Mid-early high-yielding potato variety with strong immunity “Belmondo”

Belmondo (Belmonda) is a mid-early potato variety that represents a new generation of vegetable crop. It is characterized by high yields and adaptability to any growing conditions. The variety showed its best performance during field trials in the Russian Federation.

Description of the variety

Belmondo is the result of the work of German breeders, employees of the Solagro Seed Alliance.

When grown in European countries, this variety of vegetable crop showed excellent results. Under any climatic conditions, the variety gives a good harvest. The growth of tubers on the bushes is uniform and rapid. Since landings No more than 80 days pass before the potatoes are harvested.

Pictured are Belmondo potatoes.

Mid-early high-yielding potato variety with strong immunity Belmondo

Reference. Belmondo is characterized by pleasant taste. Potatoes are slightly boiled, their flesh does not darken during heat treatment. Suitable for frying, boiling, salads.

Difference from other varieties

Belmondo differs from other popular varieties in its hardiness. It is not fussy to care for and is consistently productive under unfavorable climatic conditions.

Potatoes are distinguished by their presentation, regular oval shape. Their weight ranges from 100 to 150 g.

Potatoes can easily be transported and have a high shelf life of 97%.

The table compares the characteristics of Belmondo with other potato varieties.

Name Yield indicator, c/ha Potato weight, g Starchy content, %
Belmondo 450-800 100-150 14-16
Lapot 400-500 100-150 13,5-16
Openwork 450-550 90-115 14-16
Adretta 400-450 120-180 13-18
Breeze 400-620 100-150 11-15

Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins

Belmondo variety tubers are rich in substances beneficial to the human body:

  • proteins;
  • minerals (potassium, iron, iodine, molybdenum, phosphorus);
  • antioxidants (carotene, lycopenes);
  • omega-3 acids;
  • B vitamins, as well as folic and ascorbic acids.

Potatoes of this variety contain a lot of sucrose, amino acids and fatty acids (oleic, linolenic). The purine concentration ranges from 5 to 6 mg per 100 g of potatoes.

Characteristics of tubers and yield

Belmondo is a high-yielding variety. About 80 tons of crop are obtained from 1 hectare of planting. One bush produces up to 16 potatoes.

Tubers of this variety have the following characteristics:

  • oval shape;Mid-early high-yielding potato variety with strong immunity Belmondo
  • medium size (potato reaches 9 centimeters in diameter);
  • average weight 120 g;
  • yellowish peel with a smooth dense surface;
  • the presence of small superficial ocelli;
  • yellow flesh;
  • starchy index – 16%.

Belmondo bushes are characterized by:

  • tall spreading stems;
  • wrinkled dark green leaves with a wavy edge (the leaves correspond to the shape typical for this vegetable crop);
  • flowers with a dark red or pale purple corolla.

Growing regions and planting dates

The variety was successfully tested in fields in the Tula and Vladimir regions. The manufacturer recommends Belmondo for cultivation in all regions of the country.

Potatoes of this variety should be planted in mid-April or early May. Tubers are planted in soil heated to +8°C to a depth of 10 centimeters. Planting dates are determined by the climatic conditions of the area:

  • for northern regions - the second half or end of May;
  • for temperate latitudes - early May;
  • for the southern regions - mid-April.

Potatoes are planted in deeply loosened soil, choosing a dry, cloudy day for planting.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Belmondo potatoes have a number of advantages:

  • high yield;
  • the presence of immunity in the tubers, which determines their resistance to various diseases;
  • ability to adapt to different climatic conditions;
  • uniform size, shape and weight of potatoes;
  • excellent taste characteristics, abundance of nutrients in potatoes;
  • lack of tendency of tubers to germinate again.

Disadvantages of the variety:

  • susceptibility to virus Y;
  • average resistance to leaf curling;
  • sensitivity to heavy rainfall and drought;
  • demands on the soil.

Features of planting and growing

Potatoes of this variety are grown following the general rules of vegetable agricultural technology.

Preparing for landing

Mid-early high-yielding potato variety with strong immunity Belmondo

The planting area should be well lit. The variety loves loose, fertile soil. Its preparation is carried out in the autumn.

It consists of the following works:

  • digging up soil, removing root debris;
  • introduction of potassium-phosphorus compounds;
  • sowing an area for planting potatoes with winter green manure.

Spring soil preparation for planting involves the use of nitrogenous mixtures. The variety feels good in soil with a pH of 5.5-6.0.

It is necessary to prepare planting material in advance. They begin to germinate a month before planting in open ground. The tubers are selected and dusted with ash powder.Then they are laid out in several layers in boxes and left in a warm room.

Reference. The growth of vegetable crops is stimulated by spraying the planting material with heteroauxin or gibberellin on the day of planting.

Planting scheme and technology

Tubers are planted according to the scheme: 70 centimeters between rows, 35 centimeters between holes.

It is recommended to add a handful of ash and a little dry humus to each hole when planting the Belmondo variety.

Tubers are planted at a depth determined by the type of soil:

  • for loose lung – from 8 to 10 cm;
  • for loamy soil – from 6 to 8 cm;
  • for clayey – from 5 to 6 cm.

