Why treat tomatoes with brilliant green and iodine?
Both experienced and novice gardeners who grow tomatoes know that even the most delicious, productive and unpretentious variety may not please you with its fruits. It depends on the wrong care and unfavorable conditions, but most often plants suffer from parasites and bacteria that destroy the crop.
Many means are used in pest control: mechanical removal of insects, traps, fertilizing, toxic chemicals. But many, in pursuit of an effective remedy, do not notice simple solutions such as iodine and brilliant green. In this article you will learn about treating tomatoes with brilliant green and iodine against late blight and diseases.
Norms and proportions
Zelenka and iodine are wonderful antiseptics. Despite their effectiveness, there are few people who want to use these drugs internally. Since we are still accustomed to eating the crop, we need to process the tomatoes correctly: monitor the dosage and proportions of the solutions.
First of all, it is important to know that different treatment purposes require different dosages. If you are struggling with late blight, then one recipe will do, but for prevention you need a completely different concentration.
The general norm is 45-50 ml of product per 10 liters of water. If we are talking about preventing diseases, and not about fighting them, then the dosage is different - about 10 ml per 10 liters of water. About exact proportions and recipes, as well as how to process tomatoes, you will find out further.
How to properly process tomatoes
To understand how to properly spray tomatoes with brilliant green and iodine, you need to decide on the purpose of the treatment.
As a fertilizer
Iodine and brilliant green are low-cost fertilizers that increase the yield and viability of tomatoes. They replenish the deficiency of copper, potassium and fluorine in the soil. Their deficiency in plants can be detected by the following signs: tomatoes become pale, plant stems become thin, and leaves become covered with spots.
The first fertilizing can be applied at the time of planting seedlings in open soil or greenhouse. If you fertilize with iodine, then the proportion will be: 8 drops of iodine per 1 liter of milk. Milk improves the positive effect of iodine and creates a nutritious milky film on the plant. Zelenka should be taken in a proportion of 5 ml per 1 liter of water.
As a preventive measure, it is necessary to spray tomatoes once every 1.5-2 weeks with non-concentrated solutions: 5 ml per 10 liters of water for iodine and 10 ml per 10 liters of water for brilliant green. Treatment in a greenhouse should be carried out less frequently than in an open area, so that an excessive concentration of the product does not form in the soil.
Important! Monitor the soil moisture of fertilized plants. Too dry soil will drain even more of the green stuff and iodine, which will cause the tomatoes to dry out, and in too wet soil the preparations will only provoke the appearance of fungus. Therefore, try to maintain soil moisture at an optimal level.
Do not overdo the treatment of plants, as an overdose can cause burns and damage to the crop. In addition, try not to stay for a long time in the greenhouse where you treated the plants with iodine: the fumes of this product are harmful to humans.
To fight diseases
If we are not talking about prevention, but about fighting a disease, then the damaged plant needs to be lubricated with the solution every day. Iodine or brilliant green is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 and lubricate the stem and leaves daily. Usually the disease subsides after the first application.
Prevention of late blight
Separately, it is worth mentioning the prevention and control of late blight. Late blight is the most common and destructive disease among tomatoes.
Phytophthora is a frost- and heat-resistant fungus. Prevention should begin immediately after harvest in the fall. To do this, dilute 50 ml of brilliant green in 10 liters of water and treat the area. These measures will prevent infection of seedlings in the spring.
Timely spraying will help protect plants directly from late blight. For preventive purposes, it is carried out three times.
A solution of 45 ml of brilliant green in 10 liters of water is sprayed on the plants:
- At the seedling stage.
- During planting in open ground or greenhouse.
- After new leaves appear.
The treatment is carried out in hot and dry weather, so that high humidity does not create favorable conditions for the appearance of fungus.
If the above preventive measures did not help and late blight attacked the tomatoes, then the plants are treated with a similar solution every seven days. Also, do not forget to remove diseased leaves and shoots.
Continue disinfecting the soil. How water tomatoes? Water the area with a solution of 60-70 ml of brilliant green per 10 liters of water every 3-4 days.
The fight against bacteria and viruses is one of the most pressing problems for gardeners. In search of the ideal remedy against infections, people resort to a variety of and sometimes dangerous chemicals.
The use of brilliant green and iodine in the process of processing tomatoes will avoid harmful effects on both plants and the human body. Remember that everything requires moderation and a reasonable approach, and then these improvised means will help get rid of pests and save your harvest.