Mid-early potato variety “Breeze” from Belarusian breeders

With proper care, Breeze potatoes produce a high yield that can feed the whole family, including distant relatives. The variety does not require special effort or cost of care, and is immune to the most common nightshade diseases.

Read our article about how to properly grow Breeze in your garden to get maximum results.

Description of potato variety

The Breeze variety is a selection product with improved qualities. Possessing the main positive characteristics inherent in other potato varieties, it additionally has high resistance to diseases and pests.

Mid-early potato variety Breeze from Belarusian breeders

Origin and development

The mid-early potato variety Breeze was bred and patented by Belarusian breeding scientists. Due to the high assessment of economic usefulness, the vegetable was included in the Russian State Register of Protected Breeding Achievements approved for use.


The plant is a medium-tall, upright shrub with a relatively slender, faded green stem. The leaf shape is typical of a potato bush, but slightly larger than that of traditional varieties. The surface is permeated with dark veins, and the edges have the appearance of a slightly wavy line. The entire leaf area has a slight waviness and roughness. The leaf plate is painted in a rich green color.

The small flowers are eye-catching reddish-white or purple. The inflorescence has the appearance of a medium-sized corolla.

Potato tubers have a large oval shape.The flesh and skin are yellow. The outer cover is medium smooth. There are a few eyes located in a spiral pattern on the tubers. The depth of the ocelli reaches a size of 1.1-1.3 mm. The average weight of one tuber is 130 g. The starch content of the fruit corresponds to 12-16%, the dry matter content is 20%.

Attention. The use of mineral fertilizers specifically affects the yield, nutritional and taste qualities of potatoes.

Description and characteristics of the plant and crop

The mid-early variety Breeze for table use is suitable for making chips, French fries, and freezing. When prepared at home and in catering establishments, it demonstrates excellent nutritional and taste properties when boiling, making purees and other dishes. The tasting score of the boiled vegetable is 7 points.

Under acceptable conditions, the keeping quality of tubers, that is, the ability to retain their qualities for 6-12 months, is 97%. The vegetable is resistant to mechanical damage.


Breeze is capable of producing 8-12 medium and large tubers per bush, that is, about 1.5 kg, but practice demonstrates more impressive figures.

In general, the yield of this variety is considered quite high and reaches 300 c/ha. First of all, the yield is influenced by the condition of the soil.

Mid-early potato variety Breeze from Belarusian breeders

How to grow this variety

A good harvest of Breeze is possible with high-quality germination of tubers and standard care.

Dates, scheme and rules of planting

Ideally, planting material is selected in the fall, but this is only possible if there are suitable conditions for storing potatoes - a cool room, protected from severe frosts and high humidity.

The preparatory stage starts approximately 2-4 weeks before potato planting. The seed material is sorted into high-quality and spoiled tubers. It is encouraged to treat it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or any other antiseptic.

Attention. Medium-sized fruits are selected for planting. Large tubers can be cut into several parts, just make sure that each of them has sprouts.

Then the tubers are germinated within 15-30 days. To do this, containers with potatoes are taken to a bright, warm place with an air temperature of approximately 13°C. Alternatively, place the tubers in a space protected with plastic wrap.

Special attention is paid to digging and fertilizing the soil. It is advisable to dig up the soil in the fall, and in the spring to loosen and remove plant remains, roots, and stones. fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will increase productivity.

You can plant potatoes at the end of April - beginning of May, when the soil is already quite warm, with a temperature of +7...+11°C. Dig holes 9-10 cm deep or a trench of similar depth. The distance between the holes is approximately 40 cm, and between the rows - 70 cm. This scheme will subsequently allow agricultural activities to be carried out without fear of harming the bushes.

It is better to put more than one tuber in the hole and at the same time add organic matter such as compost, manure or ash. The sprouted eyes should be located on top. The potatoes are sprinkled with dug up soil or mulch.

Attention. Mulch helps protect the soil from rapid drying out, erosion by water and weathering. Pine or spruce material, wood chips or bark, mown grass, etc. are used as mulch.

After planting, you don’t have to water the potatoes, because the soil has not yet completely dried out after the snowy winter and wet spring.The southern regions are characterized by mild weather conditions and little snow in winter. Therefore, water as needed.


