Requirements for soil for cucumbers in a greenhouse and rules for its preparation

Cucumber is a demanding crop in terms of moisture and soil fertility. To get a good harvest, you need properly prepared soil for planting. The crop is characterized by accelerated fruiting, therefore, already at the stage of preparing the soil for planting seeds or seedlings, it is necessary to provide it with a complex of minerals and nutrients. It is important not only to enrich the soil with nutrients, but also to saturate it with oxygen.

From the article you will learn how to prepare soil for cucumbers in a greenhouse and get an excellent harvest.

Soil requirements for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

Cucumber is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the pumpkin family. Like all species of this family, the cucumber has a weak root system, which does not tolerate heavy soils.

Definition and structuring of soil types

Requirements for soil for cucumbers in a greenhouse and rules for its preparation

The ability of soil to be divided into particles is called structure, and the multitude of particles of various sizes, shapes and qualitative compositions is called soil structure.

Main soil types:

  1. Clayey. They are also called heavy, they are difficult to process. Contains more than 50% clay of the total volume.
  2. Loamy. The composition includes from 30 to 50% clay. Loams can be heavy or light, depending on the percentage of sand particles.
  3. Sandy loam. Contains 10-30% clay and 90-70% sand;
  4. Sandy. The soil contains up to 90% sand and 10% clay.

In sandy and sandy loam soils, mechanical elements are usually in a separate-partial state.Loamy and clayey soils can be structured, structureless or poorly structured.

Determination of mechanical composition

To find out what type of soil predominates in your area, you need to determine the mechanical composition. Mechanical composition is the amount of solid particles contained in the soil.

To determine your soil type, you will need water. Take a handful of soil and moisten it to a dough-like mass. Then roll the cord 5 mm thick and roll it into a ring.

The mechanical composition of the soil is assessed by how the cord behaves:

  • if the soil is sandy, then you will not be able to twist the cord;
  • sandy loam soil will curl, but will immediately fall apart;
  • if a ring forms but breaks up easily, then the soil is light loamy;
  • on heavy loam, cracks will form when twisted;
  • if the soil is clayey, then the ring will be without cracks and holds its shape well.

Loose soil with moisture-holding capacity is suitable for planting cucumbers, so sandy and clay soils are not suitable.

Preparation of components for soil

To obtain maximum yield, the soil in the greenhouse must meet the following requirements:

  • be breathable;
  • provide heat exchange;
  • when watering, get saturated with water;
  • absorb all minerals when feeding;
  • do not contain infections or harmful substances.

An important component of the soil is humus. Humus is rotted manure and is used as biofuel.

Important! To make soil for cucumbers, it is necessary that all components be in equal proportions, except sand. There should be the least amount of it.

To prepare humus, manure is placed in stacks, covered with peat and regularly watered with slurry.Thus, the manure is saturated with oxygen and beneficial compounds.

Humus performs important functions:

  • saturates the soil with minerals;
  • makes the soil looser;
  • Beneficial microorganisms enter the soil along with humus.

An important component for the soil is turf. It is added to the composition to enrich the soil with nutrients and increase the soil’s ability to absorb moisture.

Attention! Sod for greenhouses is harvested from fields and meadows, preferably near marshy areas. But if horsetail grows nearby, then you should not take soil - the soil will be too acidic.

Sod harvesting takes place in two stages: the top layer of soil with the entire root system is removed, then transported to the site and mixed with manure.

Requirements for peat indicators:

  • It is not recommended to use peat that is too dry, it does not shed easily;
  • its humidity should not exceed 65%;
  • soil acidity should be 6.5.

The use of sand in the soil increases porosity and makes the soil looser, enriching the root system of the plant with moisture and air.

As soon as all the components are prepared, they are mixed and placed in the greenhouse.

How to prepare the soil

The composition of the soil includes organic and inorganic components in certain proportions - usually 3-4 positions.

What is necessary

To prepare soil for cucumbers you need:

  • turf – 30%
  • humus – 30%
  • peat – 30%
  • sand – 10%

Step-by-step instruction

To prepare soil for growing cucumbers, follow the technology:

  1. Before the start of the season, clean the greenhouse. Remove all plant debris and debris.
  2. 25-30 days before planting cucumbers, dig up the ground.
  3. Prepare biomass.
  4. Prepare the beds.
  5. Plant cucumbers.
  6. Pour warm water over it.

