Tomato “Orange Miracle” is a real find for any summer resident

Specialized stores offer dozens of different varieties that can easily withstand heat, drought, or are suitable for growing in Siberia and other regions with unfavorable climates.

New tomato varieties with improved hardiness are becoming increasingly popular. Vegetable growers give particular preference to Orange Miracle tomatoes. This crop will decorate a summer cottage and will delight the owner with high yields.

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Orange Miracle

The orange miracle was released in Russia in 2005. The breeders did everything to ensure that the variety acquired the best germination and productivity characteristics.

This variety of tomatoes is successfully grown both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground, but in a greenhouse the fruits ripen 2-3 weeks earlier.

Orange miracle is an early-ripening tomato variety. The fruits ripen 100 days after germination. Plant type – indeterminate, that is, tall. The culture reaches 2-3 m in height.

Several side shoots form around the main stem. The bush has a small number of leaves of medium size and dark green color. Each leaf contains small patterns in the form of tubercles. A powerful root system develops in a horizontal position.

The fruits of the Orange Miracle variety are slightly oval and pear-shaped. Tomato sizes are average, with proper care, the weight of the vegetable reaches 200 g. At least 5 fruits ripen on each node, which makes the variety high-yielding.

Tomatoes have dense flesh, without a watery structure. Dry matter content – ​​5%. The peel is durable. The tomatoes taste sweet, without acid or bitterness. It is because of these qualities that vegetables are used for fresh consumption. Tomatoes also perform well in canning.

Tomato Orange miracle is a real find for any summer resident

Pros and cons of the variety

Positive characteristics of the Orange Miracle variety:

  • ease of care;
  • excellent taste;
  • attractive presentation of vegetables;
  • duration of storage of tomatoes;
  • transportability;
  • high productivity;
  • high content of vitamins and beneficial microelements;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • possibility of growing in any region;
  • immunity to most diseases;
  • stable fruit set under different conditions.

The variety has no obvious shortcomings, except for its high requirements for fertilizing. Many vegetable growers choose the Orange Miracle precisely for its significant list of advantages.

How to grow

Orange tomatoes are grown in seedlings. Subsequently, young plants are planted in a greenhouse or open ground. Seed material is sown 55 days before planting in a permanent place of growth.

To increase crop germination, only large, undamaged seeds are selected and treated with a growth accelerator. Then the grains are planted in pre-prepared soil. These procedures prevent the development of various diseases.

In the open ground

Work with seedlings for open ground begins in mid-March. To obtain healthy plants, gardeners carry out the following activities:

  1. Properly prepare seed for planting.Tomato grains are treated for 20-30 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, after which they are washed and soaked overnight in a growth stimulator.
  2. To grow plants, take soil from the garden bed and treat it with Fundazol. Then small grooves are made in the soil for the seeds. Another option is to purchase soil from a specialty store.
  3. The grains are sown in large pots or boxes with soil at intervals of 2-3 cm (since the Orange Miracle has good germination). The grains are buried to a depth of 1 cm. After this, the soil is moistened with settled water at room temperature and covered with transparent glass or film.
  4. When the first shoots appear, remove the film and place the seedlings in a well-lit place, for example, on a windowsill. The temperature in the room where the plants are located is maintained at at least 25°C.
  5. When two true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate containers. As the plants dry out, water them.
  6. 1-2 weeks before the intended planting in a permanent place in open ground, tomatoes begin to harden. The bushes are taken outside every day for 1-2 hours. The time the crop spends in the fresh air is gradually increased.

While planting the seedlings, pinch off the central root of the tomatoes. This procedure promotes the formation of a strong root system.

In mid-to-late May, when the frosts have passed, the crop is transplanted to a permanent place of growth in open ground. Plants are placed in holes at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other and watered abundantly. Since the variety is indeterminate, the crop must be tied to a trellis.

Tomato Orange miracle is a real find for any summer resident

Further care for tomatoes is carried out as follows:

  • in a timely manner watered (at least 1 time every 4 days);
  • fertilize with minerals fertilizing during the flowering period and during setting 2 times, during fruit formation - 2 times;
  • loosen the soil around the plants and at the same time remove weeds;
  • The bush is formed into 1-2 stems.

The culture does not need stepsoning.

On a note. Plants are watered at the root. Do not allow moisture to get on the leaves, otherwise the foliage will get burned.

In the greenhouse

Tomato Orange miracle is a real find for any summer resident

At the beginning of May, tomato bushes are transplanted into a greenhouse, since the plants are not afraid of frost there.. From the first days, tomatoes are provided with watering. The most suitable air temperature for the crop is from 20 to 25°C, the optimal air humidity is 70%, otherwise there is a risk of plant rotting.

To prevent the tomatoes from being watery, the soil is moistened moderately, but the soil is also not allowed to dry out. Fertilizing is carried out in the same way as in open ground, 4 times during the growing season with mineral fertilizers. To preserve the harvest, tomatoes are tied up in time.

