How to properly store potatoes and what temperature they can withstand

In the fall, after harvesting, summer residents are faced with the task of preserving vegetables for the winter, and in particular potatoes, because not everyone has equipped cellars. You shouldn’t be upset: you can leave potatoes for the winter balcony, it is only important to create the right conditions for this.

At what temperature to store potatoes, will potatoes freeze at a temperature of minus 1, what sub-zero temperature can tubers withstand - we’ll talk about this and more in the article.

Optimal conditions for storing potatoes in winter

In the room where the product is stored, the optimal temperature will be from 2 to 4°C. This regime is called “resting temperature”, when all biochemical processes inside the potato freeze. It is in a stable state, does not form sprouts and does not freeze.

Important! To increase your chances of saving the harvest, choose the right time for digging. Only fully ripened specimens are stored well.

The air humidity in the storage should be between 70-85%. Excessive humidity stimulates the development of mold, and insufficient humidity worsens the taste. To avoid this, the air in the room is dried or additional ventilation is used.

Experienced summer residents advise storing potatoes together with beets - it softens the effect of humidity fluctuations on vegetables.

Important! To eliminate excess moisture, containers with quicklime or other moisture-absorbing agents are placed in storage areas.

The storage area should be dark. When tubers are exposed to direct sunlight or artificial light, they begin to produce the toxic substance solanine. The potatoes begin to turn green and become unfit for consumption.

Potato response to temperature

If the temperature regime is violated, the crop begins to deteriorate. As the temperature rises, the potatoes sprout and become soft. When there is a decrease in fruits, the process of processing starch into sugar starts. The product loses its original taste properties, becomes excessively sweet and lethargic.

Important! Only high-quality potatoes can be stored for a long time. When selecting vegetables for the winter, pay attention to their external condition. Potatoes with thick skins can withstand temperature fluctuations more easily.

The minimum temperature that potatoes can withstand is 0°C. Minus values ​​have a detrimental effect on the vegetable. If the thermometer drops below -1°C, then supplies begin to freeze. It is no longer recommended to eat such potatoes.

Storage on the balcony

The balcony is a good place to store vegetables for residents of apartment buildings. Leaving the harvest on it or a loggia is practical and convenient, but you must follow certain recommendations so that the products are preserved and do not waste their qualities.

How to equip a balcony for storage

How to properly store potatoes and what temperature they can withstand

The balcony or loggia should preferably be glazed. The crop should be placed so that it is not exposed to water or sunlight.As long as it’s warm outside, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the potatoes, but the first autumn frosts can harm them.

The most important thing is the choice of containers for placing the potatoes. Often an old refrigerator or an insulated box is used for these purposes. The best option would be a thermal cabinet that provides ideal storage temperatures and continuous ventilation. But such a cabinet will require electrical power.

Important! If vegetables are stored in a tightly closed space, they may begin to rot. Proper storage requires constant ventilation and air humidity.

At what temperature do potatoes freeze when stored on the balcony?

If the balcony is insulated, then additional protection for the crop will not be required. In a room with double-glazed windows and thermal insulation, potatoes can be stored even in harsh winters.

You just need to make sure that the room does not cool to -1°C or lower - for this you will need a thermometer on the balcony. At stable temperatures above 0°C, the crop can be placed in bags, nets or ordinary wooden boxes.

Storage nuances:How to properly store potatoes and what temperature they can withstand

  1. As spring temperatures warm, potatoes may require additional cooling or a cooler location.
  2. The temperature on the balcony should not exceed +17°C, otherwise the vegetable will spoil.
  3. In the spring at the end deadline During storage, temperature changes are especially harmful for crops; you should try to avoid them.
  4. At the end of spring, usually only late ones retain their good taste properties. varieties. The remaining specimens can be used as planting material.

Storage recommendations

How to properly store potatoes and what temperature they can withstand

How well potatoes will survive the winter depends on proper preparation for storage.

Before storing it for the winter, it is dried and carefully sorted.The tubers should be free of rot, scratches and damage. Only healthy specimens will survive the winter well. Even one rotten “neighbor” can infect the entire crop, so the selection process must be approached responsibly.

Seed potatoes should be set aside separately. For planting next year, it is better to choose the strongest specimens.

Important! Washed potatoes require a long drying time. It is not recommended to wash potatoes before storing them. Fruits that have absorbed moisture are more likely to rot.

Before bookmarking long-term storage of potatoes It is recommended to keep for 7-10 days at a temperature of +12 to +18°C and a relative humidity of 85-95%. You can leave the harvest to lie in the attic, summer veranda or in a shed under a canopy. This is the so-called “therapeutic” or “rehabilitation” period. This method increases the chances of harvested vegetables retaining their taste properties for a long time.How to properly store potatoes and what temperature they can withstand

To potato stored longer, it can be processed before storing. The most commonly used remedy is copper sulfate. Add 2 g of the substance to a bucket of water and spray the tubers with this solution. This method increases the crop's resistance to rotting.

Another processing method is preparing a herbal infusion. For 1 liter of water you will need 350 g of wormwood, 150 g of wormwood and 50 g of tobacco leaves. The resulting mixture is infused for 24 hours and sprayed onto the potatoes from a spray bottle. After processing, the crop is dried and placed in a prepared container.

The container should be washed thoroughly. Tubers should not be stored in bulk on the floor or in contact with cold floors or walls. The container must have holes to ensure air circulation. It is better to place wooden boxes on stands.

Straw, sawdust, and felt will help protect the crop from the cold. These materials allow air to pass through well and provide thermal protection and ventilation at the same time.


Now you know what the storage temperature for potatoes should be in winter and what temperature the potatoes can withstand.

Potatoes are one of the most unpretentious and cold-resistant crops. You can also equip a place to store its reserves on the balcony of an apartment building; it is only important to create stable humidity and temperature indicators. If you follow all the recommendations, the harvest will please you until the new summer season.

1 a comment
  1. Gulyaev

    This winter has surprised me. In our area, winter temperatures range from plus 10 to minus 10.
    I store potatoes in my country house. When the house is cold, the temperature drops to minus 7, so I put the potatoes in boxes on the floor and cover them with rugs. The temperature in the boxes is no lower than plus 1. This year I did not cover the small potatoes (I cook them in their uniforms and feed them to the dogs). The temperature was minus 7 twice each time during the day. I bring small potatoes into the apartment, they sit for several days and remain hard. I haven't tried the taste. The dog is eating.

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