Drought-resistant and productive potato variety Labadia: description and characteristics

If there is a lack of vitamin C, we try to buy more apples and oranges to replenish the missing element in the body. And we don’t even suspect that its daily requirement is contained in potatoes. 200 g of potatoes, cooked in any form, will enrich the human body with a sufficient amount of this vitamin.

Labadia potatoes, which came to us from Holland, are considered the most fortified product. It will not only satisfy everyone with its excellent taste, but also will not require much time and effort to grow.

Characteristics and description

The potato variety Labadia (Labadia) originated in the Netherlands. It is known that Dutch varieties have gained worldwide fame due to their high-quality products. This variety was no exception. Today it is used not only in the West, but also in Russia. The crop was included in the State Register of Selection Achievements in 2012.

Difference from other varieties

Drought-resistant and productive potato variety Labadia: description and characteristics

The crop is well adapted to drought, heat-resistant and shows high yield on any type of soil, which can be almost doubled with proper processing of the seed.

It is not surprising that the crop is gaining great popularity among vegetable growers.

Composition, trace elements and vitamins

Unlike other vegetables, potatoes are considered a high-calorie product, since 80% of dry matter is starch. But despite this, its benefits are undeniable.The increased content of vitamin C and fiber strengthens the immune system and improves intestinal motility.

A ripe vegetable contains the entire vitamin B complex, including B5 (nicotinic acid), folic acid, as well as proteins and carbohydrates (pectin, glucose, fructose and sucrose). Root vegetables contain potassium and phosphorus salts. The chemical composition is supplemented by organic acids: malic, citric and oxalic.

Reference. Potato skins contain solanine. This is a poisonous glycoalkaloid, which is especially abundant in sprouted tubers.

Description of the plant

Drought-resistant and productive potato variety Labadia: description and characteristics

The bush is tall, erect, not spreading, with a powerful, well-developed stem. The leaves are large, light green in color. When flowering, the bushes are strewn with large white flowers.

The ripening period is mid-early; 75–85 days pass from the emergence of seedlings to full maturity. Lodging of the tops is observed on the 105th day.

The plant has strong immunity to potato canker, wrinkled mosaic virus, and golden nematode. But moderate resistance to late blight and leaf curl virus is observed.

Characteristics of tubers

The shape is oval-elongated, the average weight is 100–150 g, the fruits are large and even. The peel is creamy yellow with small eyes, the surface is rough. The pulp is pale yellow, the taste is good.

Suitable for universal use: cooking, frying, stewing, baking. Potatoes are also used to produce chips, fries and fast food. When cooking, the fruits can become soft, so they are not brought to full cooking; they are removed from the heat for 3-4 minutes.

The shelf life percentage is high. Up to 97% of finished products retain their appearance for a long time.Transportation is possible over any distance without loss of taste, which is why many farmers are interested in growing this species.

The photo shows Labadia potatoes.

Drought-resistant and productive potato variety Labadia: description and characteristics


A big plus of the plant is its survival rate and rich fruiting on any type of soil. Stable figures characteristic of this variety are 300–450 c/ha. Although with good care and competent pre-sowing treatment, indicators of 550 c/ha were recorded.

One bush produces 7–10 fruits of almost the same size.

Growing regions

The culture is territorially oriented to several regions:

  • Ural;
  • Volgo-Vyatsky;
  • Middle Volga;
  • North Caucasian;
  • Central;
  • Central Black Earth.

Landing dates

Planting dates are determined by the climatic conditions of the region. This is usually the end of April or the first days of May. The main indicator is soil temperature at least +10°C, air temperature - +16–18°C. If heavy rains or recurrent frosts are expected, it is better not to rush with planting. Otherwise, you can ruin all the seed material.

To obtain an early harvest, potatoes are planted under an arc (film), where the necessary conditions are created 2 weeks earlier.

This is interesting! Many gardeners rely on folk signs that indicate planting time. The main ones are: the time when birch leaves have fully blossomed, and the end of bird cherry flowering.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits include:

  • survival in any soil;
  • ease of care;
  • adaptation to drought;
  • increased productivity;
  • possibility of breeding for sale;
  • excellent taste;
  • transportation over any distance;
  • long-term storage;
  • versatility in use.

The disadvantages of the variety include susceptibility to late blight and leaf curling.

Features of planting and growing

Despite the fact that the crop grows and bears fruit in all types of soil, the most favorable acidity for it is in the range of 5.0–6.0 pH. Chamomile, coltsfoot, dandelion and clover will help identify it. Where these herbs are found, potatoes will also be comfortable.

Preparing for sowing

Drought-resistant and productive potato variety Labadia: description and characteristics

Seed preparation begins 1 month in advance. First, the tubers are carefully examined and only healthy, light-colored specimens are selected. They are left in a bright room for 20 days to germinate sprouts. Without them, the tubers will not sprout.

Before planting, potatoes are treated with growth stimulants and the fungicide “Fitosporin”. The drug not only protects the seed from fungal infections, but also strengthens the immune system. As soon as the sprouts reach a length of 2 cm, the tubers are planted in prepared beds.

Don't forget about the temperature. If the soil has not warmed up to +10°C, it is better to postpone planting.

Planting scheme and technology

Planting pattern: 35 cm – distance between holes, 70 cm left between rows.

The beds are chosen in a sunny, unshaded place. The soil is prepared in advance - 1 month before sowing. They dig it up, add humus and wood ash. Potatoes belong to the nightshade family, which is demanding of fertilizers.

