The benefits and harms of jacket potatoes

Nutritionists talk about the benefits of boiled potatoes. Some doctors recommend medications to patients potato diets. Mashed potatoes are given to children in the first year of life because it is nutritious and safe for the growing body.

However, boiled potatoes are not always good for the body. How many useful substances will be retained in it largely depends on the method of preparation. In addition, any product has contraindications. The article will tell you the benefits and harms of jacket potatoes and how to cook them correctly.

Chemical composition, microelements and characteristics of jacket potatoes

Potatoes contain essential amino acids: 0.293 g per 100 g of boiled jacket potatoes and 0.324 g per baked product.

Complex of essential amino acids:

  1. Leucine. Boiled - 0.112 g, baked - 0.119 g. Promotes muscle building and fat burning. Participates in the processes of metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Strengthens the immune system.The benefits and harms of jacket potatoes
  2. Isoleucine. Boiled - 0.076 g, baked - 0.08 g. The amino acid serves as the basis for protein and is involved in the process of energy exchange. Promotes rapid recovery of the body after physical activity.
  3. Valin. Boiled - 0.105 g, baked - 0.125 g. Participates in the formation and maintenance of the immune system of a growing organism. Helps brain function during increased mental stress. Increases the body's endurance and stability in stressful situations.

Besides, tubers contain vitamins A, group B, fiber and organic acids.

100 g of young potatoes contain 20 ml of ascorbic acid. During long-term storage, the amount of vitamin C decreases and by spring it becomes three times less.

Nutritionists believe that potatoes cooked in their skins are healthier. The skin contains microelements valuable for the body.

Mineral composition of jacket potatoes / share of the daily value per 100 g

Element Boiled Baked
Calcium 5 mg/0.5% 15 mg / 1.5%
Iron 0.3 mg / 3.1% 1.1 mg / 10.8%
Magnesium 22 mg / 5.5% 28 mg / 7%
Phosphorus 44 mg / 6.3% 70 mg / 10%
Potassium 379 mg / 8.1% 535 mg / 11.4%
Sodium 4 mg / 0.3% 10 mg / 0.8%
Zinc 0.3 mg / 2.7% 0.4 mg / 3.3%
Copper 0.2 mg / 20.9% 0.1 mg / 13.1%
Manganese 0.1 mg / 6% 0.2 mg / 9.5%
Selenium 0.3 mcg / 0.5% 0.4 mcg / 0.7%
Fluorine 49.4 mcg / 1.2%

How much sugar is in potatoes

Presence of sugars in potatoes (per 100 g):

  • sucrose - 0.18 g;
  • fructose - 0.28 g;
  • glucose - 0.33 g.

Ripe tubers have a low sugar content - from 0.5% to 1.5%, it varies depending on storage conditions.

What does the composition depend on?

There are more than 5 thousand varieties of potatoes in the world. They all differ in composition.

In addition to the varietal, the composition is influenced by:

  • storage conditions and duration;
  • the climatic conditions in which it was grown;
  • fertilizers

Calorie content, BJU and nutritional value of jacket potatoes

How many calories a product contains depends on how it was prepared.

Calorie content of the product in uniform:The benefits and harms of jacket potatoes

  • boiled - 87 kcal;
  • baked - 93 kcal.

100 g of boiled and baked jacket potatoes contain the same ratio of the daily norm of BZHU:

  • proteins - 3%;
  • fat - 0%;
  • carbohydrates - 7%.

Boiled potatoes in their jackets contain 20.1 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of product.This is about 91% of the total energy from the serving.

Baked in the peel - 21.2 g of carbohydrates, which is 89% of the energy.

Composition of jacket potatoes
boiled baked
Fats 0.1 g 0.13 g
Squirrels 1.87 g 2.5 g
Carbohydrates 20.13 g 21.15 g
Water 76.98 g 74.89 g
Ash 0.92 g 1.33 g

Is it suitable for weight loss

Boiled and baked jacket potatoes without salt normalizes and maintains weight, participates in cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins.

Why jacket potatoes help you lose extra pounds:

  • it is easily absorbed by the body;
  • low-calorie;
  • starch is broken down into simple sugars, and this does not lead to excess weight gain.

Experts have developed diets where the main product is potatoes, and kefir, cabbage, and eggs are offered as additional products.

What vitamins and beneficial properties are present in jacket potatoes?

What are the benefits of jacket potatoes? When consuming 300 g of potatoes per day, the body is saturated with useful minerals.

Vitamins Boiled Baked
Vitamin A  — 1 mcg
Beta carotene 2 mcg 6 mcg
Vitamin K 2.2 mcg 2 mcg
Vitamin C 13 mg 9.6 mg
Vitamin B1 0.1 mg 0.1 mg
Vitamin B3 1.4 mg 1.4 mg
Vitamin B4 13.5 mg 14.8 mg
Vitamin B5 0.5 mg 0.4 mg
Vitamin B6 0.3 mg 0.3 mg
Vitamin B9 10 mcg 28 mcg

Benefits for beauty and figure

Vitamin A is involved in the rejuvenation of the body through the formation of new cells and slows down the aging process.

