A young variety that has become a favorite among gardeners - the Siberian Apple tomato.
Despite the fact that the Siberian Apple tomato variety was developed by Russian breeders relatively recently, it has already managed to win the favor of farmers and gardeners. From this article you will learn what the Siberian apple variety looks like, the nuances of its cultivation and the correct agricultural technology that ensures a rich harvest.
Description of the variety
The Siberian Apple tomato variety is mid-season - approximately 115 days pass from the moment the seeds are planted in the ground until the fruits fully ripen. Abundantly hung with smooth and round tomatoes, the bushes reach a height of 1.5–1.8 m, but there are specimens even 2.5 m tall.
Reference. Although the variety was bred specifically for growing in greenhouses, it can also be grown in open ground.
Distinctive features
Specifics of the Siberian apple variety:
- high yield;
- appearance of tomatoes - perfectly smooth fruits with a rich color;
- The process of ripening tomatoes superficially resembles the process of ripening apples - at first the fruits are light green in color and then turn pink.
Fruit characteristics and yield
Thanks to the work of breeders, tomatoes of this variety have attractive features:
- the fruits are round in shape and resemble an apple;
- the skin of the tomatoes is pearly pink, dense and smooth to the touch;
- fruits reach a weight of 200 g;
- the pulp is fleshy, juicy and sugary;
- tomatoes have a bright, rich taste with sourness and a pleasant aroma;
- The level of dry matter in the fruits is average.
The variety has high productivity. From one square meter of land you can harvest 8.5 kg of tomatoes.
How to grow seedlings
Seedlings begin to be planted for seedlings at the end of March or beginning of April, approximately 50–60 days before the planned planting in the ground.
Seed preparation
Before planting the finished seeds, they are treated with a growth stimulator or a solution of potassium permanganate, and then washed with warm water.
To feed the seeds, use one of the recipes:
- 1 tsp. mineral fertilizer per 5 liters of water;
- mullein in the proportion of 1.5 tbsp. l. for 5 liters of water.
Preparation and sowing
Before planting seedlings, you need to prepare the soil. To do this, mix the soil with humus in equal parts and add wood ash (1 cup of ash per bucket of soil).
2 seeds are planted in each hole at a depth of 2-3 cm. The soil is moistened with a spray bottle.
To ensure the desired temperature of 24–26 °C, the boxes with seedlings are covered with film.
Growing and care
After the shoots emerge, remove the film from the boxes and move them to a sunny place.
Small plants do not need to be watered. It is enough to spray them with a spray bottle.
In order for seedlings to grow healthy and strong, they must be fertilized at the root with complex fertilizer 2-3 times during the entire growth period.
The optimal temperature for seedling growth is 23–25 °C.
Important! About a week before planting the finished seedlings in the ground, they are hardened off so that the tomatoes successfully endure the adaptation period.
Further care of the seedlings consists of weeding and loosening the soil.
How to grow tomatoes
The technology for growing Siberian apple tomatoes differs little from the usual actions that summer residents perform near their tomato beds.To get a large harvest, follow the basic rules.
You should not plant seedlings very early. It needs to get strong enough to take root in the ground.
Important! Seedlings that are too weak will grow excessively elongated, which can cause the loss of the entire tomato harvest.
As soon as buds appear on the plants, they are planted in the greenhouse.
You can plant seedlings in hotbeds and greenhouses as early as mid-May, but in open ground it is better not earlier than the beginning of June, so that the soil has time to warm up well and the threat of frost has passed.
Planting scheme: no more than 3 plants per 1 square meter.
Tomatoes must be regularly watered with warm (20–25 °C) water throughout the entire ripening period. During watering, the leaves should not get wet, so a drip irrigation system or under the root is most suitable. If the soil is mulched (covered with straw or mown grass), in hot weather the tomatoes are watered once every 5–7 days. If not, then more often.
Plants need shaping, and tall ones also need staking, which must be done immediately after planting.
Important! The variety produces a rich harvest when bushes form into two stems.