Planting depth is 8–10 cm. When sowing potatoes whose skins have a greenish tint, you don’t have to be afraid that the seed will be spoiled by rodents. Field mice, which are especially numerous after a hungry winter, usually do not touch such tubers. Solanine contained in potato skins is also poisonous to them.

Reference. The green color of the peel indicates an excessive solanine content.

Further care for Labadia potatoes

Agricultural technology is simple, the variety does not require special attention. The main thing is to ensure proper watering and timely fertilizing.

Watering mode

Drought-resistant and productive potato variety Labadia: description and characteristics

Labadia is a moisture-loving plant, and with sufficient watering you can reap a rich harvest. Limit it only in rainy weather; the rest of the time, water it abundantly from the moment the seedlings reach a height of 6 cm.

Overdrying should not be allowed; lack of moisture will negatively affect the developing ovaries. Before and after flowering, 40–45 liters of water are consumed per 1 m² to ensure the full development of tubers.

After watering, the soil is loosened and weeded. The roots need constant access to oxygen, which is facilitated by loosening the soil. And the presence of weeds leads to plant diseases. In addition, weeds are a favorite habitat for many pests.

Hilling is carried out three times per season. Hill up high to protect the tubers from sunlight, which can turn green from the sun. As soon as the bush grows to 15 cm, the first hilling is carried out. The second - after 3 weeks, and the last procedure - before flowering begins.

Reference. Hilling is the raking of soil from the rows to the stems of seedlings.


After the first hilling, the first fertilizing is carried out. Fertilize with urea - 5 g per 10 liters of water. For each seedling, 0.5 liters are consumed.

The second time is fed after 2 weeks. Sprinkle the rows with chicken manure in a ratio of 1:10.

Fertilize the third time at the time of flowering. For the fastest formation of tubers and ripening, seedlings are fed with a full range of minerals with an emphasis on phosphorus and potassium content.

Disease and pest control

The description of the Labadia potato variety speaks of its immunity to some dangerous diseases and susceptibility to late blight. The latter is a fungal disease, spreads quickly and destroys up to 70% of plantings.

Simple preventive measures will help protect seedlings from late blight:

  • regular moderate watering;Drought-resistant and productive potato variety Labadia: description and characteristics
  • humidity level control;
  • loosening and hilling;
  • weed removal;
  • pre-sowing treatment of tubers.

During growth, the bushes are sprayed with Fitosporin. It is used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of diseased plants.

Labadia is susceptible to attacks by pests, the main of which is the Colorado potato beetle. To prevent it from quickly multiplying and spoiling the harvest, it is enough to inspect the bushes daily for the presence of insects. The larvae laid by the female Colorado potato beetle are found on the underside of the leaves. They are collected by hand, just like adults.

Another uninvited guest in the garden plot is the potato moth. This is a butterfly whose larvae affect plants and tubers. To prevent its occurrence, it is enough to carry out high hilling. The plants themselves are sprayed with the insecticide “Di-68”.

Difficulties in growing

From the characteristics of Labadia potatoes it follows that there are practically no difficulties during the growing season. You can plant it in any soil, the harvest will be stable and rich. The photo shows the uniformity and alignment of the fruit. All that remains is to remind you of the need to follow the rules of crop rotation. This will preserve soil fertility, increase plant immunity and productivity.

It is not recommended to plant potatoes in the place where crops from the nightshade family previously grew: peppers, eggplants and tomatoes.They absorb the same substances from the soil and suffer from the same diseases, the spores of which remain and successfully overwinter in the ground.

When planting potatoes in beds where legumes previously grew, the seedlings not only receive the necessary elements for nutrition, but are also saturated with nitrogen, which accumulates in the soil after peas and beans.

Harvest and storage

Before harvesting, the tops are mowed, leaving 10–15 cm. Root crops are dug up with a pitchfork or shovel. After harvesting, the potatoes are left in the sun to dry.

If you place the harvested crop under a canopy, drying will take 2-3 days. The potatoes are then sorted by size, placed in boxes or bags and stored in a cool, dry place.

Tips and reviews from experienced gardeners

Many gardeners who have been growing potatoes on their plots for many years willingly share their experience:Drought-resistant and productive potato variety Labadia: description and characteristics

  1. The tubers need to be planted so that a larger number of eyes remain on top. This is necessary for the density of seedlings. When sowing, on the contrary, many shoots will be oppressed.
  2. There is no need to cut the tubers; it is better to choose smaller potatoes and plant them whole. If you still need to cut into pieces, be careful: there should be at least 3 sprouts left on each piece.

Reviews about the plant are positive; many Russians have long fallen in love with the Dutch variety.

Olga, Tolyatti: «Last year I planted 5 kg at the dacha. I only treat it against Colorado potato beetles. I fertilize the plot in the fall and get a rich harvest. For me, this variety is an example of what real potatoes should be. I call it nothing other than Bud’s potato.”

Marina, Moscow: “I really like these potatoes.There are no problems with care, the seedlings do not get sick, you just have to fight the Colorado potato beetle. But for me this is not a problem, I take all measures in advance. But there are always delicious, beautiful potatoes on my table, from which you can cook anything you want, from first courses to fries.”

Read also:

The legendary American potato variety.

Impala potato variety from Dutch breeders.

How to use potatoes to treat various diseases.


Despite their foreign origin, Labadia potatoes have proven themselves excellent throughout our country. The crop is high-yielding, has good immunity, quickly adapts to dry summers and takes root well in soil of any composition. And from tubers with excellent taste, you can prepare absolutely any dish that can satisfy the most demanding gourmet.

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