Fulfills the wishes of summer residents for a rich harvest - the “Goldfish” tomato and the secrets of its cultivation
Tomato is the most popular garden vegetable. It is tasty both fresh and canned, and many people love the juice from it. Red round tomatoes are traditionally grown everywhere, but if you want to try something new, plant the bright, unusual and beautiful Goldfish tomatoes.
Its original fruits will perfectly diversify your table and serve as a decoration for winter preparations. This variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions and has a high content of beneficial beta-carotene.
Description of the variety and characteristics of the fruit
Goldfish is an indeterminate variety, the tomato grows up to 1.9 m. Such crop growth requires gartering and bush formation. It grows and bears fruit both in greenhouses and in open ground, if the street temperature allows.
Unlike other varieties, this tomato has a number of advantages: easily grows and bears fruit in unfavorable conditions with increased rainfall and temperature changes. Even in such an environment, its yield does not decrease, as happens with other types of tomatoes.
The variety Goldfish is a mid-season variety.. The fruits ripen within 105-120 days after the first shoots peck.
Vegetables have the following characteristics:
- small fruits weigh 90-110 g;
- There are up to six of them on one hand;
- color is bright yellow, closer to orange;
- the vegetable pulp is dense and meaty;
- The shape of the fruit is oblong, there is a kind of spout at the tip;
- The taste of the tomatoes is excellent, the pulp has a pleasant sweetness.
How to grow seedlings
To get a well-developed and healthy plant, you need to take proper care of the seedlings.. You can buy it in nurseries or from trusted gardeners, but you cannot be completely sure of the planting material. Therefore, many people grow seedlings on their own.
Seed preparation
Store-bought fresh seeds require minimal preparation. The packaging often indicates that they are fully prepared. The producers have already done everything necessary, and their result can be reduced to zero by the inept actions of the vegetable grower. Such seeds are soaked in plain water before sowing, unless otherwise indicated on the package. You will need to tinker a little with your own seeds from last year’s harvest.
Step-by-step preparation includes the following activities:
- Seed selection. They are placed in a 3% solution of table salt. Those grains that float after 5-7 minutes are not used; they can be safely thrown away. After the procedure, good seeds are washed with water.
- Disinfection of seed material is carried out for 20-30 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, after which the seeds are washed with water.
- The seeds are kept in damp gauze until they hatch.
- When this happens, the fabric with all the grains is placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Periodically they are taken out for 2-3 hours and put back.
Dishes for seedlings are of no small importance. Seeds can be sown in various containers:
- wooden boxes;
- pots for seedlings;
- cassette trays;
- peat tablets;
- disposable glasses.
However, each option has its pros and cons.. Cassette trays or boxes are more convenient and economical: they grow a large number of seedlings and care for all the sprouts at the same time. If necessary, containers can always be moved to another location. They are compact and inexpensive. But shallow dishes are suitable for growing seedlings only until the moment of picking.
In deep trays or boxes, the roots of adult sprouts may get tangled, and when separating them it will be difficult not to damage them. If the seedlings are damaged, they will take a long time to take root or even die. The best option would be to choose trays or cassettes with partitions.
On a note. The most suitable trays or cassettes have cell sizes of 6-7 cm wide and 10-15 cm high. When purchasing a container, pay attention to what it is made of. It is better to buy a tray (cassette) made of polystyrene. Do not purchase containers made of polyvinyl chloride, it contains toxic substances.
The best inexpensive option would be pots or disposable cups.. Seedlings can be grown in them until the plant is transplanted into open ground. The downside of containers is that they take up a lot of space. There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the dish.
The ideal option is peat tablets or cups. They promote the development of roots and prevent rotting of seedlings. The plant is placed in the soil along with the container, since the peat dissolves in the ground over time. The disadvantage of peat containers is their cost.
Read also:
Tomatoes "Honey Fingers": growing wisely
Assortment of Koenigsberg tomatoes: description of varieties
The soil
Soil for tomato seedlings can be purchased at a specialty store or prepared independently.. It is better to buy peat soil.
To prepare the soil yourself, add a little compost and humus to the loamy soil.. In order for the seedlings to grow well, it is mixed with peat or sawdust to loosen the soil.
On a note. Coconut substrate is also used. It contains many nutrients that prevent sprouts from rotting and promote the development of the root system.
Seeds are planted to a depth of 1.5 cm; the soil is not watered after planting.. Then the container with the seeds is covered with polyethylene. When sprouts begin to appear, the seedlings are transferred to a bright place. The room temperature should be within 24°C.
Growing and care
If the air humidity is low, when keeping the plant near heating devices, water the seedlings more often. Lack of lighting or short daylight hours are compensated with special lamps.
When growing seedlings, you need to remember important nuances:
- As tomatoes grow, they reach for the light. For proper formation, the pot is turned to the light source in different directions.
- Young shoots are very tender and can get burned from direct sunlight.
- Soil taken from the garden may be contaminated with fungal spores or parasite eggs, so before use it is calcined or watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.
When 3-4 true leaves appear on the shoot, the seedlings are planted in separate pots or cups and grow it there until transplanted to a permanent place.
How to grow tomatoes
Growing a yellow-fruited tomato variety consists of several stages, at each of which it is important to follow the cultivation technology.The variety is grown both in greenhouses and in open ground.
There are no special agricultural techniques here, you need to follow simple general rules:
- The variety is planted in the same way as all tall tomatoes: 40 cm are left between plants, and 60-70 cm between rows.
- Seedlings are planted in the greenhouse at the end of April, and in open ground - depending on the region.
- The holes are made approximately 20-25 cm deep; a small amount of soil with a teaspoon of complex fertilizer or superphosphate in combination with potassium nitrate is placed at the bottom of each.