If frost is predicted, plantings should be covered with film.

Features of cultivation

Experts recommend growing potatoes in the same area once every 4 years.

You can increase productivity by sowing green manure. They will help improve the soil structure. We are talking about lentils, peas, sweet clover, and alfalfa. Legumes tend to saturate the soil with nitrogen.

For the winter, it is recommended to sow the area for potatoes with rye, oats, mustard, and wheat.

Reference. Combining the planting of Belmondo with sowing the rows with mustard, which serves as green fertilizer, helps to obtain maximum yield.

Nuances of care

Plant care is carried out according to standard rules for mid-early varieties.

Belmondo potatoes when grown need:Mid-early high-yielding potato variety with strong immunity Belmondo

  • proper watering;
  • weeding when the sprouts reach a height of 4 cm (later weeding is combined with hilling, the last time it is carried out when the height of the bush is 30 cm);
  • loosening after watering or rain in order to improve soil aeration;
  • hilling, which is first resorted to when 6 leaves appear on the sprouts, hilled a second time a week later, a third time when the plant reaches 35 cm in height;
  • applying fertilizers;
  • mulching the soil.

Watering mode

Before shoots appear, the tubers have enough moisture. Excess liquid causes them to rot.

The first watering is carried out when the bush reaches a height of 10-12 cm. More moisture is needed when setting inflorescences. One plant will require 5-6 liters of water when watering twice a week.

Regular watering of the bushes is necessary when tubers are forming. The volume of moisture is calculated taking into account weather conditions. In hot weather, bushes should be watered 6-7 times a month. In moderate weather - no more than three times. The volume of water varies from 4 to 10 liters per bush. During cold weather, plants are watered no more than 3 times a month.

Top dressing

Phosphorus-potassium mixtures are added to the soil for fall plowing. In the spring - nitrogen fertilizing.

During the period of buds and flowering use:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • nitrogen sulfate;
  • "Nitrophoska";
  • chlorine-free NPK fertilizers;
  • "Ammophos".

To form strong and long-lasting tubers, calcium nitrate is added to the root. You can also use granular, liquid and bulk formulations.

Disease and pest control

Belmondo is resistant to fungi (late blight, mold, rot), spotting and scab.

When plants wilt at the initial stage, it is permissible to use the following drugs:

  • "Fitosporin";
  • "Fundazol";
  • "Skor";
  • "Previkur".

The Colorado potato beetle can be gotten rid of by spraying the plantings with chemicals such as:

  • "Regent";
  • "Prestige";
  • "Commander";
  • "Taboo".

To prevent plant infection, resort to the following measures:

  • remove affected bushes from the garden bed;
  • adhere to the rules of crop rotation;
  • When storing potatoes, the containers are disinfected;
  • The seed is planted away from other nightshades.

Difficulties in growing

The main difficulties that gardeners may encounter when growing the Belmondo potato variety are:

  1. Infection with virus Y, the main carrier of which is considered to be aphids. To prevent infection of the bushes, it is necessary to use mineral oil together with fungicides and insecticides during each treatment.
  2. A dry or excessively rainy period can lead to a decrease in yield despite the ease of care and good adaptability of the Belmondo potato variety to any climatic conditions.
  3. Wrong choice of soil can lead to a decrease in yield. More meticulous care is required.

Harvest and storage

Belmondo, like all early and mid-early varieties, cannot be kept in the garden. The harvest is harvested on time.Mid-early high-yielding potato variety with strong immunity Belmondo

Potato harvesting begins at different times depending on the region. It usually occurs in mid-August.

Tubers are stored in stable conditions:

  • temperature regime – +1…+4°C;
  • humidity – 80-85%;
  • the room should be dark and dry.

Tubers do not begin to sprout during a single sprout removal.

Advice from experienced gardeners

Experienced gardeners believe that if in wet weather the tops on potato bushes do not dry out but continue to turn green, then they must be mowed 7-10 days before harvest.

Don’t put off harvesting potatoes from the garden. This has a bad effect on its keeping quality.

Another piece of advice from experienced gardeners is not to plant potatoes near tomatoes and apple trees. They have common pests.

Important! To increase productivity, it is necessary to select potatoes for planting from healthy bushes in which the tubers were large in size. Small seeding material will not give a high quality harvest.


Reviews about the Belmondo variety are mostly positive. These potatoes are grown in different regions and produce good harvests everywhere.Mid-early high-yielding potato variety with strong immunity Belmondo

Nadezhda, Vladimir region: “Belmondo potatoes have excellent taste. This is one of the most delicious yellow varieties. When cooking the tubers, do not are boiling over. They are great for soups and salads, although they are not very suitable for making purees. Delicious fried."

Zoya, Perm: “The Belmondo potato variety adapts to different climates, showing high yields and maintaining excellent taste. It is considered one of the most promising European varieties. Belmondo is characterized by tubers that are uniform in size. It has a good presentation."

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Who grew the largest potato in the world and what it looks like.

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Belmondo is a potato variety with excellent yield, marketability and keeping quality. It has good nutritional value and excellent taste. Resistant to diseases and fungal infections. To get a large harvest, you should follow the rules of planting vegetables and caring for them.

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