Large-fruited Dutch hybrid tomatoes "Majitos": secrets of proper care for a bountiful harvest

Tomato Makhitos f1 is a Dutch hybrid that has gained popularity in many countries. It survives in any climate, is resistant to temperature changes, has high productivity, and is able to set fruit under stressful conditions.

In this article we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the hybrid, the rules of agricultural technology and fruit collection.

Description of culture

The mid-season tomato Makhitos f1 was bred by the Dutch family enterprise Rijk Zwaan, a recognized leader in the global vegetable breeding market. It was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2012.

The culture is intended for cultivation in protected soil. The bushes are indeterminate and require staking and formation into 1-2 stems. The plant is densely overgrown with foliage and has a powerful rhizome.

The main advantage of the hybrid is the ability to form ovaries in cold weather and under conditions of sudden changes in average daily temperature.

In the photo - Mahitos f1 tomatoes.

Large-fruited Dutch hybrid tomatoes Makhitos: secrets of proper care for a bountiful harvest

The distinctive features of the hybrid are presented in the table.

Indicators Characteristic
Weight 200–300 g
Form Round, slightly flattened
Fruit coloring Red
Leaves Large, green and dark green in color
Type of inflorescences Intermediate
Number of slots From 4 to 6
Pulp Juicy, sweet, high in sugar
Taste qualities Excellent
Skin Smooth, dense
Purpose Universal
Bush height 1.8–2.5 m
Ripening period 90–100 days from sowing
Productivity 5–6 kg/m² or 10 kg per bush
Sustainability To verticillium, fusarium wilt, cladosporiosis, tobacco mosaic virus
Transportability High

Growing seedlings

Hybrid Machitos is grown through seedlings. Sowing begins 60–65 days before planting in the ground - at the end of February or beginning of March.

Preparing the soil and sowing seeds

Seeds are sown in a light, nutritious substrate. To do this, mix turf, peat and river sand in equal proportions in a large bucket. The soil is first disinfected with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or heated to 100 °C in the oven.

The seed material does not need to be disinfected or treated with growth stimulants; the manufacturer takes care of this. The germination rate of Machitos seeds is close to 100%.

The seedling boxes are filled with moist soil and the seeds are laid out to a depth of 1 cm with an interval of 3 cm. A film is stretched on top or glass is placed on top to create a greenhouse effect. To prevent mold, air the soil daily for 15–20 minutes. Shoots appear at a temperature of +25 °C in 3-4 days.

Seedling care

Seedlings develop quickly and need nutrition. Before transferring to a permanent place, the plants are fertilized once every two weeks with complex compounds “Agricola”, “Fertika”, “BioMaster”.

Picking into separate containers is carried out after the appearance of 3-4 true leaves. Seven days after this, the first portion of fertilizing is applied.

A week before planting, the last fertilizing is applied to the soil.

Watering is necessary moderately, once every 5 days.

Advice. To check if the soil is dry enough, stick your finger into it. If the soil is wet, delay watering for 1-2 days.

Agricultural technology of tomatoes

Grown tomato bushes are planted in greenhouses from late April to late May. It all depends on the region and the time of sowing the seeds. In the south this happens earlier, in the north - later.

The success of growing a hybrid depends on the frequency of watering and fertilizing. In general, the culture is unpretentious and withstands bad weather.


The soil is prepared in advance:

  • in the fall they dig up, add a bucket of humus and a glass of wood ash per 1 m²;
  • in the spring they are loosened again and disinfected with copper sulfate.

The holes are dug to a depth of 20 cm, a hot solution of potassium permanganate is poured into each and the plants are transferred along with the earthen lump. There are no more than three bushes per 1 m². Planting pattern – 40×70 cm.


Water moderately, once every 7 days. The volume of water depends on the height of the plant, the phase of development, and the number of tomatoes. On average, from 3 to 7 liters are poured under each bush. After the formation of the third flower cluster, watering is increased.

After each moistening, the soil requires loosening. To make the task of caring for the beds easier, the ground is covered with sawdust, hay, straw, pine needles, or special black agrofibre is used. This stops the growth of weeds, protects plants from bacteria, retains moisture in the soil, and prevents the formation of crust on the surface.

A tall hybrid is formed into 1-2 stems by stepsons. The shoots are cut with garden shears or a sharp knife. The stems are tied to a trellis.

The bushes are fertilized every two weeks with complex compounds that include nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. It is advisable to avoid organic fertilizers due to the large amount of nitrogen in their composition. This leads to an increase in green mass, or fatliquoring plants.At the same time, the fruits become small and the yield decreases.

Ready-made complexes are ideal for feeding: “Agricola”, “Red Giant”, “BioHumus”, “BioMaster”. Each package contains instructions for use and dosage.

Large-fruited Dutch hybrid tomatoes Makhitos: secrets of proper care for a bountiful harvest

Features of growing in a greenhouse and vegetable garden

Despite the ease of growing a hybrid declared by the manufacturer, in practice farmers face difficulties that depend on the composition of the soil, frequency glaze and application of fertilizers.

For abundant fruiting it is recommended:

  • use for Machitos hybrids areas where white cabbage, cauliflower, peas, beans, and onions previously grew;
  • control soil moisture levels;
  • during the formation of ovaries, fertilize the soil with potassium-phosphorus fertilizingto speed up the ripening of tomatoes and ensure uniform skin color.

The hybrid was originally bred for protected conditions, but in practice it adapts well to open ground. In the southern regions, Makhitos are grown in gardens. Some farmers do not limit the growing point, but throw the stem over a trellis. Thus, the bushes continue to develop and bear fruit, hanging down like a vine. The yield and taste of such tomatoes are somewhat inferior to those planted in greenhouses.

