Universal, productive, early ripening and so beloved by summer residents tomato “Siberian Miracle”

The Siberian Miracle tomato will leave many crops far behind with its impressive characteristics. The variety is not only well adapted to various weather conditions, even the most severe, but is also characterized by high yield, disease resistance and ease of care.

This is a type of tomato that satisfies all the needs of gardeners. Despite the demanding nature of modern gardeners, Siberian culture remains the leader among non-hybrid varieties and collects only positive reviews.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The Siberian Miracle variety was developed by Altai scientists. In 2006 it was included in the State Register.

Bush indeterminate, standard, 1.3-1.5 m high (in the greenhouse a little higher). The stem is powerful, the foliage is large, emerald green. The inflorescences are simple.

Reference. An indeterminate bush does not stop growing.

The variety is mid-season - from the moment the first shoots appear to full ripening, 90-110 days pass. Fruiting is extended.

Productivity is high - from 1 sq. m harvest up to 13 kg, from 1 bush - 4-5 kg ​​of fruit.

Due to his height, a garter is required. Not only the stem is tied up, but also the branches, despite their strength.

Culture needs stepsoning. It is formed into 2 stems, pruning regularly.

The Siberian miracle is characterized by increased resistance to tomato diseases. Well adapted to changes in weather conditions, does not stop either in growth or development.

The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 150-200 g, oval in shape, bright red in color with a crimson tint. The skin is smooth. The pulp is dense, moderately juicy. The taste is sweet, with a slightly noticeable sourness. There are 5-7 seed chambers. The fruits are not subject to cracking.

Tomatoes are universal in use. Suitable for pickles, pickles, marinades. They do not lose their taste when canning and manufacturing tomato products. Indispensable in summer salads and hot dishes.

The fruits are adapted for long-term storage and tolerate transportation well over short distances without loss of appearance and taste. For long-distance transportation, vegetables are harvested slightly unripe.

The photo shows Siberian Miracle tomatoes.

Universal, productive, early ripening and so beloved by summer residents, the Siberian Miracle tomato

How to grow seedlings

Sowing of seeds begins 60 days before planting seedlings in the ground.

The soil mixture is prepared from black soil, river sand, humus, peat and ash. All components are taken in equal proportions. Holes are made at the bottom of the planting containers and the prepared mixture is filled in half.

Seeds before planting, disinfect in a weak solution potassium permanganate, then washed with water. Dried grains are placed in the soil to a depth of 2 cm.

For planting, both a common box and disposable peat pots or plastic cups are suitable. When planting in individual containers, the sprouts do not need to be pricked afterwards.

The convenience of peat pots also lies in the fact that there is no need to replant seedlings from them. Peat pots themselves dissolve in the ground without harming the root system. The only downside is that this method of sowing seeds is more expensive than any other.

After sowing, the containers are left in a warm and dark place with an air temperature of 22-24°C.

When the first shoots appear, the seedlings are moved to a sunny windowsill, but not under direct sunlight. The soil is slightly moistened. Further watering is moderate; there is no need to over-moisten the soil, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. After watering, the soil is loosened so that young roots develop better.

As the seedlings grow, the remaining soil is added to containers half filled with soil. This method provides the sprouts with new minerals and trace elements.

If the seedlings were planted in a common box, when two true leaves appear, they must be plucked and planted in separate containers. How to do this correctly, watch the video.

2 weeks before planting in the ground, seedlings begin to harden, taking them out into the open air for 2-3 hours. Gradually this time is increased to 12-14 hours. In the southern regions, this method is not called hardening, but the adaptation of sprouts to outdoor conditions.

How to grow tomatoes

Universal, productive, early ripening and so beloved by summer residents, the Siberian Miracle tomatoAfter 2 months, the sprouts are ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.

Beds for tomatoes are chosen in a sunny place, protected from drafts.

Planting pattern: 40 cm – distance between seedlings, 50 cm – between rows. For 1 sq. m there are 4 bushes.

The transplanted bushes are tied directly to the installed long supports. It is important that all plants receive the required amount of light, so installed supports should not shade them.

After transplanting, the holes are watered with warm, settled water, the soil is loosened and hilled up. Loosening and hilling promote the penetration of oxygen to the roots, which is necessary for full growth and development.

Regular watering is started as the seedlings become stronger. Water 2 times a week, only at the root and only with settled, non-cold water. In hot weather, the number of waterings is increased to 3-4 per week. After watering, the soil is loosened and weeds with roots are removed.

Mulching with straw retains moisture in the beds, due to which the soil does not dry out for a long time.

At the stage of ovary formation, bushes require fertilizing with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. This feeding is carried out 2 times. Throughout the entire growing season, tomatoes are fed once every 10 days with complex mineral fertilizers or organic matter. Mullein infusion, weed infusion and bird droppings are suitable as organics.

Important! The solution should not be highly concentrated, otherwise the root system will get burned. Dilution in a ratio of 1:15 will not harm the roots.

The bushes need pinching. They are pruned regularly, forming a plant with 2 stems. With this method, the highest fruiting rate is observed.

The initial garter of the bushes is carried out immediately upon transplantation. Then, as they grow and develop, the grown branches are tied up. Otherwise, the brushes will not withstand the weight of ripe fruits and will begin to creep along the ground, which will lead to rotting of the vegetables.