A complex of essential amino acids is involved in metabolic processes. Leucine promotes fat burning.

For human health

B vitamins have a positive effect on many body systems:

  • B1 is involved in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, helps the thyroid gland, regulates the activity of the nervous system;
  • B4 helps improve memory;
  • B5 normalizes metabolism, participates in the production of steroid hormones;
  • B6 is responsible for the metabolism of proteins and fats, reduces cholesterol levels;
  • B9 is responsible for the growth and development of embryonic tissues during pregnancy and helps the body absorb iron.

Vitamin C is responsible for strengthening the immune system, participates in the synthesis of hormones, and strengthens the skeletal system.

Vitamin K affects the blood clotting process.

Other useful properties

Potatoes have valuable health properties:

  • diuretic;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Which potatoes are healthier - peeled or in their skins?

The benefits of potatoes depends on the following factors:

  • young tuber or old;The benefits and harms of jacket potatoes
  • what fertilizers were used to grow the vegetable;
  • what the prepared product is used with.

In young potatoes that have not yet been in the vegetable storehouse, useful substances are present in full. Some of the vitamins and microelements are found in the peel. Therefore, it is recommended to cook young tubers in their uniforms and eat the peel along with the pulp.

When purchasing potatoes at the market or in a store, it is difficult to find out about the growing conditions of the vegetable, or more precisely about the fertilizers that were used. There is a risk of purchasing a product with a high content of nitrates. These potatoes are recommended use only in purified form.

Potatoes grown on your own plot are cooked with their skins on.

Boiled peeled root vegetables lose some of their vitamins and microelements - they dissolve when cooked in water. Therefore, the best option is to bake potatoes in the oven or over a fire.

How to cook to preserve beneficial properties

Stages of preparing boiled jacket potatoes:

  • pour enough water into the pan so that after immersion the potatoes disappear, but do not sink deeply;
  • add salt to cold water;
  • choose tubers of the same size;
  • lower the vegetables after the water boils;
  • The readiness of potatoes is determined by the cracked skin.

Steps for preparing baked jacket potatoes:

  • take tubers of the same size, wash, coat with vegetable oil and salt;
  • make punctures in 2-3 places with a fork so that the peel does not burst;
  • cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the tubers so that they do not touch;
  • preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for 30-35 minutes;
  • Check readiness with a knife or fork.

The golden crust is formed thanks to the oil.

Use in folk medicine and cosmetology

Potatoes have found application not only in cooking.

Flowers and tubers are used in folk medicine and cosmetology. They are used as part of medicinal masks, lotions, decoctions, compresses, suppositories, and lotions.

In folk medicine

Remedy for treating tonsillitis:

  • boil dried potato flowers in the following proportion: 1 tbsp. l. raw materials for 1 glass of water;
  • cool;
  • Gargle with the decoction 3 times a day for 10 days.

Burn remedy:

  • raw potatoes are grated on a coarse grater;
  • wrapped in 2-3 layers of gauze;
  • a compress is applied to the burn site.

Inhalation for colds:

  • boil potatoes in their jackets;
  • breathe steam for 5-10 minutes before going to bed.

In cosmetology

Potato mask “Freshness”:

  • boiled hot potatoes are crushed, a raw egg and 2 tbsp are added. l. milk;
  • mix the ingredients and apply the cooled mass to the face;
  • keep the mask for 15-20 minutes;
  • wash off with warm water;
  • do a contrast rinse with cold and warm water.

The face becomes fresh and takes on a radiant appearance.

Hand mask “French”:The benefits and harms of jacket potatoes

  • boil two tubers and make a puree;
  • add 10-12 drops of glycerin, 5-6 drops of lemon juice;
  • Apply the mixture to your hands and hold for 10 minutes.

Recommended for chapped and red hands from frost.

Lotion for problem skin “Stop acne”:

  • grate one potato and squeeze out the juice;
  • prepare chamomile decoction - 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and left for 30 minutes;
  • mix potato juice and strained cold broth;
  • wipe the face with the prepared lotion using a cotton swab.

Possible harm from jacket potatoes for the human body

Tubers with green skins cause harm. They contain a toxic substance - solanine, which appears when the storage conditions of the product are not met. If solanine enters the body in large quantities it can cause poisoning.

Attention! The appearance of sprouts on potatoes means that they contain high solanine content.

It is recommended to peel green tubers in a thick layer to reduce the risk of harmful elements entering the body. It is strictly prohibited to boil such potatoes in their skins.

Who should not use it

Potatoes have no specific contraindications. Allergy to this product is extremely rare.

It is recommended to discuss the consumption of potatoes with your doctor if you have diabetes.


It is recommended to cook young fresh tubers grown on your own plot in their uniforms. They contain a unique combination of vitamins and minerals and are not affected by harmful chemicals.

Nutrients are preserved as much as possible when potatoes are baked in their jackets.And they get lost if stored incorrectly. Tubers with green skin contain a toxic substance - solanine. If it enters the body, your health worsens and there is a risk of poisoning.

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