The favorite of summer residents with high yields and an excellent reputation is the “Bourgeois” tomato for open ground and greenhouses

Every gardener dreams of growing a tomato that will require minimal care and produce delicious, juicy fruits. Modern selection provides such an opportunity. There are many varieties and hybrids on sale that have increased resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Such crops include the Bourgeois tomato. It is not afraid of cold weather and can withstand drought. It is easy to grow even in the countryside. What else is attractive about this hybrid - read on.

General description of the variety

Bourgeois f1 is a first generation tomato hybrid. It was developed by crossing two other varieties. This makes it impossible to sow seeds from your own harvest. The hybrid was bred by Ukrainian breeders in Odessa. In 2004 it was included in the Russian state register.

Recommended for outdoor cultivation in central and southern regions.

A favorite of summer residents with high yields and an excellent reputation - the Bourgeois tomato for open ground and greenhouses

Distinctive features of Bourgeois

Distinctive feature of Bourgeois – its resistance to temperature changes. It is not afraid of either heat or cold weather and sets fruit well under negative environmental influences.

Tolerates hybrid and short-term drought. This makes it easier to care for, especially when growing for the dacha.

Highly resistant to diseases of nightshade crops. Rarely suffers from late blight. Due to the tomato's resistance to negative environmental factors, it grows equally well in indoor and outdoor ground.The location of cultivation does not affect the yield.

Medium-sized fruits, red in color. The taste is rich, sweet and sour. The aroma is pronounced tomato.

Of the negative traits hybrid - fragility of stems. Despite the short stature of Bourgeois, his bushes need garter.

Main characteristics

Bourgeois refers to tomatoes that are guaranteed to give a good harvest. This is one of the most unpretentious hybrids that will tolerate even a short absence of care.

A favorite of summer residents with high yields and an excellent reputation - the Bourgeois tomato for open ground and greenhouses

Description and characteristics:

Parameter Indicators
Bush type Determinant. Height varies between 75-130 cm (the warmer the region, the higher the bush will grow). Refers to standard crops. The leaves are ordinary, medium in size, bright green. The bushes are medium-leaved, branched. The stems are fragile. The inflorescences are simple, the first is formed in the axil of 5-6 leaves, the next ones - through each leaf. The fruits are formed in clusters of 5-7 pieces.
Growing method The tomato is cold-resistant. In the southern and central regions it is grown in open ground. In northern latitudes they are planted in film or glass unheated greenhouses.
Productivity High. From 1 sq. m harvest up to 12 kg of fruit.
Fruit Medium size. The weight of the fruit varies between 150-300 g. The color is red inside and outside. There is no green spot at the base. The shape is leveled, round. All fruits on the bush are almost the same size. There is faint ribbing at the base. The taste is sweet and sour with a characteristic tomato aroma. The pulp is dense but juicy. Each fruit contains 3-4 chambers with seeds that are unsuitable for planting.
Transportability High. The harvest does not deteriorate when transported over long distances. Differs in shelf life (more than 1 month).
Ripening time Mid-season. The first tomatoes turn red 100-110 days after sowing the seeds.
Disease resistance It is highly resistant to tomato diseases. Not afraid of late blight.

Growing seedlings

Like other mid-season hybrids, Bourgeois in our country is grown exclusively by seedlings. Seeds are sown in the ground 45-60 days before the intended planting in a permanent place.

The time for sowing planting material depends on the climate of the region:

  • southern - at the end of February or beginning of March;
  • moderate - in the second half of March;
  • northern - in early April.

A favorite of summer residents with high yields and an excellent reputation - the Bourgeois tomato for open ground and greenhouses

How to prepare seeds for planting

Many manufacturers process their products in factories. Prepared seeds are usually colored orange or green. Etching information is indicated on the packaging. If untreated seed is used, disinfection is necessary. Without it, the risks of plant infection and death due to negative environmental conditions increase.

Seeds must be disinfected. Compositions in which they are soaked:

  • solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 100 ml of water);
  • copper sulfate (1 g per 1 liter of water);
  • phytosporin (2 drops per 1 cup of water);
  • aloe juice (diluted with water 1:1);
  • soda solution (1 tsp per 1 cup of water);
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Note! Soda solution and aloe juice not only disinfect planting material, but also have growth stimulating properties.

A favorite of summer residents with high yields and an excellent reputation - the Bourgeois tomato for open ground and greenhousesBefore dressing, the seeds are soaked in a glass of water. Floated specimens will not germinate.

Before planting, seeds are treated with growth stimulants.

Eat several options for accelerating the germination of planting material:

  • soaking in purchased products (“Epin”, “Zircon”, “Sodium Humate”);
  • soaking in homemade products (honey water, which is prepared from 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 cup of water);
  • preliminary germination in damp cloth.

