Unpretentious late-ripening cabbage hybrid Menzania f1
Among the variety of white cabbage varieties, the Dutch hybrid Menzania F1 stands out. It is suitable for growing in harsh climates, and the tasty heads of cabbage are stored for a long time. Let's look at the main characteristics and features of growing this cabbage.
Description of cabbage hybrid Menzania F1
The hybrid of the Dutch selection of the Seminis company is cultivated in many regions of Russia both by private gardeners and at agricultural enterprises.
The hybrid was developed at the end of the 20th century and registered by Seminis, at that time one of the largest producers of fruit and vegetable seeds. The hybrid quickly gained popularity due to its resistance to sudden cold snaps. Included in the state register in 2013, it is especially recommended for cultivation in the Nizhnevolzhsky region.
There is no exact data on the varieties used in breeding the hybrid.
Chemical composition and beneficial properties
On average, per 100 g of vegetable there are:
- carbohydrates - 7 g;
- fat - 0.1 g;
- proteins - 2 g;
- dietary fiber - 3 g;
- water - 87.9 g.
Vitamin composition per 100 g:
- K - 77 μg;
- B1 - 0.03 μg;
- B2 - 0.04 μg;
- B5 - 0.2 µg;
- B6 - 0.1 mcg;
- B9 - 11 mcg;
- C - 46 mg;
- E - 0.2 mg;
- PP - 0.9 mg;
- A - 4 mcg.
Micro- and macroelements per 100 g:
- calcium - 47 mg;
- sodium - 12 mg;
- magnesium - 16 mg;
- potassium - 310 mg;
- chlorine - 36 mg;
- sulfur - 36 mg;
- phosphorus - 30 mg;
- iron - 0.6 mg;
- zinc - 0.4 mg;
- iodine - 3.2 mcg;
- copper - 78 mcg;
- manganese - 16 mcg;
- selenium - 4 mcg;
- molybdenum - 9 mcg.
Cabbage is low in calories and high in fiber and vitamins. The leaves improve metabolism, the condition of hair, nails and skin, help the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the body in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, and liver.
Features of application
Due to its pleasant taste without bitterness, cabbage is optimal for fresh use and in salads. Cultivated for pickling and preservation. Holds its shape perfectly and retains crispness during long-term storage in canned form.
Ripening time and yield
The hybrid belongs to the mid-late variety. It takes about 140 days to technical maturity, and 100 days to milk maturity.
Productivity is high: from 1 hectare you can get up to 48 tons of crop. The maximum yield is 70 tons. The yield of marketable products is about 90%.
Resistance to disease and cold
The hybrid is resistant to most diseases, when ripe and with proper agricultural technology, vegetables do not crack on the vine and during storage. If growing rules are violated, Menzania may be susceptible to powdery mildew, downy mildew and Alternaria. Is immune to fusarium.
It tolerates short-term frosts well on the soil.
Appearance and taste
Horizontal type socket. The leaves are large, juicy, gray-green, with an intense waxy coating. The head of cabbage is round-flat, completely covered, whitish-green when cut. The weight of a mature head of cabbage is 2.5–4 kg. The stump is medium length, dense.
The taste of cabbage was given 4.5 points out of 5.
Suitable regions
According to the State Register of the Russian Federation, it is suitable for the Lower Volga, Northwestern, East Siberian, and Far Eastern regions, but can also be used in other regions with dry and hot summers, long springs with late frosts and early autumns - on the soil.
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantages of the hybrid:
- excellent taste;
- storage duration;
- high productivity;
- versatility in use;
- immunity to diseases;
- frost resistance.
The disadvantage is that it is demanding on soils.
Seeds obtained from a hybrid will not give the daughter plants all the characteristics of the mother.
Difference from other varieties and hybrids
The hybrid is distinguished by high productivity and yield of marketable products, as well as resistance to cold. The heads of cabbage do not crack even in rainy summers or excessive watering.
Features of planting and growing
Menzania F1 imposes some requirements on agricultural technology.
Can be planted seeds directly into the ground or pre-germinate seedlings.
With any method of sowing, it is important to prepare the seeds. To harden them, they are placed in hot water (+40°C) for 15–17 minutes, and then in cool water (room temperature) for 3-4 minutes.
Reference. Seeds in a shell do not need preparation for sowing.
Additionally, you can place the seed in a solution of any growth stimulator and soak it according to the instructions.
Before transferring seedlings to open ground, it is also important to prepare them so that the plants do not experience serious stress from changing conditions. 10–12 days before planting, the cabbage is hardened by lowering the temperature in the room. To do this, it is enough to open the window for 3-4 hours in the first 2-3 days. Then the seedlings are taken out onto a glassed-in balcony for several hours over 2-3 days.When the sun is active, seedlings are shaded.
4-5 days before planting in the ground, reduce watering and take the seedlings to the balcony without returning them indoors.
How to plant without seedlings
Straight sowing in the ground is only suitable for regions where the heads of cabbage will definitely have time to ripen before the onset of frost.
Menzania is more demanding on the soil compared to most varieties and hybrids. 3 weeks before planting, the soil is fertilized: 5 kg of humus and 300 g of wood ash per 1 m².
The hybrid does not tolerate wetlands and acidic soils.
The best precursors for cabbage are legumes: peas, beans. Clover, alfalfa, sweet clover, and hairy peas are suitable as green manures. A good option would be nightshade (tomatoes, potatoes) or pumpkin (cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini) crops.
