m².

Clara's corals

Refers to high-yielding, mid-season varieties - from germination to harvest 110-120 days. Has valuable dietary properties. The heads are round-flat, violet-purple in color. The structure is dense, smooth, weighing up to 1.5 kg, with partial sheet covering. The variety is cold-resistant. It has high taste qualities.

Suitable for long-term storage in a cold room or refrigerator, as well as for freezing. Suitable for preparing salads, hot side dishes and canning. Productivity – up to 3.6 kg per 1 m².

Purple cauliflower: description and photo

Growing methods

Purple agricultural technology is practically no different from growing cauliflower of other colors. The purple vegetable can be planted with seedlings or without it.

Growing seedlings

This method makes it possible to rationally use seed material to meet the requirements for planting density. Purple cabbage does not like transplanting, so when sowing, use cups and seedling tablets.

Purple cauliflower: description and photo

Young plants are best grown in two stages:

  • sow from the second half of March and plant in open ground at the end of April - beginning of May;
  • sow on May 14-26 in a cold nursery and plant the plants in a permanent place in June.

Immediately before sowing, the seeds must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. A 1% composition is prepared from 5 g of potassium permanganate and 500 ml of water. The seeds are kept in this solution for 20 minutes, then washed and planted in the ground.

The soil mixture for seedlings is prepared from equal parts of sand and peat with the addition of fertilizers. Potassium nitrate and superphosphate are added at the rate of 0.5 tsp per 10 kg of soil. fertilizers If there is a lack of nutrition, plant leaves will curl and deform, and the inflorescences will rot.

For seed germination, a soil temperature of +16…+18°C is required.

When the first shoots appear, the plants are sent to a cool place for hardening.

Attention! At daytime temperatures above +8°C, the seedlings will stretch and weaken. This threatens the death of plants after transplantation. into open ground.

In addition to hardening, seedlings require feeding.The first is applied after the formation of 2 true leaves. The second - several days before planting in open ground.

35-40 days after germination, the seedlings are suitable for transplanting to a permanent location. The general arrangement of plants is 0.3x0.5 m. Certain varieties require a different density. In this case, you must follow the recommendations of the breeders.

After planting the plants in open ground, watering is stopped for several days so that the seedlings take root better. The roots will go deep into the soil, and the cabbage will be more resilient.

Growing without seedlings

Purple cauliflower: description and photo

Growing purple cabbage without seedlings, i.e. sowing seeds in open ground, is also better in 2 stages:

  • under film in late April - early May;
  • without covering with film at the end of June - beginning of July.

The disadvantage of this method is the excessive consumption of seeds. Some varieties require careful planting, which can only be achieved by thickened sowing and subsequently by removing excess plants. However, the method without seedlings allows you to get the harvest at a later date. Some varieties ripen until October.

General rules of agricultural technology

Cauliflower purple cabbage is very picky about the soil. Increased soil acidity inhibits the formation of inflorescence ovaries. This cabbage does not tolerate temperature changes, so you should be very careful when choosing a growing location. Plants should be planted in a sunny area, protected from drafts.

Before planting, the soil in the garden bed is fertilized with rotted compost. Each hole under the plant is dusted with lime to avoid infection with cabbage clubroot.

Purple cauliflower: description and photoBasic care includes watering with a large volume of water at the root and periodically spraying the leaves.This cabbage absolutely does not tolerate drying out.

It is recommended to feed 2-3 times with mullein infusion.

Regular weeding, loosening and hilling help strengthen the stem and rhizome. Purple heads will set and ripen faster.

On particularly hot days, shading is required. If the top layer of soil dries out, mulching is necessary. It will protect the plant roots from overheating and maintain soil moisture.

Usually 10 days after the formation of inflorescences, the first harvest is already harvested. Overripe heads lose their taste and are prone to crumbling.

Reference. The latest, late harvest, which is harvested in October, can be saved until the New Year holidays. The plant is dug up with roots and a clod of earth, planted in a suitable container and put into a cool cellar. At temperatures from +2 to +5°C, cabbage will grow. The main condition for such long-term preservation is the absence of damage to the socket.

Beneficial properties of lilac cauliflower

Purple cauliflower: description and photo

The high content of anthocyanins in the inflorescences, which provide a bright purple color, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

It has already been established that regular consumption of this vegetable reduces the risk of developing:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver failure;
  • gallbladder dysfunction;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • cancer.

Purple cauliflower is distinguished from white cauliflower by its more delicate taste and quick preparation.

When cooking purple inflorescences, it is worth considering that the water in which they will be boiled must be acidified (for example, with citric acid) in order to maintain the brightness of the color. Steaming or cooking in batter will help prevent the color from fading.Italians advise replacing the potato side dish with a side dish of this type of cabbage at least once a week.


Growing purple cauliflower is a fun activity that will bring beauty to your garden and undoubted health benefits. Properly selected varieties and compliance with agricultural technology requirements will allow you to obtain a harvest for a long time.

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