Other varieties of tomatoes:

Early rich harvest - Polbig tomato

Large-fruited and early-ripening hybrid "Strega f1"

A productive hybrid with excellent taste - Florida tomato

What containers and soil to choose

Light but nutritious soil is suitable for tomatoes. It is prepared from a base and nutrient substrate taken in equal proportions. Add ½ baking powder to the resulting mixture. Compound:

  • base - garden soil, peat, black soil;
  • nutrient substrate - humus;
  • baking powder - sand, sawdust, shredded coconut.

Add to soil ash (1 tbsp. per 10 l) and superphosphate (1 matchbox per 10 l). Ready-made soil mixtures are also sold in gardening stores. Choose a special soil for tomatoes and peppers or a universal soil.

Tomato seeds are usually sown in a common box. After the seedlings have grown, they are planted in individual containers with a volume of at least 300 ml. Containers and soil must be disinfected. A dark pink solution of potassium permanganate is most often used.

Sowing seeds

Bourgeois is inexpensive a hybrid that tolerates picks well. Soil is poured into the boxes. When it warms up, water it with warm water. Prepare grooves 1 cm deep. Seeds are sown in them at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Then all the depressions are covered with earth.

Boxes with planting material are covered with film. They are placed in a room with a temperature of 23-26 °C. In such conditions, the seeds will germinate quickly.

A favorite of summer residents with high yields and an excellent reputation - the Bourgeois tomato for open ground and greenhouses

Rules for caring for seedlings

Tomato seedlings need regular care. There are several basic rules for growing this crop.:

  1. When shoots appear, the film is removed.The boxes are moved for a week to a place with a temperature of 17 °C. This will prevent the tomatoes from pulling out prematurely.
  2. Tomatoes are brought into a room with a temperature of 20-22 °C.
  3. As the top layer of soil dries, the seedlings are watered. Use settled water. Water tomatoes only at the root.
  4. When two true leaves form on the plants, they are transplanted into separate containers, carefully holding them by the leaves. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pots, which will protect the plants from blackleg. After picking, water the tomatoes. After this, the soil is not moistened for 10 days.
  5. During the entire period of growing seedlings, they are fed 3 times. The first time, a solution of ash and superphosphate is added (for 5 liters of water, take 10 tablespoons of ash and 1 teaspoon of superphosphate). The second time, chicken manure is used, diluted 1:10. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizing is applied for the last time.
  6. 10 days before planting tomatoes in the ground, seedlings begin to harden. It is taken outside during the warm part of the day, increasing the time of stay daily.

Agricultural technology Bourgeois

Bourgeois is planted in a permanent place when the seedlings have become stronger and the soil temperature at a depth of 12 cm reaches 15 °C.

Exact drop-off times vary by region:

  • cities with a warm climate - end of April;
  • regions with a temperate climate - the second ten days of May;
  • northern regions – early June.

Bourgeois is grown in open and closed ground. In both cases Yield indicators are stable.

Picking to a permanent place

For tomatoes, choose a place in the sunniest part of the garden. Groundwater should not be located too close to the surface of the earth.

The beds have been prepared since autumn. They are dug up, cleared of plant debris and mixed with humus. For 1 sq. m, 6 kg of fertilizers are applied.In spring, the beds are leveled with a rake and cleared of weeds. The soil is watered with hot copper sulfate.

Advice! Tomatoes grow well on their own tops. In the fall, tomato bushes are picked, crushed and watered with a solution of potassium permanganate. The grass is then buried in the beds where the tomatoes will grow next year.

The holes are dug in rows in a checkerboard pattern. For 1 sq. m fits 4-5 plants. 1 tbsp is poured into the holes. l. land. Some gardeners believe that it is useful to place 1 small fish in the recesses for tomatoes. Before planting, the seedlings are carefully removed from the pots. They are planted together with a lump of earth. The depressions are covered with earth and watered with warm water, spending 1 liter of water on each plant.

A favorite of summer residents with high yields and an excellent reputation - the Bourgeois tomato for open ground and greenhouses

Basic rules of care

It is recommended to tie up the bourgeois. Despite the fact that it belongs to determinate hybrids, its bushes are tall and its stems are brittle. Therefore, it is necessary to tie up not only the main stem, but also heavy clusters with fruits.

The bush does not need to be formed. Its productivity is ensured precisely by its spreading nature. It is recommended to regularly remove leaves at the bottom of the leaf. The procedure is carried out once a week, removing no more than 3 leaves.

Water tomatoes 2 times a week, spending 3 liters of warm water per plant. After each watering, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed.

