The Lemon Giant variety is a tomato with an extraordinary taste, bright color and incredibly large juicy fruits.

Yellow tomatoes are no less popular than red and pink ones. They are consumed fresh, preserved for the winter and processed into ketchups of unusual colors. Therefore, most gardeners grow tomatoes in sunny shades on their plots.

There are a large number of varieties and hybrids of yellow tomatoes. Among them, farmers try to choose those that have a pleasant taste and immunity to diseases. Among them, the Lemon Giant tomato stands out with fruits of the size corresponding to its name.

General description of the variety

Lemon giant is a variety bred by domestic breeders. Thanks to its original color, gigantic fruit size and pleasant taste, Gigant has won the love of Russian and foreign gardeners.

It was included in the State Register in 2000. Seeds of this variety are produced by Russian and Ukrainian companies.

The Lemon Giant variety is a tomato with extraordinary taste, bright color and incredibly large juicy fruits.

Features of the Lemon Giant

The main distinguishing feature of the Giant is the bright yellow color of the fruit. This is the color of a tomato both inside and outside. Look what tomatoes of this variety look like in the photo.

This is truly a giant variety. Its fruits are very large, some specimens reach a weight of 800 g.

The tomatoes are meaty. Contains a high content of vitamin C and beta keratin. The Lemon Giant tomato is recommended to be included in the diet for vitamin deficiency.

The variety is universal. Yellow tomatoes have a sweet and slightly sour taste. They are good in salads and canned food. Gardeners claim that their taste does not change even when frozen.

bushes plants indeterminate. They can reach a height of 3 m. They require gartering and pinching.

The variety is immune to major viral and fungal diseases, but sometimes still gets sick.

Important. A distinctive feature of Lemon Giant tomatoes is their fastidiousness to the composition of the soil. Therefore, when growing it, it is important to follow the fertilizing schedule.

The Lemon Giant variety is a tomato with extraordinary taste, bright color and incredibly large juicy fruits.


The variety impresses with its performance. They will impress even experienced gardeners.

Characteristics and description of the variety:

Parameter Indicators
Bush type Indeterminate. Grows to a height of 2-3 m. Steles are powerful, with an average amount of foliage. Tomatoes are formed in clusters, each of which contains up to 6 pieces. Up to 5 clusters grow on one stem. The inflorescences are simple.
Growing method Grown in greenhouses and open ground. Unprotected soil is used only in the southern regions.
Productivity High. From one bush you can collect up to 6 kg of fruit.
Fruit Large ones. The weight of one fruit is 500-800 g. The glossy skin has a bright yellow color. The inside of the fruit is also yellow, lighter towards the middle. The fruits are fleshy but juicy. Inside there are many small chambers containing a small amount of seeds. The taste is sweet with unexpressed sourness. The shape is round, flattened and ribbed at the base, and slightly elongated at the tip.
Transportability High. Tomatoes have a tough skin, and whole fruits can be stored for a week.
Ripening time Mid-season variety. The first ripened fruits appear 105 days after the appearance of the first shoots.
Disease resistance Resistant to major viral and fungal diseases of tomatoes.

Growing seedlings

Tomatoes are planted in open ground when the soil is warm enough. This happens at different times in different regions. The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings depends on this.

Seeds are sown two months before they are transplanted into open ground. In most regions, the optimal time is considered to be the end of February-March.

The Lemon Giant variety is a tomato with extraordinary taste, bright color and incredibly large juicy fruits.

Seed preparation

Before you start sowing the seeds, they need to be prepared. This will prevent plant infection and also increase and speed up their germination.

Preparation of planting material:

  1. Before sowing, you need to select material that is capable of sprouting. To do this, it is sorted, removing all damaged and blackened seeds. A simpler method is to soak the planting material in salted water for half an hour, removing all floating seeds.
  2. Treatment of planting material with disinfecting compounds will prevent plant disease. To do this, the seeds are soaked in hydrogen peroxide for two hours. Potassium permanganate is also used for these purposes.
  3. Tomatoes are soaked in a growth stimulator for 12 hours. These can be store-bought products or homemade preparations, for example, aloe juice.

The Lemon Giant variety is a tomato with extraordinary taste, bright color and incredibly large juicy fruits.

Soil and containers

In most cases, seeds are sown in one large container. For example, special trays and boxes or homemade pots. Such a container does not have to be deep.