Diseases and pests

Universal, productive, early ripening and so beloved by summer residents, the Siberian Miracle tomatoFor the Siberian Miracle tomato, the main diseases of the nightshade family do not pose a danger. However, the crop can be attacked by brown rot and dry spotting.

Brown rot (another name is phomosis) is a fungal disease. It develops at high levels of humidity, so it is important to prevent the beds from becoming waterlogged. If affected by fungus, diseased ovaries must be destroyed and the bushes should be sprayed with Hom.

Dry spotting is also a fungal disease. It is often confused with late blight due to the similarity of symptoms.The leaves become covered with spots of various sizes, then the spots spread to the stem and fruits. The only difference from late blight is that the onset of the disease occurs at an early stage, which is not typical for late blight. Favorable factors for its development are a temperature of 25°C and high humidity (as for any other disease spread by spores). Systemic fungicides, for example, Quadris and Acrobat MC, are effective in combating it.

Among the pests you should be wary of are whiteflies and rust mites. Strong-smelling plants planted next to the tomato will help get rid of the butterfly.

As for the mite, it is a serious pest of any crop. The sucking parasite is spread by the wind and is so small that it is not easy to notice. The plant suffers greatly from its invasion, stops growing, the leaves turn brown and wither, the stem acquires a gray tint and becomes covered with cracks.

Among the folk methods of struggle, the use of infusions of garlic, horseradish, onion peels and wormwood is effective. If a tick has seriously occupied the beds, the drug “Zubr” will help drive it out. But do not forget that the use of insecticides in pest control is permissible only before fruit set.

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

The variety has good adaptation both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. The height of the bush in the greenhouse exceeds the growth of the seedling outside and reaches 1.7 m. In this case, the crown is pinched to limit growth.

In a greenhouse, the quantitative yield indicator is slightly higher: from 1 sq. m harvest up to 15 kg, and from 1 bush - up to 6 kg of vegetables. Crops planted in open beds give more modest results.

Growing in a greenhouse means less dense planting than outside. For 1 sq. m place 3 bushes.

When transplanting seedlings into open ground in cold regions, it does not hurt to stock up on some covering material. It will come in handy in case of unexpected cold weather or heavy rains.

Greenhouses require regular ventilation. This will help keep the plants healthy.

Harvesting and application

Universal, productive, early ripening and so beloved by summer residents, the Siberian Miracle tomatoFruit harvesting occurs in mid-August and continues until early September. Unripe vegetables are able to gain color on their own, and the taste is not inferior to those ripened in the garden beds.

Ripening occurs in waves, which allows the crop to be processed without loss. The earliest vegetables are usually larger. They are best used fresh.

The use of vegetables in cooking is universal. They are suitable for preparing fresh salads, hot vegetable dishes, and for canning. The small size allows you to place whole tomatoes in jars. They perfectly preserve their amazing taste in tomato juices and pastes; Well suited for making lecho, adjika, ketchup. Moreover, heat treatment of tomatoes only improves their taste. Ripe vegetables are also frozen and dried.

Tomatoes can be stored for a long time and can withstand transportation over short distances while maintaining their appearance and taste. Vegetables intended for long-distance transportation are advised to be collected unripe. The variety is suitable for cultivation for commercial purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of Siberian varieties is their ability to take root in any climatic conditions and produce rich harvests.This feature is especially important in those regions where heat-loving crops grow poorly and bear little fruit.

Here are some more positive characteristics:

  • high level of germination;
  • disease resistance;
  • formation of ovaries regardless of weather changes;
  • ease of care;
  • excellent taste of fruits;
  • are not subject to cracking;
  • wave-like ripening;
  • versatility in application;
  • long-term storage;
  • possibility of transportation;
  • cultivation for commercial purposes;
  • independent selection of seeds for the next planting.

The negative aspects include:

  • negative impact of waterlogged soil;
  • Garter required;
  • Regular stepsoning is required.

Farmer reviews

Universal, productive, early ripening and so beloved by summer residents, the Siberian Miracle tomatoThe review of this section will introduce the opinions of both experienced professionals and amateur summer residents. No one doubts the versatility of the variety. Those who have planted a Siberian crop at least once on their plot do not want to part with it and prepare seeds in advance for the next year.

Ekaterina, Kemerovo region: “Our climate is harsh, summer is short. Many varieties do not have time to ripen. My favorite tomato is a real miracle of Siberia, I’ve been planting it for 2 years. I have never regretted it. Both in winter and in summer with vegetables. The variety grows well and does not get sick.”

Galina, Perm region: “I planted it for the first time 5 years ago. The bushes are tall and strong. I tie it up and feed it three times a season. I give it to my stepson every week. I like the taste. I use it for salads and winter preparations. My favorite tomatoes."


Siberian varieties never cease to amaze with their high adaptation to any climatic conditions.The cold-resistant tomato not only develops fully in the harshest regions of our country, but also gives a rich harvest, collects good reviews, and looks beautiful in the photo and on the table. And at the same time, it is so easy to maintain that even any beginner will be satisfied with the result. Therefore, we can safely say that the name of the variety is not exaggerated.

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