Tomato beds are mulched rotted straw, hay or humus. This layer will protect the roots of the plants from unfavorable environmental factors and will serve as additional feeding.

Fertilizers are applied 3-4 times per season (depending on the composition of the soil). The intervals between feedings are at least 2 weeks.

Read also:

Grow tomato "Eijen f1" without much hassle

Will amaze with yield and taste - tomato “Belle f1”

Little tricks

A favorite of summer residents with high yields and an excellent reputation - the Bourgeois tomato for open ground and greenhousesTo get a rich harvest of tomatoes, you need to know a few secrets. Here are some of them:

  1. To speed up fruit set, plants are sprayed with boric acid compounds. They will not only speed up the formation and ripening of tomatoes, but also make them more tasty.
  2. If the root system plants will be strong, they will become more resilient. To achieve this, the stems are hilled. The first time is when a tuberosity appears in the lower part of the trunk. The second - after the stems acquire a bluish tint.
  3. Nitrogen fertilizers applied to tomato beds once per season. The rest of the time, preference is given to potassium-phosphorus mixtures.

Diseases and pests

Tomato Bourgeois has high immunity to diseases of nightshade crops. Even late blight does not affect it.

All that is required of gardeners is to protect plants from pests:

  1. To protect the plant from slugs, aphids and spider mites, use a soap solution. It is prepared from a piece of crushed laundry soap and a bucket of water. Add a finely chopped onion to the resulting mixture. For prevention, tomatoes are sprayed with wormwood decoction.
  2. To combat the Colorado potato beetle use special drugs, for example, “Prestige”. However, it is safer to collect the pest by hand.
  3. To protect tomatoes from mole cricket, the beds are sprinkled with eggshells.

Advice! To protect bushes from pests, some gardeners plant tomatoes in the ground in the pots in which the seedlings were grown. They only penetrate the bottom of such containers.

The main nuances of cultivation in open and protected ground

A favorite of summer residents with high yields and an excellent reputation - the Bourgeois tomato for open ground and greenhousesBourgeois is equally easy to grow in open and protected ground. When choosing one of the methods, consider some nuances.

Air circulates indoors worse than outside. This promotes the spread of infections and moisture stagnation in the greenhouse. To avoid such problems, the room is regularly ventilated. To protect the premises from pests, the windows are covered with mesh.

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse only 1 time per week. Liquid from indoor beds evaporates more slowly.

Before planting seedlings in the greenhouse, It is recommended to spray the walls with copper sulfate. The soil in the beds where tomatoes previously grew is replaced with new soil.

In open ground it is important to protect plants from night frosts. To do this, they are covered with film every evening for the first 2 weeks.

Harvesting and application

The first fruits of Bourgeois are harvested at the end of July. This variety is not distinguished by its rapid harvest ripening.

Advice! The most delicious fruits are those that are fully ripe on the bush.

Bourgeois - a hybrid with universal use. Its fruits are suitable for fresh consumption, canning whole and making tomato paste. Unripe tomatoes are used for pickling.

Advantages and disadvantages of Bourgeois

Benefits of culture:

  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • tolerates dry weather;
  • ease of care:
  • wonderful taste of fruits;
  • versatility of crop application;
  • high productivity;
  • high immunity to tomato diseases;
  • does not require pinching.

Flaw: Since it is a hybrid and not a variety, seeds from its fruits are not used for planting.

A favorite of summer residents with high yields and an excellent reputation - the Bourgeois tomato for open ground and greenhouses

Farmer reviews

Feedback from farmers about Bourgeois is mostly positive. This tomato will satisfy the requirements of beginners and experienced gardeners.

Irina, Omsk: “I liked Bourgeois because it was easy to care for. Even in cool climates it grows well in a greenhouse. Requires minimal maintenance.Not sick. The fruits are delicious. Smooth and red, as in the photo".

Victoria, Zheleznogorsk: “I grow bourgeois at the dacha in open ground. I can’t say that its fruits are incredibly tasty. They are good with a classic tomato flavor. His endurance is impressive. I go to the dacha once a week. I add fertilizers (silage, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate) 2 times a season and water them once every 7 days. The tomato does not require pinching. Needs to be tied up".


Bourgeois is an excellent option for gardeners who do not want to spend a lot of time near tomato beds. It is unpretentious and will not die if you miss a couple of waterings. This hybrid is not afraid of temperature changes and drought.

Tomato is one of the hybrids that definitely will not disappoint. Even in cold summers it will produce an impressive harvest of tasty fruits.

1 a comment
  1. Hope

    I have a yellow Bourgeois, I bought the seeds at a garden store. And I wanted red fruits. But tasty and fruitful.

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