Unpretentious late-ripening cabbage hybrid Prestige f1

Gardeners often prefer late-ripening cabbage so that the harvest can be stored for a long time. In this article we will talk in detail about one of the popular late-ripening hybrids Prestige f1, its advantages, disadvantages and cultivation features.

Description of cabbage hybrid Prestige f1

Prestige f1 – a hybrid of white cabbage of domestic selection, which forms round, dense forks with juiciness and a pleasant sweet taste.

Breeding history

The hybrid was bred by a breeder of the Russian State Agrarian University named after. K. A. Timiryazeva G. F. Monakhos. Included in the State Register in 2007.

Unpretentious late-ripening cabbage hybrid Prestige f1

Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins, beneficial properties

Cabbage is good for the body. 100 g of vegetable contains:

  • vitamin PP – 0.7 mg;
  • vitamin K – 76 mcg;
  • vitamin E – 0.15 mg;
  • vitamin B6 – 0.124 mg;
  • vitamin B1 – 0.061 mg;
  • vitamin A – 0.03 mg;
  • ascorbic acid – up to 45 mg;
  • calcium – up to 48 mg;
  • magnesium – 16 mg;
  • phosphorus – up to 31 mg;
  • potassium – 170 mg;
  • sodium – 18 mg.

Eating cabbage minimizes the risk of developing atherosclerosis, improves the functioning of the digestive system, helps in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, insomnia, and headaches. Cabbage leaves help with swelling, inflammation of the skin, cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol, and joint pain.

Features of application

Prestige f1 consumed fresh, fermented, salted, canned, used for preparing snacks and vegetable salads. Heads of cabbage tolerate heat treatment without loss of taste, so cabbage is boiled, stewed and fried.

Ripening time and yield

This is a late-ripening hybrid. After the appearance of mass shoots, 160-170 days pass until the onset of technical maturity of the crop, from planting seedlings in open ground - about 125 days.

Marketable yield is 328-660 c/ha. The yield of marketable products is 94%.

Reference. The maximum yield was recorded in the Ivanovo region - 699 c/ha.

Resistance to diseases, pests and cold

Cabbage Prestige f1 is resistant to Fusarium wilt, Alternaria and thrips. At the same time, it can be affected by white and gray rot, cabbage flies, white flies, cutworms, moths, mole crickets, and cruciferous flea beetles.

Hardened seedlings tolerate a short drop in air temperature to -3...-5°C.

Characteristics, description of the appearance of leaves and heads of cabbage, taste

The hybrid is characterized by dense round heads weighing 2-2.6 kg, individual specimens weigh up to 3.5 kg. The cabbage is white in cross section. The length of the inner stalk is 6 cm, the outer stalk is 15 cm.

Unpretentious late-ripening cabbage hybrid Prestige f1

The leaf rosette is raised, reaches 90 cm in diameter. The leaves are medium-sized, slightly bubbly, with slightly wavy edges, light green with a gray tint and covered with a thick layer of waxy coating.

Cabbage to taste sweet and juicy.

Growing regions and climate requirements

Hybrid Prestige f1 included in the State Register of Russia with permission to grow in Northwestern, Central, Ural, West Siberian and Central Black Earth regions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Prestige f1 hybrid

The main advantages of culture:

  • good commercial quality;
  • possibility of mechanized harvesting;
  • high seed germination and yield;
  • excellent taste and juiciness of heads of cabbage;
  • ability to adapt to climatic conditions of different regions;
  • lack of tendency to cracking even during dry periods;
  • long-term storage of crops;
  • immunity to diseases characteristic of the culture;
  • uniform ripening, density and good transportability of heads of cabbage;
  • suitability for commercial cultivation;
  • versatility of use.

There are no disadvantages identified in this hybrid..