Dates, scheme and rules of planting
When planting in open ground, cabbage is sown at the end of April or beginning of May, depending on the weather conditions of the current year. Seedlings begin to be grown 40–50 days before planting on the site.
Planting density and depth
To plant seeds for seedlings, prepare small holes (1 cm) at a distance of at least 4 cm from each other. The soil is moistened with a spray bottle.
When planting in open ground, prepare holes 10–15 cm deep at a distance of 30–40 cm from each other.
Features of cultivation
The hybrid is demanding on some aspects of agricultural technology, for example, the schedule for applying fertilizers and loosening.
Watering mode
Young bushes require a certain watering regime: every other day, in the evening, and as they grow, switching to weekly moistening. Water with water at room temperature, if possible settled or rainwater. In rainy weather, watering is carried out every 4-5 days. The volume of water is 1 liter for each plant.
Menzania does not tolerate drought very well, so to obtain a rich harvest it is important to maintain the water regime of the soil. The quality of water plays a greater role than its quantity.
Important! Do not water cabbage with hot or cold water.
Before setting heads, plants are moistened no more than once a week. After the beginning of the formation of heads of cabbage and the transition to the active phase of the growing season - up to 3 times a week, depending on weather conditions.
Watering is carried out in the morning or evening, when the sun is still inactive. With a drip irrigation system, time does not play a significant role.
Stop watering completely 2 weeks before harvest.
Loosening and hilling
The first loosening is carried out 2 weeks after sowing or planting seedlings. Remove emerging weeds and lightly loosen the soil after watering. Then loosening is repeated every 7–10 days.
Reference. To preserve moisture, you can mulch the soil with peat 2.5–3 cm thick.
The first hilling is carried out after the leaves appear or 2 weeks after planting the seedlings. The soil is raked under the bush to create support for the leaves. This prevents the poker from bending. Subsequent hillings are carried out every 3-4 weeks.
Top dressing
Fertilizing is applied after watering to avoid burns to the developing root system.
Fertilizer application schedule:
- first feeding: early May, 2 g of potassium, 3 g of superphosphate, 3 g of saltpeter per 1 liter of water, 50 ml of solution per bush;
- second: early June, take 4 g of potassium per 1 liter of water, 6 g of superphosphate and nitrate each, 50 ml of solution per bush;
- third: mid-June, 1 g of saltpeter is used per 1 liter of water, 2 liters of solution are used for one well.
- fourth: the end of the active phase of vegetation and head formation, for 10 liters of water - 5 g of urea, 6 g of superphosphate, 7 g of potassium, each plant requires 1 liter of solution.
Measures to increase yield
To increase productivity, you can additionally feed the plants with mullein and chicken droppings. 2 weeks after transplanting into open ground, prepare a solution of chicken manure in a ratio of 15:1. After another 2 weeks, add mullein solution in a ratio of 10:1. If necessary, carry out a third feeding with mullein after the head has formed.
Disease and pest control
To prevent diseases, the soil for seedlings is disinfected with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. A week after transplanting the seedlings and the appearance of the first leaves of plants sown without seedlings, they are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
To protect cabbage from Alternaria blight, add 20 g of wood ash to the hole when planting.. Every 15–17 days after sowing, the soil is irrigated with a solution of copper sulfate: 100 g per 10 liters of water.
For protection against aphids plants are sprayed with a solution of laundry soap and ash: 300 g of each substance per 10 liters of water.
Difficulties in growing
The hybrid is demanding on the soil: it should not be acidic or waterlogged. It is recommended to monitor the temperature and quality of the water and let it sit before watering. It is better to water less often, but with high-quality water.
Young plants do not tolerate weeds well, so it is important to remove them as they appear.
The hybrid does not tolerate drought well. During a long rainless period, it is better to increase the frequency of watering.
Harvest and storage
Depending on the planting method, the harvest is harvested in early or mid-September.
The main signal for the start of harvesting is lower leaf plates - they begin to turn yellow. The heads of cabbage are uprooted along with the root or trimmed at a distance of 3-4 cm from it.
Cut vegetables are placed on wooden pallets to dry.
Storage features and shelf life of the hybrid
To ensure that the heads of cabbage retain their shelf life for a long time, they are dried before storing. Vegetables are kept in the basement, on racks, at a temperature no higher than +7°C and air humidity no more than 80%.
Tips and reviews from experienced gardeners
Feedback from farmers about Menzania F1 cabbage speaks of the versatility of the crop and easy cultivation.
Andreev Vasily, Altai region, Zarinsk: “It’s not a bad hybrid, I’ve been growing it for several years now, no problems have arisen. The yield is always pleasing; the heads of cabbage often exceed 3 kg, are dense and tasty, and do not crack. We store it in the cellar for up to six months, but be sure to maintain humidity and temperature, otherwise they can easily begin to rot.”
Kolchikhina Maria, Nizhny Novgorod: “Menzania decided to plant white cabbage when she read the technical specifications from Siemens. Grew up. Cabbage is like cabbage, nothing particularly caught my attention. I watered it regularly, hilled it only once, removed the weeds on time, then I got tired of it and continued to grow in the grass. I didn't notice anything special about the taste. I was pleased with the good keeping quality: most of the heads of cabbage can withstand until spring.”
Hybrid Menzania F1 is a mid-late white cabbage with excellent taste. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, the plants are suitable for cultivation in both southern and northern regions. The productivity is high, the yield of marketable products is up to 90%.