Agrotechnical measures for the mid-early variety Breeze are standard.

Regular loosening promotes the supply of oxygen to the soil. The procedure is carried out after watering.

Water Breeze moderately, as excess moisture will lead to a lack or complete absence of oxygen. Ideally, they focus on the condition of the soil. Dry soil requires watering, but slightly damp soil can wait a bit.

Attention. The first watering in regions with a temperate climate is carried out half a month after the appearance of green shoots. The second is during the formation of the bud. The third is after the end of flowering.

Limp tops combined with dry soil indicate the need for watering. It is necessary to wet the soil to a depth of 30-50 cm. It is better to water in the morning or evening. Watering during the afternoon, especially in the heat, will destroy both the tops and tubers.Mid-early potato variety Breeze from Belarusian breeders

The first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out a month after planting. Superphosphates, sulfates, and urea perform ideally. Substances are introduced under the root in a dissolved state. Excellent results are achieved by the second and third fertilizing, which are carried out at the same frequency as watering.

Be careful with nitrogen fertilizers - they stimulate the growth of greenery to the detriment of tubers. Bulky, bright or dark green tops are a sign of an excess of nitrogen.

Weeding is an important part of agricultural activities. Weeds cause irreparable harm to bushes: they take away moisture and mineral fertilizers, thereby reducing soil fertility. In addition, they can shade and depress planted vegetables. Weeds are removed by weeding or using herbicides.

Hilling pays off in the northern regions.In the south, hilling is not recommended. The procedure is carried out before watering in the morning or evening.

Nuances of cultivation and possible difficulties, diseases and pests

Some experts recommend cutting the tops two weeks before harvesting. They claim that this way the growth of tubers is accelerated.

Most often potatoes are affected by: scab, late blight, golden nematode, black leg, etc.

Fungicidal and antibacterial drugs are used to treat plants. In some cases, folk remedies are used. For late blight, the following composition is used: add 200 g of garlic to 10 liters of water and water the bush with this. Ammonium sulfate is used as a preventive measure. In addition, diseased bushes are dug up and burned.

Among the pests, the most famous are the Colorado potato beetle, cicada, wireworm, etc. They destroy harmful pests with the help of insecticides (Tabu, Decis), acaricides (Nissoran), nematicides (Nematodos), and rodenticides.

Collection, storage and use of crops

Potatoes of the Breeze variety ripen in 100-115 days. The harvest is harvested in dry weather. In a lack of water, it is easier to clean the tubers from adhering soil. In addition, they are sorted by size and degree of damage. Next, antifungal agents are used to increase the lifespan of the fruit and transferred to a special room.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The positive properties of Breeze include:Mid-early potato variety Breeze from Belarusian breeders

  • extended shelf life;
  • presentable appearance;
  • high resistance to diseases;
  • high productivity;
  • availability of cultivation on almost all types of soil.

The Breeze variety has practically no disadvantages. Farmers note weak resistance to nematodes and late blight.

For which regions is it best suited?

The Central Federal and Northwestern Federal Districts are recognized as zoning regions.

Farmer reviews

Reviews from ordinary summer residents about Breeze are mostly positive:

Svetlana Ivanovna, YaroslavlI grow the Breeze variety because of its qualities: not boiled, tasty, keeps well. It is easy to care for: only when it is very hot, I water it often and loosen the soil. But the harvest is enough for salads and for spinning, and you can sell a little.”

Vera Andreevna, Ryazan: “The breeze has been growing in the garden for three years now. This variety was to the taste of me and my family. And he looks beautiful too. We save potatoes from diseases with chemicals, the main thing here is not to overdo it. Spraying once or twice a season is usually enough and wait for a good harvest. My husband periodically hills the rows. We water a couple of times a season, or even less, since we have problems with water.”

Read also:

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Early ripening, frost-resistant potato variety "Rosalind".

Potatoes in the fight against hemorrhoids: how to make suppositories and compresses.


The mid-early variety Breeze is generally recognized by Russian gardeners and farmers. This is a worthy alternative to the usual varieties grown in the country's gardens and fields for decades. But be prepared for a bountiful harvest - build a vegetable storage facility that will ensure the preservation of the tubers until the next season.

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