Important! The success of growing a hybrid in unprotected soil depends on weather conditions. The main thing is that the fruits have time to ripen before the cold weather arrives.

Difficulties in cultivation

Large-fruited Dutch hybrid tomatoes Makhitos: secrets of proper care for a bountiful harvest

The Makhitos hybrid is genetically predisposed to intensive stem growth and green mass gain. If the plant is overfed or overwatered, the so-called fattening develops:

  • bushes receive unnecessary energy for growth;
  • extends the period of appearance of ovaries;
  • the number of shoots increases.

This is difficult to fix, so it’s better to play it safe:

  1. Water the planted seedlings moderately - once every 7 days. Increase the amount of water after the formation of 3-4 brushes.
  2. If the greenhouse has a drip irrigation system, monitor the rate of each dropper near the bush. It is easier to regulate the water supply from the intensive irrigation tape over time.
  3. In case of a sharp drop in air temperature, stop or reduce watering.
  4. Apply mineral fertilizers only after 3-4 clusters appear.

Sometimes gardeners receive fruits with a pale color of the skin and pulp. This happens when the moisture balance in the soil is not maintained or there is a deficiency of potassium and manganese. It is recommended to add both minerals at the same time: manganese accelerates the coloring of tomatoes, but without potassium it is not effective.

Hybrid Machitos is distinguished by its endurance, powerful bush structure and withstands climate change in a greenhouse. This applies to both heat and cold. But to obtain a high yield, the temperature must not be lower than +26 °C.

Strong foliage is another distinctive characteristic of the “Dutch”. On the one hand, dense foliage allows the plant to cool down, receive oxygen and moisture, on the other hand, excess greenery draws juices out of the tomato. The leaves are partially removed: only the lower ones and those that cover the fruits from the sun.

Diseases and pests

The hybrid is immune to tobacco mosaic virus, fusarium, cladosporiosis, and verticillium. But like most tomatoes, it is susceptible to late blight and insect attacks. Preventive measures help protect bushes from infection:Large-fruited Dutch hybrid tomatoes Makhitos: secrets of proper care for a bountiful harvest

  • treatment of greenhouses with sulfur bombs;
  • soil disinfection with copper sulfate;
  • mulching the soil with sawdust, hay, agrofibre;
  • removing the lower leaves;
  • compliance with temperature conditions;
  • moderate watering.

The drugs Fitosporin, Ecosil, Baksis, Baikal, Alirin-B, Quadris, Gamair, Antrakol are effective in the fight against late blight.

“Fitoverm”, “Neoron”, “Aktellik”, “Flumite”, “Epin”, “Zircon”, “Aktara”, “Borneo” will help you get rid of aphids, whiteflies and spider mites.

Harvesting and application

In the northern regions, tomatoes are harvested at the stage of milky, or blandish, ripeness to increase yield. Early harvest increases shelf life and allows for transportation. After complete ripening, the tomatoes retain their presentation and excellent taste for two weeks.

Reference. Blange, or brown, ripeness is the stage of technical ripeness, when inside and on the surface the fruits become light green with a pinkish tint. The period of full ripening outside the bushes is 7–10 days.

In the south, Mahitos tomatoes ripen on the bushes. For sale, they are cut in clusters, each of which reaches 1 kg.

Sweet fruits are good fresh or pickled. Juice, paste, sauce, adjika, lecho are prepared from overripe ones.

In the first ten days of September, the second wave of ripening begins. This is the most productive period, the fruits ripen at the same time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of a hybrid:Large-fruited Dutch hybrid tomatoes Makhitos: secrets of proper care for a bountiful harvest

  • sweet, juicy pulp;
  • high productivity;
  • harvesting in two periods;
  • adapted to any climatic conditions;
  • not susceptible to temperature decrease;
  • has immunity to nightshade diseases;
  • excellent transportability and keeping quality;
  • the skin does not crack;
  • attractive appearance;
  • universal use in cooking;
  • The pulp contains the antioxidant lycopene, which prevents the development of cancer.


  • overripe tomatoes are not transportable;
  • if the care conditions are not met, the plants begin to fatten;
  • sometimes green spots appear on the skin.

Farmer reviews

Makhitos f1 tomatoes have been highly appreciated by large farmers and amateur gardeners due to their excellent taste, productivity and relative ease of care.

Victoria, Pechory, Pskov region: “The Machitos hybrid made a real splash in our area several years ago. Raspberry tomatoes flooded the markets, and red ones lost popularity. The situation has changed dramatically with the appearance of the seeds of this hybrid on our market. Tomatoes have an amazing taste, they are suitable for making salads and winter twists. Caring for the crop is simple; The main thing is to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations - do not overwater or overfeed.”

Kirill, Bataysk, Rostov region: “I am engaged in growing tomatoes for sale. Machitos are on the list of favorites. I have been planting it in a greenhouse for three years in a row. Last year I planted several bushes in the garden as an experiment. Culture loves the sun, so in our conditions this is permissible. The technology is the same as in a greenhouse. The yield was lower, but the tomatoes were much tastier, sweeter and the color was uniform. I know that some farmers feed tomatoes with growth hormones to form a “spout,” but I think this is unnecessary. The fruits have an excellent presentation even without this.”


Hybrid Machitos f1 is valued for its survival in adverse weather conditions, immunity to most tomato diseases (tobacco mosaic virus, fusarium, cladosporiosis, verticillium), excellent taste of the fruit, long shelf life and the possibility of transportation.

Although the culture was specially created for cultivation in film greenhouses, it does well in open ground conditions in the south of the country. Tomatoes love the sun, moderate watering and fertilizing with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers with manganese.

Following the manufacturer's recommendations for care (watering, fertilizing, removing excess leaves) helps to avoid the growth of green mass and get a rich harvest.

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