Early ripening hybrid tomato "Aurora", created to obtain a bountiful harvest in the greenhouse and in the garden
The Aurora tomato is a relatively new hybrid that appeared as a result of the development of Russian breeders. Its excellent adaptation to cold weather, which does not affect fruiting, was immediately appreciated by residents of cold regions. Even in areas with short and cool summers, farmers reap a double harvest. Ripe vegetables have excellent taste and a high content of vitamins, which is useful for boosting immunity.
Caring for a hybrid is so simple that many newcomers to summer cottages choose this variety.
Characteristics and description
Aurora is an early ripening hybrid, which is especially interesting for residents of the northwestern regions. The name of the culture personifies the ancient Roman goddess of dawn, symbolizing the early time of fruit ripening.
Distinctive features
Determinate type, height - 65-75 cm. The first cluster is tied after 6-7 leaves, the subsequent ones - every 2 leaves. The foliage is moderate, the leaves are elongated and bright green.
The ripening period is ultra-early - 90 days pass from the moment of sowing to full ripening.
The yield is high - up to 4.5 kg is harvested from 1 seedling, provided that 7-8 plants are planted per 1 square meter. m.
The hybrid is highly resistant to diseases of the nightshade family, especially late blight.
Recommended for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. Well adapted to changes in weather conditions.
The crop does not require staking of low-growing bushes. However, vertical supports are installed next to each tomato, which the plant can do without during the period of fruit ripening.
The bushes must be pruned; the quantitative indicator of fruiting depends on this procedure. Pruning involves partial removal of unnecessary shoots.
Reference. After harvesting the first harvest, it is possible to collect ripe fruits a second time. To do this, do not remove the late side shoots that the crop throws out after the first harvest of vegetables.
Fruit characteristics
The average weight of one fruit is 110-140 g. The shape is round, the color is bright red. The taste is excellent, sweet with barely noticeable sourness. The pulp is juicy, the skin is not too dense, but is not subject to cracking.
Ripe vegetables are stored for a long time and can withstand transportation over long distances without losing their presentation. For these reasons, entrepreneurs are considering this tomato crop for commercial purposes.
The photo shows Aurora tomatoes.
How to grow seedlings
Sowing seeds for seedlings begins 2 months before planting in the ground. The seeds are first thoroughly disinfected and treated with growth stimulants.
Seed preparation
The seed is kept on the radiator for several minutes, thereby drying well. Then carefully inspect for any visible damage. Grains suitable for sowing should be light and without distortion. They are then placed in a saline solution for 10 minutes.
Seeds that float to the surface are not suitable for sowing. Next, the seed is disinfected in a weak solution potassium permanganate 20 minutes. After disinfection, wash in running water and dry.
To improve germination, grains are soaked in a growth stimulator for 12 hours. The swollen seeds can be sown in the ground.
Reference. Melt water can be used as a growth stimulator, in which the planting material is also placed for 12 hours.
Container and soil
The soil is prepared from a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand, taken in equal proportions. The resulting soil mixture is disinfected with a hot solution of dark potassium permanganate or calcined in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 60°C. The cooled soil is laid out in planting containers, after making drainage holes to allow excess moisture to drain into them.
Reference. Peat is a necessary component for the growth and development of any crop. But in its pure form it is not suitable for growing seedlings.
Plant in a common wooden box or in individual containers: plastic cups, paper honeycombs, peat pots. Before sowing, the prepared containers are disinfected to destroy pathogenic microbes.
Sowing the seeds is carried out to a depth of 2 cm, after slightly moistening the soil with warm, settled water. After sowing, the containers are covered with film to create a greenhouse effect and left in a bright and warm room at a temperature of at least 23°C.
Periodically remove the film for ventilation and moisten the soil as needed with warm water using a spray bottle.
Reference. Seeds are sown 3 cm apart from each other, otherwise the seedlings will stretch upward.
Seedling care
When the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the containers are moved to a more illuminated place, on the windowsill. There should be at least 14 hours of daylight. If there is a lack of natural light, add phytolamps.
Water as the top layer of soil dries out with warm, settled water using a shallow watering can along the edge of the nursery. After watering, surface loosening is carried out without touching the young roots.
When 2 true leaves appear, the seedlings dive, planting them in separate containers. If the seeds are sown in separate cups, picking is not required. When picking, only healthy and strong shoots are left, and weak ones are disposed of.
2 weeks before planting in the ground, seedlings begin to harden. The hardening procedure boils down to keeping the seedlings outside for 40-50 minutes during the daytime at a temperature of 15°C. Gradually this interval is increased to 12 hours. The night temperature in the room where the seedlings are brought is reduced to 10°C.
How to grow tomatoes
After 2 months, the seedlings are ready for transplanting. At this time, the sprouts have 6-7 true leaves and fully formed young roots.
The soil is prepared in the fall. Tomato does not like high acidity, so if the soil is highly acidic, it is neutralized with lime in the amount of 0.9 g per 1 sq. m. m. The soil is dug up and mineral fertilizers are applied.
In the spring, the soil is dug up again and organic matter and superphosphate are added. The seedlings are planted in shallow holes, at the bottom of which a little ash is first placed. After transplanting, the holes are watered, loosened and left unattended for 1 week. During this time, young bushes finally adapt to new conditions.
Reference. Tomatoes should not be planted in soil where potatoes and peppers previously grew. After these crops, the soil is greatly depleted, and tomatoes require large amounts of nutrients.