Difference from other varieties and hybrids

Comparison of Prestige f1 with other late-ripening hybrids:

Hybrid Head shape Head weight, kg Productivity, c/ha
Prestige f1 Round 2-2,6 328-660
Anniversary f1 Round 2-2,7 327-576
Extra f1 Flat-rounded 2,5-2,8 398-424
Expect f1 Round 1,9-3 278-600

Features of planting and growing

The hybrid is cultivated in open and closed ground. In order for plants to grow and develop well, it is recommended to grow this cabbage seedling method.

Unpretentious late-ripening cabbage hybrid Prestige f1

Preparing to plant seeds and seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown from mid-March to the end of April, considering that it is transplanted into the ground when the sprouts are 40-45 days old.

The soil is pre-spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate or a fungicide (for example, Maxim) for disinfection. Before sowing, planting material is soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20-40 minutes, then washed and dried. This allows you to improve its germination and provide additional protection from diseases and pests.

Reference. A substrate suitable for sowing seeds consists of peat, garden soil, river sand and ash.

The soil is poured into the prepared container and the seeds are laid out on its surface, deepening it to about 1.5-2 cm and maintaining a distance between the grains of at least 1 cm.

Then the container is covered with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect and put it in a warm place until germination, regularly watering the ground and ventilating the greenhouse. After seed germination, the air temperature in the room with seedlings is maintained at +14...+17°C during the day and +12°C at night. If the seedlings grow thin and elongated, the temperature is reduced to +6...+7°C for a week.

Hardening of the seedlings begins 2-3 weeks before transplanting into the ground.. To do this, the container with the seedlings is taken outside or onto the balcony, first for 20-30 minutes, then for 2-4 hours; on the last day the seedlings are not taken indoors.

How to plant without seedlings

In regions with warm climates, it is permissible to grow the hybrid Prestige f1 without seedlings – by sowing seeds in closed ground. To do this, at the end of April - beginning of May, they are sown in a film greenhouse at an air temperature of +15...+17°C at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, deepening by 1.5-2 cm.

Soil requirements

Cabbage planted in a well-lit area protected from gusty winds. The hybrid prefers loose, fertile soil with low or neutral acidity levels.


Prestige f1 do not plant after arugula, radish, radishes and cruciferous “brethren”. The best predecessors are onions, peas, beans, potatoes, garlic, beans, carrots.

Reference. According to the rules of crop rotation, crops can be planted in the same place after at least 4 years.

Dates, scheme and rules of planting

Seedlings are transplanted into open ground in May - early Junewhen she is 40-45 days old.At the time of transplantation, seedlings should have 4-5 true leaves.

Planting scheme:

  1. Form rows for planting cabbage in the prepared area.
  2. Dig planting holes in them with a diameter of 60 cm and a depth of 50 cm.
  3. Add mineral fertilizers to each, and in case of depleted soil, also humus or compost.
  4. Remove the plants from the container and place them in the prepared holes.
  5. Sprinkle with soil so that the seedlings go deep down to the first true leaf.
  6. Water and mulch the soil.

Permissible planting density – 4-5 plants per 1 sq. m.

Unpretentious late-ripening cabbage hybrid Prestige f1

Nuances of care

The hybrid does not have any special care requirements, however compliance with the basic agrotechnical requirements of the crop is a necessary condition for obtaining a bountiful and high-quality harvest.

Watering mode

Plants are watered based on climatic conditions and soil conditions – it should not dry out or be waterlogged. On average, watering is carried out every three days, in dry weather - daily, pouring water under the root.

Reference. For irrigation, use water heated to at least +20°C.

A week before harvesting, watering is stopped.so that the heads of cabbage are better were stored.

Loosening and hilling

To improve access of moisture and oxygen to the roots and eliminate the possibility of the formation of a dry crust on the surface of the soil, a day after each watering or rain, the soil is loosened to a depth of 5-8 cm. At the same time, weeds are removed.

So that the heads of cabbage do not fall to one side, the plants are earthed up twice per season - about three weeks after transplanting the seedlings into the ground and again 10-15 days later.