If you plan to grow only a few bushes of this variety, then you can sow the seeds directly into individual containers. It is convenient to use peat pots and tablets.

Individual containers are used for picking grown plants. Their volume must be at least 300 g.

Preparing the soil mixture is not difficult.There are many options for such compositions. Peat, turf and humus taken in equal proportions are the simplest and easiest soil to prepare.

Store-bought formulations are also suitable for growing tomato seedlings. Light soils are suitable for this crop.

Before using soil and containers for seedlings, you need to disinfect them. The earth is calcined in the oven, poured with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. Containers for planting seeds are wiped with a solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, or sterilized using high temperatures.

The Lemon Giant variety is a tomato with extraordinary taste, bright color and incredibly large juicy fruits.

Sowing planting material

After the preparatory work, they proceed directly to sowing. To do this, grooves 2 cm deep are made in the soil in rows, located at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Seeds are poured into them at a distance of 2 cm from each other. The seeds are covered with soil on top.

The soil is moistened with warm water from a spray bottle, cover with film and place in a warm place. Before the first shoots appear, it does not have to be well lit.

There are other options for sowing seeds. Below is the most unusual of their methods.

Growing seedlings without soil:

  1. Take a plastic food tray. If it is not there, then you can cut the bottle lengthwise into two parts. One of the halves is used for growing seedlings.
  2. The bottom of a plastic container is lined with several layers of toilet paper or napkins. It is thoroughly moistened with a spray bottle.
  3. Place the seeds on paper at a distance of 2 cm from each other. They are covered with several layers of toilet paper on top.
  4. The paper covering the seeds is moistened with a spray bottle.
  5. The top of the container with seeds is covered with a film that has holes in it.As the paper dries, it is moistened with warm water.

When using this method, plants are planted in containers with soil as soon as their cotyledon leaves appear. Otherwise, they will turn yellow and die due to lack of nutrients.

The Lemon Giant variety is a tomato with extraordinary taste, bright color and incredibly large juicy fruits.

Seedling care

Proper care of seedlings will allow you to grow healthy and viable plants that can easily be transplanted to a permanent location.

How to care for seedlings:

  1. Seedlings are planted in individual containers after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves. The plants are carefully removed from the ground and placed in a new place. There is no need to pinch the central root; a sufficient number of small roots are damaged during replanting.
  2. Water the seedlings as the soil dries out. For these purposes, use settled water at room temperature. When watering, it is important that the water falls on the ground but does not touch the greenery of the plants.
  3. Feeding is carried out at least three times during the entire period of growing seedlings. For this, complex fertilizers are used. They water the soil in which tomatoes grow. The first time feeding is applied 10 days after picking the plants, and the last time 3 days before they are transplanted into open ground. The second feeding is done between them.
  4. In order for plants to take root well after transplanting into the ground, they need to be hardened off. To do this, two weeks before planting them in a permanent place, the seedlings are taken out into the fresh air, gradually increasing the time they spend outside.

The Lemon Giant variety is a tomato with extraordinary taste, bright color and incredibly large juicy fruits.

Growing tomatoes

When the soil warms up enough, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place. This is usually done in the second half of March. In the middle zone, many gardeners plant tomatoes in the ground in early June.

Landing at a permanent place

Three days before planting, the plant is watered and fed abundantly. After replanting, the soil cannot be moistened for two weeks.

In the fall you need to prepare the beds. To do this, the soil is dug up and cleared of plant remains. Ash and humus are added to the soil.

In the spring, the soil is dug up again. It is disinfected by pouring a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.

Then holes are dug. Between rows maintain a distance of 60-70 cm, between holes 50-60. To save space, the seats are placed in a checkerboard pattern.

Immediately before planting, the seedlings are carefully removed from the pots along with a lump of earth. They are placed in the holes, forming roots towards the center.

The holes with plants are filled with water at room temperature. After this, they are covered with soil.

The Lemon Giant variety is a tomato with extraordinary taste, bright color and incredibly large juicy fruits.

Plant care

Giant lemon tomatoes need a garter. Otherwise, heavy fruits will break the stems. Tie the bushes to wooden supports or trellises.

The bush is formed into one or two stems. In the first case, the fruits will ripen faster, and in the second there will be more of them.

