Pros and cons of the Ildi tomato

With the beginning of the summer season, all amateur gardeners rush to their plots. Many people have a question: what to plant this year and what varieties of vegetables and fruits to choose?

There are hundreds of different varieties of tomatoes. Among them are small-fruited varieties. One of the brightest representatives of small-fruited tomatoes is the Ildi tomato. In this article we will take a detailed look at all the pros and cons of the variety and give recommendations for proper care of the crop.

Characteristics and description of the Ildi tomato variety

Before growing a new type of tomato, any experienced gardener will study the characteristics of the variety in detail. The description of the plant helps to understand what is necessary for the proper growth of tomatoes, their fruiting and prevention diseases.


Pros and cons of the Ildi tomatoIldi tomatoes are classified as indeterminate tall varieties. The plant reaches a height of 1.8-1.9 m. The bushes are usually abundantly deciduous. The leaves are green, small in size.

Fan brushes, complex. The first one is planted above the 9th leaf, the rest every 2. An abundant number of flowers are formed on long inflorescences. Most of the flowers set, forming many small tomatoes.

Number of tomatoes per brush: 50-70 pcs. This is clearly visible in the photo. Fruit ripening period from 85 to 100 days from germination.


Pros and cons of the Ildi tomatoThe Ildi variety belongs to the group of Cherry varieties. These are small tomatoes, weighing no more than 15 g each. There are from 50 to 70 pieces on one brush.

Tomatoes may ripen unevenly. On one cluster you can find both ripe and unripe fruits.

The shape is round-oval, ripe tomatoes have a yellow-orange hue. The skin is durable. The pulp is juicy. The fruits are sweet and tasty.

Ildi tomatoes can be consumed either fresh or canned.

An unusual and aesthetic variety of tomato “Black Baron” - find out more about it in our article.

Pros and cons of the variety

Gardeners note the following advantages of the Ildi variety:

  • disease resistance;
  • excellent taste of tomatoes;
  • productivity;
  • precocity;
  • long-term storage with full preservation of taste;
  • the ability to transport tomatoes while maintaining their presentation;
  • the fruits do not crack or fall off.

The disadvantages of the variety We include the need for frequent gartering of both stems and heavy clusters throughout the season. Another minus: due to the abundance of leaves, unsuitable ones must be constantly removed, as well as stepchildren.

Features of cultivation and care

The technique of growing tomatoes is much simpler than the technology of cultivating cucumbers or, for example, peppers. But even here there are several peculiar distinctive features that should be taken into account. Gardeners recommend pre-treatment of seeds before planting in the ground. This will help the sprouts sprout faster and become stronger.

It is recommended to grow Ildi tomatoes in open ground, however, many practice seedling cultivation - here everything depends on climatic conditions.

Growing seedlings

Pros and cons of the Ildi tomatoThe Ildi tomato is a mid-season variety, so it is recommended to grow seedlings to get an early harvest. This happens 2 months before the expected planting in the ground. Sowing is not recommended to a depth of more than 4-5 mm.

The room in which the seedlings are planned to be planted must be light, otherwise the plant will stretch out. It should also be warm. If necessary, seedlings are additionally covered with film to prevent moisture evaporation.

Before planting, be sure to carry out the hardening procedure of seedlings. To do this, you need to take it out into the open fresh air for 1-2 weeks. This procedure must be carried out gradually, starting from 20-25 minutes a day, constantly increasing the time.

As soon as the plant stems turn purple, the seedlings are ready for transplanting.


Seedlings are transplanted into warm soil. To begin with, the plants are planted in a greenhouse. When the air temperature at night is at least +10 degrees, transplantation is carried out in open ground.

Important. At temperatures below +10 degrees, tomatoes slow down their growth, which negatively affects the yield.

Before digging up the ground for planting, humus and compost are added to the soil. In addition, it is recommended to add wood ash to protect the root system of tomatoes from root rot.

The Ildi variety tends to grow strongly, so after transplanting the plants need to be tied to a support.

Each bush is formed into 1-2 stems. No more than 3 bushes should be planted per square meter.

The plant begins to bear fruit 70-80 days after transplantation. The fruits are collected individually or the entire cluster is cut off if the tomatoes are partially technically ripe (noticeably lighter or whitish-brown).

Features of care

Caring for tomatoes is not difficult. As noted earlier, the inconvenience lies in tying and pinching.

The rest of the agricultural technology is traditional:

  • feeding and watering;
  • weed removal and loosening;
  • mulching the soil;
  • preventive treatments for diseases.

If you grow tomatoes in open ground, it is recommended to pinch the stems so that the plant has enough strength to form a harvest.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Pros and cons of the Ildi tomatoIldi variety tomatoes are resistant to many diseases. Late blight diseases of bushes are not observed in the practice of experienced gardeners. However, tomatoes of this variety are susceptible to root rot and leaf spot. Therefore, prevention is indispensable.

As mentioned earlier, it is recommended to add wood ash to the soil to prevent blackleg. To prevent spotted rot, tomatoes are sprayed with wood ash extract, soda solution, as well as solutions of manganese, iodine and boric acid.

The first spraying is recommended to be carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after planting the bushes on permanent soil, and the second - after a week's break.

In the reviews of gardeners you can find information that the most effective way to combat diseases of the upper part of the bushes is a two-day infusion of celandine, for which 8-9 liters of water and at least 1.5 kg of chopped fresh grass are taken. Spraying is carried out using a spray bottle. Repeated treatment is carried out no later than after 7-8 days.

Concerning pests, then most often it is aphids, and, oddly enough, wasps. To combat these insects, use special chemical solutions or soap solutions, infusions of garlic, wormwood or hot pepper.


Reviews from summer residents and vegetable growers about this tomato are mostly positive. Many people note that tomatoes ripen early and have a pronounced sweet taste. In addition, they are very fragrant.

Reviews often contain information that caring for tomatoes is simple and does not require much effort.


The Ildi tomato variety enjoys stable popularity among gardeners precisely due to its high yield and excellent taste. Caring for the crop does not require much effort, which makes the tomato even more attractive. It is enough to carefully study the recommendations on agricultural technology for this crop, and then the plant will delight you with a good harvest.

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