Plant care procedures:
- During the entire growth period feed tomato Siberian apple 2-3 times with complex water-soluble mineral fertilizers.
- Regularly remove old lower leaves and stepchildren. Get rid of those stepsons that grow under the first brush of the bush, as they take all the nutrition from the fruit.
- After each glaze loosen the soil. Carry out the first loosening after planting the seedlings in the ground, and the next one after 2 weeks.
- If you are growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, ventilate it to avoid condensation on the ceiling.
- 10 days after planting, feed the soil. To do this, mix mullein with water in a ratio of 1:10. Mullein can be replaced with bird droppings.
- Every feeding Combine with watering plants.
Since the variety was created in Siberia, it has a good ability to adapt to harsh climatic conditions. Thanks to this, the Siberian Apple tomato can be grown in different regions of Russia.
Due to the unpredictable summer in the central zone of the country, in the Urals and Siberia, it is better to plant this variety in film greenhouses, and in the southern part of the country the tomato feels great in open ground.
Tomatoes of the Siberian Apple variety are resistant to all known types of diseases and practically do not get sick. As for pests, standard insecticidal preparations will help in the fight against them.
The nuances of growing in open ground and greenhouses
Tall tomatoes are planted in the middle of the bed in a row or in a checkerboard pattern every 60 cm.
In order for greenhouse tomatoes to set fruit, they must be artificially pollinated. To do this, during the day in sunny weather, shake the flower brushes and then water the soil.
To ensure sufficient oxygen supply, the greenhouse must be regularly ventilated. If drops fall from the ceiling of the greenhouse onto the plants, this will damage the tomatoes.
Tomatoes can be planted in open ground when the night frosts have ended and the ground has warmed up to 15 °C.
Harvesting and application
You need to collect tomatoes correctly: without stalks, placing them in special boxes. In the summer, you can harvest from 15 to 20 good tomatoes from one bush.
Tomatoes of the Siberian Apple variety are used not only for fresh consumption and preparing salads, but also for whole-fruit canning.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The advantages of the variety include the following qualities:
- great taste;
- high sugar and vitamin C content;
- the commercial qualities of the fruits are preserved for a long time both on the bushes and during storage;
- good transportability of tomatoes;
- high productivity;
- resistance to various diseases and viruses that affect tomatoes;
- high growth - saves space in the greenhouse.
Apart from the need for formation, the Siberian apple variety has virtually no disadvantages, and therefore is very popular among vegetable growers.
Farmer reviews
To choose the right varieties of tomatoes, it is good to familiarize yourself with all the varieties and their characteristics. But it’s better to study the reviews of other vegetable growers to take advantage of their experience and effective advice.
Lyudmila, Vladivostok: “The Siberian apple variety is very productive. Tomatoes ripen early and finish bearing fruit only by September. The tomatoes themselves are smooth, neat, as in the photo on the packet with seeds, very beautiful and tasty! The variety does not suffer from anything, so I will definitely plant more.”
Evgeniy, Tver: “Last season I decided to plant the Siberian apple and in the end I was pleased with the experiment. I grew tomatoes not only in a greenhouse, but also in open ground, and got an excellent harvest in both. Thanks to its high yield, the Siberian apple variety is excellent for sale.”
Irina, Kislovodsk: “I planted seedlings in an open garden bed. At the same time, I did not treat it with anything against diseases, but as a result, the plant did not get sick, and I got a good harvest.I was especially pleased that the fruits retained their appearance and taste until the New Year.”
Maria, Novgorod: “I first tried to plant Siberian apple last year. I planted seedlings in a greenhouse. The variety pleased me with its early harvest. I grew it in one stem, cut off all the stepsons and tied the bushes to a support. This helped save space in a small greenhouse.”
Compliance with proper agricultural technology and care for tomatoes will ensure a rich and high-quality harvest of not only tasty, but also healthy Siberian apple tomatoes. They are used both for personal consumption and for sale, so these tomatoes become a frequent guest on any dinner table.