How to increase productivity

To increase the yield of Orange Miracle tomatoes, the following rules of agricultural technology are observed:

  1. Once a week, fertilize tomato seedlings with liquid fertilizers “Agricola”, “Effekton” or “Ideal”.
  2. When transplanting plants to a permanent place, they use means to strengthen the root system or wood ash, which is sprinkled on the holes.
  3. Before planting, seedlings are carefully inspected for damage. Weak and damaged plants are thrown away.
  4. Tomato bushes are planted according to a 50x40 cm pattern.
  5. The crop is moistened at the root, using a watering can so as not to wash away the soil and expose the roots.
  6. When planting, the bushes are immediately tied to a vertical support and secured as they grow.
  7. The soil under the plants is mulched with chopped grass or straw.This allows you to retain moisture in the soil longer, prevents splashes on the bushes when watering, and retains heat well at night.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Compliance with agrotechnical measures will protect the crop from diseases and pests.

Tomatoes of the Orange Miracle variety have strong immunity to the following diseases:

Tomato Orange miracle is a real find for any summer resident

The variety is not afraid of spider mites, mole crickets and aphids. Among the common fungal diseases that affect tomatoes, late blight ranks first. It appears first as yellow and then brown spots on the foliage. In hot weather the leaves begin to dry out and in cold weather they begin to rot. The fungus moves from the leaves to the stem, and later to the fruit. When vegetables are still green, they are more susceptible to disease.

For preventive purposes, the drug “Fitosporin” is used. This is a biological pesticide that contains beneficial bacteria and microelements for plants. Many summer residents use this remedy to treat tomatoes from late blight and many other diseases. The drug destroys all pathogenic bacteria with the help of beneficial microorganisms by penetrating plant tissue. This product is biologically safe. It combines well with other chemicals.

For your information. "Fitosporin" is used both for the prevention and treatment of the disease.

To prepare a solution, add 2 tsp to 10 liters of water. facilities. You will also need a non-metallic container and warm water (no more than 35°C). The product must be kept in the sun for 1-2 hours to activate beneficial bacteria.

Treatment is carried out during the season every 10 days; if it rained, immediately after it.Vegetable growers also use similar bacteriological preparations:

  • "Baikal-EM";
  • "Late blight";
  • "Baktofit";
  • "Planriz."

The compositions and methods of use of the drugs are approximately the same.

The variety is resistant to infectious diseases, which means that disinfection measures can be carried out for preventive purposes.

The main enemy of the variety is the Colorado potato beetle. It begins to parasitize the plant at the moment when it is just forming.

Folk remedies to get rid of the parasite:

  1. A piece of laundry soap and 100 g of ground red pepper are stirred in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is sprayed onto tomato tops.
  2. 1 kg of wood ash is stirred in 10 liters of water, allowed to brew for a day, then laundry soap is added to the solution for stickiness. Tomato bushes are treated with the product.
  3. 500 g of tobacco is poured into 10 liters of water, left for 24 hours and the resulting product is sprayed on the tomatoes. The procedure is repeated every 10-14 days.

In the fall, after harvesting, pieces of potatoes are laid out on the surface of the bed. A hungry beetle will definitely get to them. When the parasites stick to the tubers, they need to be treated with any poison and removed from the site. This way, much fewer individuals will remain for the winter.

Spraying with wormwood or garlic infusion inhibits plant development. Therefore, you should not get carried away with such processing.

The following drugs are considered the best modern insecticidal agents:

  • "Killer";
  • "Bankol";
  • "Bombardier";
  • "Karate".

Important! During the period of flowering and fruit formation, pests are not poisoned. 30 days before harvest, all spraying with chemicals is stopped.

Reviews from gardeners

Tomato Orange miracle is a real find for any summer resident

The Orange Miracle tomato variety receives only positive ratings from gardeners.Due to its excellent yield and transportability, the variety is grown both for personal consumption and for sale.

Olga, Krasnodar: “The first time I saw these tomatoes was in my neighbors’ garden. Because of their unusual color, I found them attractive and my husband wanted to try them. We took some tomatoes from our neighbors and made a salad; we really liked the taste of the tomatoes. When growing the Orange Miracle variety, I liked the fact that it turned out to be resistant to various diseases and parasites throughout the summer. The vegetables in the garden look very beautiful. I consider the disadvantage of tomatoes to be their relatively small yield. We got 5-7 fruits from each cluster, although our neighbors had much more vegetables. She probably did something wrong. I will try again."

Victoria, Rostov: “I have been growing Orange Miracle tomatoes for 5 years in a row, I really like them. The vegetables taste sweet, my children love to eat them, picking them straight from the bushes. I cultivate tomatoes in a greenhouse. She collected quite a lot of harvest. The photos of tomatoes on the packaging are no different from my tomatoes. I really like the variety, I recommend it to everyone!”

Anastasia, Orel: “I noticed this variety a long time ago. The first thing that caught my eye was its cheerful color. I really wanted to grow this Orange miracle in my garden. The crop is truly unpretentious in care and quite productive. My whole family now loves these tomatoes, and most importantly, the tomatoes are very healthy. I also liked how they looked in the jar. I treat my relatives with canned food. Everyone likes it, everyone praises me, I will continue to grow them.”


The Orange Miracle variety is an excellent option for beginning vegetable growers who are trying to grow their own tomatoes.It is also suitable for experienced people, those looking for something original. The peculiarity of tomatoes is their bright fruits. They will not go unnoticed and will decorate your garden. Tomatoes are also popular among those who grow vegetables for sale. The unusual appearance and excellent taste definitely attract buyers.

You will learn more about the Orange Miracle variety from the video.

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