Drought-resistant and unpretentious potato variety “Meteor”: description and characteristics

Often, when purchasing potatoes at the market or in a store, we don’t even ask what variety they are. And after preparing a certain dish, we decide whether we will continue to buy vegetables in the same place or not. For ordinary buyers, potatoes differ only in appearance and taste. But for vegetable growers, in addition to these characteristics, other indicators are also of great importance - the method of cultivation, resistance to diseases and pests, and crop yield.

Meteor potatoes will delight any gardener with their unpretentiousness, high yield and excellent taste. The variety is relatively young, but has already become popular and beloved in almost all regions of Russia.

Description of the potato variety Meteor

The variety was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2013. It was obtained as a result of long-term work by breeders from the All-Russian Research Institute named after Lorch.

Reference! Alexander Georgievich Lorch is rightfully considered the founder of domestic selection and testing of potato varieties in the USSR.

Plant characteristics

Drought-resistant and unpretentious potato variety Meteor: description and characteristics

The bush is straight, tall, the leaves are medium-sized, dark green.. Blooms with lush white flowers.

Ripening occurs 70 days after emergence, although the first tubers can be tasted after 45 days.

The plant is resistant to most diseases of the Solanaceae family: seedlings are immune to potato canker, nematode and tuber blight, but are susceptible to late blight.Also, seedlings are not immune to the wrinkled mosaic virus.

Reference! The wrinkled mosaic virus is especially common in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and the Central Black Earth region.

What is the difference from other varieties

Even a beginner can master the simple agricultural techniques of the variety. Farmer-entrepreneurs, in addition to proven varieties, plant Meteor seedlings in their fields. According to numerous popular reviews, potatoes take root in any climate and produce a rich harvest.

Important. Meteor's finished product yield reaches 95% of the total mass. High shelf life allows you to maintain the excellent appearance of vegetables until spring.

Composition, trace elements and vitamins

The vegetable contains vitamins C, PP, H and group B, including folic acid, as well as amino acids, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Undoubtedly, all these substances have a beneficial effect on the human body, increasing immunity and improving organ function.

This is interesting! The vitamin C content of potatoes is almost four times greater than that of an apple.

Fruit characteristics

As can be seen from the photo and description, the shape of the fruit is oval-round, the weight of individual specimens reaches 150 g. The peel is smooth, thin, with small eyes and a creamy tint.. The pulp is yellow; due to the low starch content, the fruits do not disintegrate during heat treatment.

Potatoes are ideal for preparing first courses, side dishes, and vegetable stews. Ripe vegetables are also used for frozen semi-finished products and chips. Because of the sweetish taste and soft yellow hue, many potato lovers claim that it is impossible to find a better variety for frying.

The photo shows the Meteor potato.

Drought-resistant and unpretentious potato variety Meteor: description and characteristics


High rates of fruiting and keeping quality make the Meteor variety very promising commercially. From 250 to 400 centners of fruits are harvested from 1 hectare. Each seedling produces up to 12 large potatoes. There are practically no small tubers unsuitable for sale. The yield is significantly influenced by the climate zone and compliance with agrotechnical rules.

Growing regions

Officially, Meteor is intended for cultivation in four economic regions:

  • Volgo-Vyatka;
  • West Siberian;
  • Central;
  • Central Black Earth.

In these zones the highest yields were recorded - 450 c/ha. Nevertheless, Meteor potatoes are successfully grown throughout the Russian Federation.

Landing dates

This variety begins to be planted from the end of April or early May, when the soil temperature warms up to +10°C and the air to +15...+17°C. When sowing in cold, unheated soil, you may not expect germination: the tubers will rot in the soil.

Planting should be postponed if prolonged rains are expected. In case of return frosts during early sowing, the beds are insulated with covering non-woven material. It will protect the seed from the cold and will not create a lack of light and oxygen.

Advantages and disadvantages of Meteor

The characteristics of the variety and taste allow the young Meteor to rapidly conquer markets. Its advantages:

  • takes root well in all regions;Drought-resistant and unpretentious potato variety Meteor: description and characteristics
  • does not require complex care;
  • resistant to many dangerous diseases;
  • early ripening;
  • resistance to drought and cold;
  • excellent taste;
  • marketable condition;
  • high percentage of shelf life;
  • universal application;
  • Possibility of breeding for sale.

Disadvantages include poor resistance to late blight and vulnerability to the Colorado potato beetle.

Features of planting and growing

The land for sowing is prepared in the fall: it is dug up, compost and humus are added. The place for the beds is chosen to be sunny, without shade - shading will cause a decrease in yield. The best soil is considered to be light peat soil, although the crop will grow successfully in clay soil if the necessary fertilizers are added to it.

Preparing for sowing

Drought-resistant and unpretentious potato variety Meteor: description and characteristics

Preparation for sowing is carried out a month before the start of field work. Tubers weighing no more than 100 g are carefully examined for damage or disease. Damaged or discolored items are not suitable.

To germinate, the tubers are placed in a bright room for several days. To ensure uniform germination, the seed is periodically turned over. The tubers are ready for planting as soon as the sprouts reach 2 cm.

To prevent diseases and pests, seed material is treated with the fungicides “Fitosporin” or “Confidor”.

Technology and planting scheme

Planting pattern: 30 cm – distance between seedlings, 60-70 cm – row spacing. If the soil is heavy and dense, the tubers are buried 4 cm, if the soil has a normal composition - no deeper than 10 cm.

