Recipes for pickled red cabbage with various ingredients

Sauerkraut red cabbage becomes a bright alternative to white vegetable salad. We will tell you in detail how to ferment red cabbage at home for the winter in order to preserve its vitamins and minerals as much as possible.

Is red cabbage fermented?

There is an opinion that red cabbage, unlike ordinary white cabbage, is unsuitable for pickling for the winter. This assertion has no basis. The difference between the two types of this healthy vegetable is only that the red heads are much denser and therefore more difficult to chop.

Important! At working with red cabbage It is recommended to use rubber gloves and an apron. The vegetable contains a lot of coloring pigment, which is not easy to remove from surfaces. Lemon juice will help remove stains.

Sauerkraut Red Cabbage Recipes

Recipes for pickled red cabbage with various ingredients

Red cabbage is characterized by excellent taste, which is successfully complemented by simple products available to every housewife.

Reference. The upper leaves and stalks are not used for food due to the high level of nitrates in them.

Preparing for the winter in a jar

For the easiest option pickled red vegetable no fancy ingredients required. A few dense heads of cabbage and onions with spices are enough.

Attention! Iodized salt should not be used for fermentation.

Components for a classic recipe:

  • 7 kg of red cabbage;
  • 1 large horseradish root;
  • 1 large head of garlic;
  • 3 large onions;
  • 250 g salt;
  • 5 pieces. bay leaf.

Step by step cooking:

  1. The cabbage is washed, dried and separated into individual leaves.
  2. Each of them is cut into large pieces.
  3. The onion is washed, peeled and chopped into half rings.
  4. Horseradish root is ground in a meat grinder or blender.
  5. Garlic is cut into slices.
  6. In a separate wide container, mix cabbage, onion, garlic, horseradish and bay leaf.
  7. Add a little salt and knead.
  8. Next, the mixture is moved into an enamel pan, compacted and a load is placed on top.
  9. The product is fermented in a warm place for 3 days. Periodically it is pierced with wooden skewers to the very bottom.
  10. After 3 days, the vegetables are transferred to a glass container and sterilized for 20 minutes over medium heat.
  11. The jars are rolled up, wrapped in a blanket, left to cool completely, and then moved to the basement for storage.

Pickling with carrots and garlic at home

Recipes for pickled red cabbage with various ingredients

The unusual bright color of red cabbage salad will attract the attention of guests. The anthocyanin contained in its leaves gives the taste a noble bitterness, which is offset by sweet carrots and aromatic garlic. Regular consumption of this product reduces the fragility of blood vessels, reduces swelling and strengthens the retina.

Ingredients for pickling with garlic and carrots:

  • 0.5 kg red cabbage;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tsp. salt.

Procurement process:

  1. The carrots are washed, peeled and cut into thin strips.
  2. Peel the garlic, grate it on a fine grater or crush it with a special press.
  3. The two prepared vegetables are mixed and sprinkled with salt.
  4. The cabbage is chopped and kneaded with your hands so that it becomes soft and gives juice.
  5. All components are mixed in an enamel container and transferred to glass jars.
  6. The vegetables are compacted tightly, leaving 2 cm to the edge of the neck so that the liquid does not spill out during fermentation.
  7. The jars are placed on a pallet and the cabbage is pressed down with a weight.
  8. For the first 7 days, the fermentation process should take place in a room at room temperature. The product is pierced twice during the entire period with a wooden skewer.
  9. If foam appears on the surface, it is carefully removed.
  10. After a week, the oppression is removed, the jars are covered with nylon lids and sent to the cellar or refrigerator to continue the fermentation process.
  11. After 5 days the product is ready for use.

Recipes for pickled red cabbage with various ingredients

With instant cumin

To strengthen the immune system without drugs and tidy up your diet, stock up for the winter pickled red cabbage with cumin.


  • 1 head of cabbage;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tsp. caraway;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Prepare the brine: dissolve salt and granulated sugar in water.
  2. Red cabbage is cut into thin strips for better juice release.
  3. Squeeze the slices until the liquid releases, while sprinkling with caraway seeds.
  4. The vegetable is transferred to a fermentation container and filled with brine, compacting it. It should be completely covered with liquid.
  5. A load is placed on top and left in a warm room for a day.
  6. After a day, gas bubbles should form on the surface of the brine, indicating that the fermentation process is proceeding correctly.
  7. The product is pierced with wooden sticks, left for another three days, and the procedure is repeated three times.
  8. The sign of finished sauerkraut is its rich fuchsia color.
  9. The product is placed in a glass container under a nylon lid and stored in the refrigerator.

Is it possible to ferment red cabbage together with white cabbage?

Recipes for pickled red cabbage with various ingredients

Red and white cabbage are successfully fermented in tandem. In this way, the content of vitamins in the finished salad increases, and the appearance of the snack becomes even more appetizing.

Red heads of cabbage contain 4 times more carotene than white ones. They also contain anthocyanin, which protects the body from the harmful effects of radiation.

Ingredients for Mixed Coleslaw:

  • 0.5 kg red cabbage;
  • 0.7 kg of white cabbage;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Recipes for pickled red cabbage with various ingredients


  1. The top leaves are removed from the cabbage; the heads are not washed. Each fork is divided into 4 parts and the core is removed.
  2. Grate carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Using a sharp knife, chop the vegetable and place it in colored layers in an enamel container. Each layer is sprinkled with carrots.
  4. A brine is prepared from water, sugar and salt.
  5. The cabbage is compacted with a wooden masher so that its level is 10 cm below the edge of the container.
  6. Vegetables are poured with brine and pressed with a weight for 3-4 days.
  7. The best temperature for the fermentation process is +15…+18°C.
  8. Once a day, the product is pierced with wooden skewers, and excess foam is removed.
  9. The finished product is transferred to glass jars along with the brine and stored in the refrigerator.


Pickling red cabbage does not cause any particular difficulties. The only caveat is the product’s ability to paint work surfaces. Red cabbage is no different when it comes to storage space - the basement or bottom shelf of the refrigerator is suitable. In terms of fermentation time, it is not inferior to its white relative, and together with it it produces a dish that is interesting in taste and aesthetic qualities.

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