You need to regularly break off excess stepsons and wilted leaves. This should be done in the evening or morning.

Water the plants infrequently, but abundantly. The best time to moisten the soil is morning or evening.

Attention! The Giant Lemon variety is demanding on soil composition. Therefore, such tomatoes need to be fed at least 4 times a week. The plants are fertilized for the first time two weeks after being transplanted into the ground. Subsequent feedings are done every two weeks.

Use root complex mineral and organic fertilizers. The following products are used as complex fertilizers: Kemira Lux, Mortar, and Red Giant.Mullein and vermicompost are used as organic matter.

Foliar feeding will accelerate the formation of ovaries. Use compounds with boron.

What difficulties might you encounter?

When growing Giant lemon tomatoes, a novice gardener may encounter a number of difficulties. The list contains the main ones:

  1. Tomatoes are getting fat. A large amount of greenery forms on the plant, which causes the fruits to become smaller and ripen more slowly. This indicates that the soil is oversaturated fertilizing. It is necessary to reduce the amount of fertilizers.
  2. Few ovaries are formed. This indicates poor soil. It is necessary to increase the amount of fertilizing.
  3. Giant fruits do not grow. You can increase the weight of tomatoes by reducing the number of flowers on the plant.
  4. The fruits are watery and crack. This indicates that the gardener removed too much foliage and all the water went into the tomatoes.

Pests and diseases

Lemon giant tomatoes are resistant to the most common fungal and viral diseases of this crop. Without preventive treatment, the risk of infection remains.

To prevent contamination of tomatoes, their seeds and the soil in which they are planted are treated with disinfecting solutions. Prevention includes choosing soil on which nightshade crops were not grown last year.

Soil disinfection helps not only to avoid infection of plants by viruses and fungi, but also to destroy pest larvae. In addition to potassium permanganate and copper sulfate, a product such as Fitosporin is used.

To protect plants from insects, they are sprayed with insecticides before the first inflorescences appear. Then use natural compositions, for example, a soap solution.

Differences between growing in a greenhouse and in open ground

The Giant lemon variety is grown in greenhouses and open ground. There are no particular differences in caring for these plants in both cases.

When cultivating a plant in a greenhouse, it is important not to forget to ventilate the room. To do this, open the windows in the structure.

In open ground, the first two weeks after transplanting tomatoes, they are covered with film. In warm weather, it is removed.

Mulching necessary for tomatoes growing in open ground. As mulch use burlap, hay, straw and even film.

Harvesting and application

The ripeness of tomatoes is indicated by the bright yellow color of their shell. The first ripe fruits are harvested at the end of July.

Ripe tomatoes are torn off along with the stalk. This will increase their shelf life.

In cloudy weather, it is better to collect unripe large fruits. This will reduce the likelihood of plant infection late blight. Green tomatoes will ripen at home.

Lemon giant is a universal variety. It is eaten raw, used for preparing hot dishes and canning.

The Lemon Giant variety is a tomato with extraordinary taste, bright color and incredibly large juicy fruits.

Benefits of Lemon Giant

Benefits of Giant Lemon:

  • bright fruit color;
  • great taste;
  • immunity to tomato diseases;
  • Possibility of growing indoors and outdoors;
  • the possibility of growing seeds from fruits;
  • large-fruited.

The disadvantages of the Lemon Giant include the need for staking and pinching, as well as its demands on the composition of the soil.

Reviews about the variety

Gardeners speak well of the Lemon Giant tomato. Everyone who has tried it once wants to grow it again.

Irina Perepelkina, Sochi: “I’ve been planting Giant Lemon for several years now. I grow it in open ground. It rarely gets sick and produces delicious giant yellow tomatoes.I use it for cooking tomatoes and every year I roll up a few jars of unusual yellow ketchup for the holidays.”

Anna Kotova, Belgorod: “This year I planted Giant lemon. Before this, I tried it at a friend’s place and had no doubt about the taste. Very tasty, beautiful and large-fruited variety. Individual fruits weighed a little less than a kilogram. The only negative is that you don’t have to skip feeding. I’ll still plant”


Tomato Giant Lemon is a variety with bright yellow fruits. They are gigantic in size. When properly grown, they reach 800 g.

Even a novice gardener can cope with growing such tomatoes. In order not to be disappointed in this variety of tomatoes, you need to fertilize and water the plants in a timely manner.

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