The holes are sprinkled with wood ash; it will provide the soil with additional nutrients. It is not recommended to use fresh manure, as this will lead to an excess of weeds in the area.

This is interesting:

The amazing effect of a face mask made from raw potatoes.

How to use potatoes to treat various diseases.

Further care for Meteor potatoes

Plant care comes down to standard procedures. But there are certain agricultural practices that increase fruiting.

Nuances in care

Weeding, loosening, hilling, fertilizing and proper watering - all this is necessary for growing Meteor. The culture is heat-resistant and quickly adapts to sudden cold snaps. This allows potatoes to be planted earlier than other crops.

Watering mode

Drip irrigation has significant advantages over conventional irrigation. The humidity level in the beds is not exceeded, and the roots do not suffer from a lack of water. Due to high humidity, there is a risk of getting a fungal infection, and since the plant is weakly resistant to late blight, fungal spores quickly attack the seedlings. In addition, high humidity leads to the appearance of insect pests and weeds.Drought-resistant and unpretentious potato variety Meteor: description and characteristics

After watering, the soil is loosened, removing weeds with roots. Weeds not only carry numerous diseases, but also absorb nutrients.

Another important care technique is hilling up plants. Hilling promotes the growth of lateral roots and prevents the growth of weeds. In addition, after this procedure, air exchange improves and the roots are saturated with oxygen. Hilling is carried out 3-4 times per season. After the last procedure, the row spacing is mulched with straw.


During the entire growing season, no more than three feedings are carried out. The variety responds well to the addition of calcium and magnesium, so a full complex of minerals is used, mainly containing these elements.

Plants are also fertilized with organic compounds, for example, mullein infusion in a ratio of 1:10. The main thing is to remember that all fertilizing is combined with watering or applied to well-moistened soil.

Feeding periods:

  • two weeks after planting;
  • at the time of flowering;
  • during fruiting.

Disease and pest control

Late blight is a common fungal disease that is easier to prevent than to cure. For prevention, seedlings are treated with “Fitosporin”, which not only protects them from fungus, but also improves immunity. Also, for prevention, timely weeding, loosening and hilling are performed.Drought-resistant and unpretentious potato variety Meteor: description and characteristics

In general, the plant is resistant to diseases of the nightshade family, but do not forget about the numerous insects that can cause harm no worse than the disease.

The most insidious enemy of potatoes is the Colorado potato beetle. During a massive invasion, it quickly destroys plantings. The female beetle lays eggs on the back side of the leaf, so when inspecting the seedlings, the leaves are turned over. Often there are also adults below.

The beetle is collected manually; if there is a large accumulation of it, insecticides are used: “Prestige”, “Karate” or “Anti-bug”. Traditional methods include ash, which is sprinkled on plants.

This is interesting! The beetle got its name after attacking potato fields in Colorado. This happened in 1859.

Harvest and storage

After collecting ripe fruits, they are left in the sun to dry, then put away in a dark room for a week.

Reference! Only fully ripened potatoes are suitable for long-term storage.

Before placing them in a dry, cool and dark room, the tubers are carefully inspected and unsuitable vegetables are disposed of.Drought-resistant and unpretentious potato variety Meteor: description and characteristics

What difficulties may there be when growing

It is possible to plant Meteor seedlings in the same place only for two years, then the potato beds are transferred to another place. It is recommended to plant potatoes in the same soil where cabbage, onions or legumes previously grew.

It is not recommended to plant potatoes in the ground after nightshade brethren - peppers, eggplants or tomatoes.

Reference! After legumes, the soil is saturated with nitrogen, which has a beneficial effect on the development of plants of the nightshade family.

During flowering, the emergence of tubers begins. But it is recommended to carry out the first digging no earlier than the flowers fall. By this time the potatoes will have grown to 5 cm.

Advice from experienced gardeners and reviews about the variety

Advice from experienced vegetable growers will help provide more competent care for potatoes:Drought-resistant and unpretentious potato variety Meteor: description and characteristics

  1. When digging the soil, wood ash containing a large amount of minerals is added to it. In addition to saturating the soil, ash is an effective means of prevention against such a dangerous pest as wireworm.
  2. If seedlings are planted only for the purpose of producing young potatoes, the planting material cannot be disinfected with chemicals.


Thanks to its impeccable characteristics, the variety is becoming increasingly in demand among private owners and farms. Here are the opinions of vegetable growers who know first-hand about Meteor:Drought-resistant and unpretentious potato variety Meteor: description and characteristics

Sergey, Belgorod: “Meteor lived up to its name. It has no equal in terms of ripening speed, and care does not present any difficulties. I haven’t been growing vegetables for long, but this variety has produced excellent results for the second year already. Vegetables last a long time, even in spring the taste is real, like potatoes.”

Angelina, Kislovodsk: “I like potatoes in appearance and taste. It doesn’t get soggy when cooked, it always retains its shape, and guests are simply delighted with it. I have been growing the crop for three years now because it does not get sick and does not require special attention. There is only the Colorado potato beetle, which I get rid of with ash.”

Read also:

An unpretentious but productive Labella red potato variety.

How dangerous are potatoes and can you get poisoned by them?

Drought-resistant and productive potato variety Labadia: description and characteristics.


Meteor potatoes are the best solution for those who want to grow something new and extremely tasty in their garden. The early-ripening variety does not require special attention, shows record yields (300-400 c/ha!) and is practically disease-free.

Thanks to their excellent taste and resistance to heat treatment, potatoes are widely used in cooking. It is used for preparing first and second courses, semi-finished products, high-quality chips and fast food.

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