Planting pattern: 35 cm – distance between plants, 40 cm – between rows. For 1 sq. m place no more than 8 seedlings.It is best to replant after sunset or on a cloudy day.
Further care for the Aurora tomato
Regular watering installed no more than 2 times a week. Water with warm, settled water, under the root, without getting on the leaves. The best time for watering is evening or early morning. After each watering, the soil is loosened, removing all weeds with roots.
For long-term moisture retention of the beds mulch straw or peat. This method is especially important on hot and dry days., since the tomato does not like it when the top layer of soil is covered with a dried out crust. But you can’t over-water the beds either. In this case, the risk of fungal diseases increases.
First feeding They are applied in the form of mineral fertilizers two weeks after transplantation. A complex of mineral fertilizers can be replaced with organic matter, for example, bird droppings or mullein infusion in a ratio of 1:15. After a week, the same feeding can be repeated.
The second time the crop is fed during flowering. Add a complex of mineral fertilizers or organic matter. The need for a third feeding occurs during fruiting. In addition to organic ones, potassium fertilizers are added to the solution, which accelerate the ripening of fruits.
Advice. If the bushes initially grow poorly, you can feed them with nitrogen fertilizers. They not only stimulate plant growth, but also contribute to the growth of green mass.
Features of care and possible difficulties
Low-growing bushes do not require obligatory garter; the powerful stem is quite capable of supporting fruitful branches. But the branches themselves are spreading, and therefore vertical supports are installed under them so that when they ripen, the weight of the fruit does not bend them to the ground.Vegetables may rot if they come into contact with wet beds.
The hybrid is partially planted, removing all shoots under the lower leaves and preventing the plants from becoming dense. The hybrid shows the best quantitative indicator when formed into 1 or 2 stems.
After the first harvest, the plant produces side shoots that do not need to be removed. Soon they become fruitful branches and produce offspring a second time.
Diseases and pests
The hybrid has proven itself to be highly resistant to many diseases affecting the nightshade family. It does not suffer from late blight either. But still, we should not forget about preventive measures, which include moderate watering, systematic loosening, removal of weeds and regular ventilation of closed structures if the crop is planted in a greenhouse.
For the development of fungal spores, high humidity and high air temperatures are necessary. If the beds are not over-watered, the risk of disease is sharply reduced.
In open ground, insect pests that pose a danger are whiteflies, Colorado potato beetles, slugs and aphid.
The most important preventive measure in the fight against insects is regular inspection of bushes. for pests. Prompt removal of the larvae will prevent the parasites from spreading and causing further harm.
In the fight against the Colorado potato beetle, mustard bushes planted next to the tomatoes help, as they repel the beetle with an unpleasant odor. In case of large accumulations, the drug “Prestige” is used.
A soap solution will help get rid of aphids and slugs. It is used to treat the stems and leaves of affected plants. Pheromone traps that are installed near tomatoes will save you from whiteflies. Their smell attracts the butterfly, and it flies into the trap.
The nuances of breeding in open and protected ground
Desirable predecessors of tomato crops are cabbage, legumes and cucumbers. After them, the earth is saturated with nitrogen, which is necessary for the life of tomatoes. You can replant a tomato in the same place after adding organic fertilizers to the soil. If the crop is planted in protected soil, the top layer of soil must be replaced and disinfected. In this way, pathogenic flora is destroyed, which significantly reduces the risk of disease.
The lower leaves of plants must be removed so that they do not come into contact with wet beds, as this can lead to the spread of fungal spores.
There is no need to thicken the plantings, otherwise the plants will prevent each other from receiving the required amount of heat and light. In addition, in such conditions, the risk of the spread of pests increases, which are difficult to detect in time.
Harvesting and application
Ripe vegetables are harvested from the beginning of summer, even in cold regions. The tomatoes ripen together, in whole bunches, which makes picking much easier.
The purpose in cooking is universal. Tomatoes are used in a variety of dishes: salads, appetizers, hot and vegetable dishes, and baked with meat.
They make excellent juices, purees, adjika, lecho, pasta, and ketchup.
Vegetables are also used for whole-fruit canning, marinades and pickling.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Let's start the section review with the positive qualities of the hybrid:
- high-yielding species;
- ultra-early ripening;
- immunity to many diseases;
- good adaptation to weather conditions;
- possibility of obtaining a double harvest;
- unpretentious care;
- no mandatory garter required;
- excellent taste of fruits;
- amicable maturation;
- marketable condition;
- possibility of breeding for sale;
- long-term storage;
- long transportation;
- versatility in cooking.
The only disadvantages include planting the crop, but this procedure does not require much time and effort.
Farmer reviews
Reviews from gardeners confirm the reliability of the crop, regardless of the region of growth. Even in cold areas it will give a high yield.
Antonina, Kerch: «I was very pleased with the early maturation. There were many inflorescences and quite large. I used the fruits for canning and salads. I recommend it to everyone because I am satisfied myself. A truly unique hybrid."
Semyon, Bryansk: “This hybrid is characterized by resistance to weather conditions, so I know for sure that any cold snap will not harm it. It is very convenient to care for low-growing bushes. You can provide both root watering and thorough loosening of the soil. There are a lot of ripe vegetables, very tasty, enough for winter preparations.”
The Aurora f1 tomato has proven itself to be a high-yielding, well-adapted to weather vagaries, unpretentious in care and disease-resistant hybrid. For entrepreneurs, this is a tomato - a stable source of income, and for summer residents - a favorite tomato crop that will not let you down under any conditions and will always provide a rich harvest of excellent quality and taste, even in regions with short and cold summers.