Top dressing

Fertilizers for cabbage are applied at least four times per season according to the scheme:

  • 20 days after transplanting the seedlings into the ground - a solution of superphosphate and ash (60 g and 200 g, respectively, per 10 liters of water);
  • after 10-15 days - watering 2 tbsp. l. “Nitrofoski”, diluted in 10 liters of water;
  • after 10 days - a solution consisting of 10 liters of water, 1 kg of manure and 2 g of superphosphate;
  • 20 days before harvesting - 40 g of potassium sulfate, diluted in 10 liters of water.

Measures to increase yield

The most effective way to increase productivity – regularly feed the plants using organic (mullein solution) and mineral (with a high content of phosphorus and potassium) fertilizers.

It is especially important to use fertilizers after transplanting seedlings into the ground and during the ripening of heads of cabbage.

Disease and pest control

Diseases and pests that threaten Prestige f1:

Disease, pest Signs Treatment, prevention
White rot The heads of cabbage are covered with white spots and a gray coating. To prevent diseases, wood ash is added to the planting holes. Plants are treated with the preparations “Baktofit”, “Planriz”, “Fitolavin”.
Gray rot Brown spots appear on the cabbage, which gradually increase in size, become wet, and become covered with mucus and a gray coating.
Cabbage fly Plants develop slowly, leaves turn blue-leaden and dry out. In the event of an attack by these pests, I use complex insecticidal preparations, for example, “Aliot”, “Fly-eater”, “Senpai”.
Belyanka Butterfly eggs are visible on the inside of the leaves; the caterpillars gnaw through the leaves and heads of cabbage, leaving behind a dark green discharge.
Mole Young plants die because insects damage the central rosettes.
Medvedka Pests damage the roots of plants, causing them to quickly wither and die.
Cruciferous flea beetle Ulcers form on the cabbage and plant tissues die.

The use of pesticides is unacceptable during and after the formation of heads. In this case, folk remedies are used - solutions of soap (300 g per 10 liters of water) or wood ash (10 liters of water, 110 g of ash, 110 g of soap, 20 g of urea, leave for two days).

Unpretentious late-ripening cabbage hybrid Prestige f1

Difficulties in growing

Problems when cultivating a hybrid:

  • plants develop poorly, disappear, roots rot - due to waterlogging of the soil, the root system rots;
  • the heads of cabbage grow loose, the leaves on them are too small - the plants receive little light.

Harvest and storage

The harvest is harvested in late August - September, on a dry and warm day, pulling the heads of cabbage out of the ground.

Harvest laid out under a canopy to dry, inspected and sorted. Only dense heads of cabbage without signs of disease or damage are suitable for storage. Unsuitable specimens are discarded or removed for immediate use.

Storing cabbage in a dark, well-ventilated area at a temperature no higher than +2°C and air humidity about 90%. Under such conditions, the heads of cabbage retain their marketability and taste for seven months or more.

Interesting things on the site:

A selection of the best varieties of cabbage for storage

The best Dutch varieties and hybrids of white cabbage

Tips and reviews about Prestige f1 cabbage

Farmers recommend:

  • plant cabbage in a well-lit area - cabbage heads develop worse in the shade;
  • but at the same time make sure that the plants are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Gardeners speak positively about the hybrid.

Irina, Volzhsky: “I grow this cabbage specifically so that I can have fresh vegetables in winter - Prestige stores well and for a long time.But this, of course, is not the only advantage of the hybrid. I like the taste of the heads of cabbage, the yield and the fact that when grown on fertile soil the heads grow large – 3 kg each.”.

Svetlana, Samara: “Among the late-ripening varieties that I tried to grow, I chose Prestige. I liked its productivity, disease resistance and ease of care. The heads of cabbage are beautiful, large and tasty, they store well, almost until April.”.


Prestige f1 is a high-yielding hybrid of white cabbage that has no disadvantages. It is resistant to common diseases, able to adapt to various climatic conditions, and is characterized by long-term storage and universal use of heads of cabbage.

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