Sauerkraut for women: how it is useful and when it is contraindicated, how, in what form and quantity to use it
For hundreds of years, sauerkraut has occupied a well-deserved place on everyday and holiday tables. Not only in Russia, but also in Germany, China, and Belarus, this is one of the national dishes. Consumption of the product helps to lose weight, maintain health into old age, and strengthen the digestive and nervous systems. Let's look at how it's useful sauerkraut for women and men.
Chemical composition
Thanks to fermentation, organic substances are broken down into simpler forms that are better absorbed by the body. Sauerkraut contains vitamins and minerals in a form accessible for processing.
100 g of sauerkraut contains:
- 0.91 g protein;
- 0.14 g fat;
- 4.3 g carbohydrates.
Energy value - 19 kcal. The product consists of 92% water and almost 3% healthy fiber.
Vitamins and minerals:
- B1, B2, B4, B6 normalize the activity of the central nervous system;
- beta-carotene improves eye health;
- C supports the immune system, protects against colds, promotes the absorption of iron;
- iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc are involved in metabolism and the stable functioning of internal organs.
Regular consumption of this dish alleviates the symptoms of bronchial asthma. During fermentation, sulforaphane is formed in sauerkraut.This organic compound prevents inflammation of the respiratory tract and lung damage, has antibacterial and oncoprotective effects.
Reference. The largest amount (1153 mg per 100 g) of glucoraphanin, a precursor to sulforaphane, is found in broccoli sprouts.
The benefits of sauerkraut
Daily use of this product normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, improves heart function, cleanses blood vessels, and stimulates the immune system. Due to the content of lactic acid bacteria, sauerkraut has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, relieves bloating, and helps treat colitis.
In therapeutic and dietary nutrition, the dish is widely used for:
- prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases thanks to antioxidants and probiotics: the former prevent cancer, the latter reduce cholesterol levels;
- increasing hemoglobin levels due to the presence of iron;
- treatment of vitamin deficiency thanks to a rich set of vitamins.
In cosmetology it is used for:
- rejuvenation thanks to carotene and vitamin A, acting as antioxidants;
- improvement of teeth and nails: this is facilitated by calcium, magnesium, zinc and B vitamins.
Numerous studies on volunteers have shown excellent results in losing weight and preventing the risk of type II diabetes, since sauerkraut prevents the absorption of fats by intestinal cells. With long-term use (from 12 to 24 weeks), the subjects experienced persistent weight loss while maintaining performance, cheerfulness and appetite.
For women
Benefits of sauerkraut for women:
- vitamin A maintains skin tone, stimulates the development of epidermal cells, relieves swelling;
- ascorbic acid makes wrinkles less noticeable and participates in the formation of collagen;
- folic acid reduces the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy, promotes the formation of fetal tissue;
- due to its low calorie content, the product is effective for weight loss;
- fiber cleanses the intestines of toxins, probiotics normalize microflora;
- zinc and magnesium alleviate the condition during menopause, the former is involved in the functioning of the endocrine system.
Masks from brine rejuvenate the skin, get rid of acne, discolor freckles and age spots.
For men
The benefits of sauerkraut are evident for the body not only of women, but also of men. Regular snack consumption:
- strengthens the immune system thanks to vitamin C and probiotics;
- increases libido and improves potency, since zinc and vitamin A stimulate the production of the male sex hormone testosterone.
Brine has choleretic and detoxifying properties, so it is effective for hangovers.
Basic rules of use
Sauerkraut is included in the diet from 3-4 years of age until old age. It is consumed as an independent snack and as a side dish for meat products, first and second courses are made on its basis, and the brine is drunk in small portions.
The best form for absorption by the body is a salad with onions and vegetable oil. In this form, the dish better copes with the task of enriching the intestinal microflora, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract more effectively, and contains the maximum amount of beneficial bacteria.
Important! Onions are contraindicated for gastritis and ulcers.
If you eat sauerkraut as a main or additional side dish for meat dishes, it will prevent the intestinal walls from absorbing lipids.As a result, the body will receive only the building material for muscles - protein, and not harmful, hard-to-digest fats that settle on the stomach and sides.
Shchi and borscht made from sauerkraut are not as healthy, but still more valuable than those made with fresh vegetables.
To obtain the correct product when fermenting, follow these recommendations:
- The dishes used are enameled, without chips and cracks, or wooden, well cleaned, washed and dried.
- The heads of cabbage are taken tight, healthy, without signs of mold or rot.
- Cabbage is chopped coarsely, since a heavily chopped vegetable loses some of its nutrients.
- Use a minimum salt, do not add vinegar.
- The best way to preserve is by grinding with salt. until juice is obtained.
- To increase the value of the dish, add carrots, cranberries, and lingonberries.
- The chopped vegetables are placed in a bowl for fermentation, covered with a wooden board, a weight (4-5 kg) is placed on top and left warm.
- Every day, a long wooden skewer is used to pierce the appetizer to the bottom, facilitating the release of carbon dioxide. It prevents mold fungi from multiplying.
- Ferment the dish for at least 2 weeks. Afterwards they are put into the refrigerator or cellar.
- Store for no more than 10 months.
Sauerkraut has a positive effect on brain activity: improves memory, reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety. However, it should not be eaten while taking antidepressants: this increases the risk of a severe hypertensive crisis, since monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO) are incompatible with the tyramine contained in the fermented vegetable.
Contraindications and possible harm
Despite the undoubted benefits, you should not overuse sauerkraut. The optimal daily norm is 200 g.If it is systematically exceeded, undesirable consequences are possible: flatulence, pressure surges, swelling, heartburn.
It is not recommended to use sauerkraut if:
- hypertension;
- stomach ulcer in the acute stage;
- flatulence;
- kidney and thyroid diseases;
- pancreatitis.
Violation of the preparation technology and improper storage of the product can cause severe poisoning.
Sauerkraut is a storehouse of nutrients for the body. It improves immunity, prolongs youth, normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system, and reduces excess weight. However, if there are contraindications, it is better to refrain from eating the snack or consult a doctor.