What is good about the Belozerka pepper variety and why you should try growing it on your own plot

Sweet pepper Belozerka has been popular among gardeners for about 30 years. This is an unpretentious variety, resistant to diseases and pests.

In this article we will look at the secrets of growing pepper, its advantages and disadvantages, and also share farmers’ reviews about this variety.

Description of the variety

In the 90s of the last century, scientists created a variety known today as Belozerka sweet pepper. Breeders, by crossing different crops, tried to obtain a variety of pepper that can grow in any climate - both in greenhouses and in open ground, with a good yield.

Their efforts were crowned with success: the Belozerka variety meets all the declared characteristics.

What is good about the Belozerka pepper variety and why you should try growing it on your own plot

This is a determinate pepper with limited bush growth. It is also characterized by the following symptoms:

  • plant height does not exceed 70 cm;
  • from a strong central stem there are equally strong branches with dark green boat-shaped leaves;
  • bushes do not require garter;
  • the plant root system is well developed;
  • white flowers in the form of stars;
  • The variety is self-pollinating.

On a note. To increase productivity, other bee-pollinated pepper varieties are planted next to Belozerka.

Fruits and yield

Belozerka produces cone-shaped fruits with elastic and juicy pulp. The surface of the fruit is glossy, smooth, the apex is slightly pointed. The fruits have several sides. The wall thickness is 4-7 mm.

The peppers themselves are average in weight and size - the weight of one fruit is 80-90 g.

The yield of the variety is high - during the season you can get up to 9 kg of vegetables from 1 sq. m.What is good about the Belozerka pepper variety and why you should try growing it on your own plot

The color of ripe fruits is bright red. They are stored for a long time and do not lose their beneficial and tasteful qualities.

This is a universal vegetable crop that is used both for canning, and for daily cooking of various dishes:

  • lecho;
  • salads;
  • soups;
  • stuffing;
  • adzhiki.

On a note. Bell pepper is rich in vitamin C; its regular use helps improve immunity, cleanses blood vessels, increases appetite, and normalizes blood counts.

Germination of seeds

The vegetable is cultivated using the seedling method. Seeds are germinated in a warm place with high humidity levels. As soon as the first shoots appear, the seeds are planted in the soil, which should be nutritious and loose. It is best to use a store-bought potting mix for vegetables or flowers.

Each plant is placed in a separate container - then it is easier to transplant them into open ground. At this stage, it is important to provide the seedlings with good lighting and watering (do not allow the soil to dry out).


The crop is fed with a small amount of superphosphate and potash fertilizers immediately after the cotyledon leaves appear.. The second feeding is done when more than ten true leaves are formed and the pepper reaches 10 cm in height.

To do this, use chemical compositions at the rate of 15 g of superphosphate and 5 g of potassium per 5 liters of liquid at room temperature. The specified proportions must be strictly observed, otherwise the crop will be oversaturated with nitrates.

Important! Seedlings are not picked - Belozerka does not tolerate this procedure.

Plants planted in open ground are fed several times throughout their entire life cycle.

During the formation of the ovary and flowering, the first feeding is performed, the second - when the fruits ripen.

Open ground

Peppers are planted in open ground no earlier than mid-May, when there are no cold nights and sudden changes in air temperature during the day.

They do this as follows:

  • holes 20 cm deep are dug at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other;
  • the bottom of each hole is covered with humus - for good rooting of plants in a new place;
  • the plant is taken out of the container along with a lump of earth, placed in a prepared hole and covered with earth up to the first leaves;
  • water with warm water - 2-3 liters per bush.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, the bushes must be prepared - hardened off. First they are taken outside for the day, then left overnight. Hardening increases the endurance of the crop after transplantation.

Pepper care

The Belozerka variety requires the usual care for most unpretentious crops - watering, fertilizing, weeding. The main thing is to prevent rotting, drying out, illnesses and protect it from pests.


Do not overdry the soil until cracks form. In hot weather, the frequency and amount of watering is increased - in dry weather, 3-4 liters of warm water are poured under one bush (2-3 times every 7 days).


They are fed with both chemical and organic substances. Potassium, nitrogen or phosphate fertilizers are diluted with liquid in strict accordance with the instructions. To organically feed peppers, use humus, compost or dry chicken manure.

Important! You cannot fertilize the crop with fresh manure - the plants may die.

Soil aeration

What is good about the Belozerka pepper variety and why you should try growing it on your own plot

The soil must be loosened periodically to improve its breathability and ensure good water absorption.

This is done carefully, otherwise there is a risk of disturbing the root system of the plants (penetration depth is no more than 7 cm).


The grass is removed by hand or with a hoe as it grows around the Belozerka bush. Weeds prevent plants from receiving all the necessary microelements from the soil and developing.

If there is a lot of excess grass in the garden, the pepper begins to get sick and becomes more vulnerable to attack by insect pests.


The main objective of the procedure is to retain moisture in hot weather. Mulch the hole using hay, straw or grass clippings. This provides the necessary moisture at the root part and keeps it cool.

Diseases and pests

Treatment with special solutions against pests or diseases is carried out only when necessary. Plants are carefully inspected for damage to fruits or leaves. It is important to determine the real cause of the lesion in order to select an effective method of control.

Pepper variety Belozerka is resistant to apical, dry and wet rot, alternative, verticillium and viral diseases. Spraying with chemicals for diseases or pests is rarely necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages

Belozerka sweet pepper has no significant disadvantages. Minor disadvantages include the lack of thick pulp and large mass, compared to other varieties.

But the advantages of “Belozerka” are obvious:What is good about the Belozerka pepper variety and why you should try growing it on your own plot

  • high productivity;
  • smooth and beautiful fruits;
  • excellent taste even at the stage of technical ripeness, when the vegetables are still white with a green tint;
  • long fruiting;
  • resistance to various weather conditions;
  • good transportability and keeping quality;
  • resistance to viruses and fungi.


Let's look at some online reviews about pepper so that you can get a more objective picture for yourself and make a final decision about purchasing it.

Elena, Ekaterinburg: «My parents plant Belozerka peppers every year and are very pleased with the result - the fruits are bright and early. Even after stewing the stuffed peppers, the color remains pleasant and the dish turns out delicious!”What is good about the Belozerka pepper variety and why you should try growing it on your own plot

Ivan, Moscow: “It’s a good pepper, although it’s not huge in size. The main thing is to fertilize it with humus, water it and mulch it in time, then the yield will not fail. I harvested an excellent harvest even in the cold summer.”

Lyudmila, Perm: “I like Belozerka for its beautiful and even fruits. Another plus is that you can collect unripe peppers and use them all season long (until the end of August). There is no harm to the plant, only benefit - after harvesting the first fruits, new ones appear faster.”


Belozerka sweet pepper does not require special care or special conditions for cultivation.

The variety tolerates temperature changes well, produces an excellent harvest and does not require frequent use of chemical fertilizers. Be sure to try growing it in your garden!

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