Application of fertilizers

Two weeks before sowing or transplanting cucumber seedlings, they begin to add fertilizers.

For 1 m2 of beds add:

  • compost 10 kg;
  • superphosphate 40 g;
  • potassium sulfate 40 g;
  • magnesium sulfate 15 g.

Fertilizers are applied before digging, and then the bed is watered generously. A week later, ammonium nitrate is added in an amount of 30 g. The ridge is loosened and watered again. Now the soil is ready for growing cucumbers.

How to prepare beds for cucumbers

To grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, mid-level beds are most often made. In this case, the wide-row and tape method is used.

For the wide-row method, the distance between the rows is 0.8 m. With the strip method, the gap is 0.4 m. Such beds for cucumbers will help to grow an excellent harvest.

Neutralization of soil in a greenhouse for cucumbers

Requirements for soil for cucumbers in a greenhouse and rules for its preparation

Soil disinfection is carried out in cases where nothing has been grown in the greenhouse for a long time or, conversely, the same crop has been planted for several years in a row.

Methods for neutralizing soil in a greenhouse:

  • The easiest way is to treat the soil with steam. To do this, pour boiling water over the soil and cover it with film. When exposed to high temperatures, harmful microorganisms die.
  • Using copper sulfate. The solution will require 10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. copper sulfate. The solution is used to treat the beds in the fall, after harvesting.
  • Sulfur checker. Set fire to the checker and leave it inside for an hour. After which the greenhouse is ventilated for some time.
  • Bleach is a universal remedy against pests. It should be scattered on the beds.
  • The use of biological products "Trichodermin" and "Fitosporin" will destroy pathogens and enrich the soil with beneficial microorganisms.

But it is not enough to neutralize just one soil; the entire greenhouse must be completely disinfected. To do this, you must first thoroughly wash the entire structure, and then wipe the windows and doors with a solution of potassium permanganate.

In what cases is it necessary to replace the soil and how to do it

Soil replacement will be required if:

  • the greenhouse has been used for many years without changing the soil cover;
  • in the previous season the plants were sick, there was a bad harvest;
  • despite fertilizers, the plants developed poorly;
  • there is an unpleasant smell coming from the ground.

In these cases you should:

  1. Remove plant remains.
  2. Remove 30 cm of old soil around the perimeter of the entire greenhouse.
  3. Treat the soil with copper sulfate or bleach.
  4. Lay fresh, prepared soil.
  5. Add fertilizer.
  6. To maintain the soil in a healthy condition, it is recommended to grow green manure.

Soil heating

Naturally, the soil in the greenhouse warms up only by June, depending on the region. In order to plant cucumbers in early spring, the greenhouse should be heated artificially.

There are three options for artificial heating of a greenhouse:

  • using electrical appliances;
  • water heating;
  • due to warm beds.

Electrical appliances – heaters, special electrical plates, electrical cables. The advantage of this heating method is that it is possible to regulate the heat supply power; the ability to heat the greenhouse even in winter. But there are two disadvantages: the high cost of equipment and installation.

Water heating is used using special pipes made of polymer material, which are laid under the ground. Heating occurs due to hot water that flows through the pipes.

Warm beds. This heating method is the most economical.Heating of the soil occurs due to natural biofuel laid in the lower layer of the ridge. Plant remains, cardboard, manure, and sawdust are used as filler. Heat is released during the decay process and can warm the soil for two months.

General recommendations for preparing soil for cucumbers and caring for them

General soil requirements for growing cucumbers:

  • the soil should be loose, saturated with oxygen;
  • contain a large amount of organic and mineral matter;
  • have an acidity level of 6.2-6.5;
  • the soil should not contain infections and harmful microorganisms.

Proper soil care is as follows:

  • To prevent the soil from drying out, regular watering is required;
  • the application of mineral fertilizers helps enrich the soil with nutrients;
  • creating a favorable microclimate inside the greenhouse to avoid excessive soil moisture;
  • Regular ventilation of the greenhouse to prevent fungal diseases.

Read also:

Mid-season hybrid of cucumbers “Prestige” from domestic breeders

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Using properly prepared soil, timely application of fertilizers, and compliance with all greenhouse disinfection rules is the key to obtaining high-quality soil for growing cucumbers. Only by using all the tips together can you grow strong, healthy plants and get an excellent harvest of cucumbers.

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