- Fresh manure is not applied to tomatoes in the spring for two reasons: young plants can “burn out” from the high urea content, and if the crop does not die from the fertilizer, it will begin to fatten, that is, more green mass will grow to the detriment of fruit set. Therefore, manure is applied to tomatoes in the fall, and in the spring they are fertilized with decomposed compost or humus.
- The seedlings should be 60-70 days old at the time of planting.
- For prevention purposes, the plant after planting is treated with copper oxychloride (30 g per 10 liters of water).
- Overgrown seedlings are planted lying down, deepening the stem to the first leaves.
Tomatoes are fed at least three times:
- After planting, two weeks later, the plant is fertilized with a solution of mullein or bird droppings (700 g per 10 liters of water), and ready-made preparations “Vermisil” and “Gumisol” are also used.
- The second time the fertilizer is applied at the time when flowers appear on the second brush. The culture is fed with a superphosphate solution (a glass of the drug per bucket of water).
- When the first fruits begin to ripen, a third feeding is carried out. Again, use a solution of mullein with the addition of complex fertilizer (50-100 g per bucket).At least 2 liters of solution is poured under each bush.
Foliar feeding also gives good results. The bushes are sprayed with a solution of superphosphate at the rate of 1 tbsp. l per 1 liter of water.
Tomatoes do not need to be watered too often. The Goldfish variety comes from arid, hot regions and does not experience a lack of moisture in normal years. During drought, especially if the crop grows in a greenhouse where there is no rain, water it at least once every 7-10 days.
After watering, when the water is well absorbed, loosen and throw wet soil to the stem. This promotes the formation of additional roots and makes the plant more resistant to negative factors and increases productivity. Along with loosening, weeds are removed.
The fruit is tied to a simple metal mesh with a polymer coating or a purely polymer mesh with cells of at least 50×50 mm. The mesh is located between the supports and is attached to them, and the tomatoes are already tied to it.
The Goldfish variety is an indeterminate plant (that is, it grows constantly). The bush is formed into one stem. All shoots on the tomato are removed, even those located at the bottom of the plant, leaving only flower stalks. In addition, forked shoots are cut off, and if the top has split into two parts, then the strongest side is left.
Important! Once a week, stepsoning is carried out. This allows the bush to ventilate and receive the maximum amount of light.
Features of cultivation and possible difficulties
Variety Goldfish is sown for seedlings in early March. Tall tomatoes already show great growth during the seedling period. They will shade other plants on the windowsill and take up a lot of space.
In addition to the traditional transplant, which is carried out when the first true leaves appear, another 2-3, since plants will quickly fill cups or pots with roots.
Already at the sowing stage, it is necessary to take into account the risk of infection with fungal diseases.. The seeds are washed in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, and the soil is disinfected by pouring boiling water over it well, or heated in the oven to 100°C. Soil cultivation is carried out a week before sowing.
About other varieties of yellow tomatoes:
Diseases and pests
The most common diseases and pests affecting the variety:
- crown rot;
- aphid;
- Colorado beetle.
The Colorado potato beetle harms the plant the most.. For this reason, the crop is treated with special preparations, periodic inspection and collection of pests are carried out. Aphids are fought with tobacco dust or wood ash. If a plant lacks calcium or potassium, it may develop blossom end rot. To protect the crop from disease, use a 1% potassium or calcium solution.
To prevent late blight, seedlings are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. (water the soil composition with it). It is recommended to carry out this procedure once every 10 days; it does not harm the tomatoes.
Nuances of cultivation
In tall tomatoes, the root system develops vertically, so there is no need to water the plant frequently. The roots go deep, receiving nutrition and moisture from the lower layers of the earth. For a bountiful harvest, vegetable growers carry out foliar feeding with boric acid.
Harvesting and application
Tomatoes are harvested in a timely manner, avoiding overripening. Goldfish fruits are so beautiful that they are a pleasure to pick.
On a note. Tomatoes picked with the stem are stored longer.
Tomatoes are well suited as ingredients for vegetable salads. They look impressive when marinated in glass jars, are stored for a long time and can become a decoration for the New Year's table. Tomatoes are tasty, but juice and ketchup are not made from them because the color will be unattractive.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
There are no ideal varieties; each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The Goldfish has quite a lot of positive aspects, but practically no disadvantages.
- transportability;
- the ability to preserve whole fruits;
- good yield;
- high taste qualities;
- tomatoes do not crack;
- drought resistance;
- are stored for a long time;
- yellow color indicates a high carotene content;
- ability to ripen on a removed hand;
- high content of tetra-cis-lycopene – an antioxidant enzyme.
Disadvantages of the variety:
- the need for pinching and tying to a support;
- weak immunity;
- long growth without ovaries.
Goldfish is rich in fiber, vitamins A, C and lycopene, and contains no cholesterol. However, compared to red varieties, this figure is significantly lower.
Farmer reviews
The opinions of summer residents about the variety are mostly positive, however, there are still some nuances.
Evgeniya, Samara: “This variety was recommended to me by a neighbor in the country. I took the seedlings from her, since I still don’t know how to grow them myself. I planted the seedlings in open ground and didn’t bother with them much. The only thing was that I fertilized it with whey and treated it with phytosporin. I liked the taste of the tomatoes, although they were a little affected by blossom end rot.I was pleased with the abundance of the harvest and decided to continue growing this variety!”.
Dmitry, Bryansk: “I tried to plant Goldfish in my polycarbonate greenhouse. The bushes grew tall, with two trunks. I was quite satisfied with the yield, and the vegetables themselves turned out tasty and juicy with a sweetish aftertaste. The fruits are beautiful, as in the photo of the packaging. They lay in my cellar until the beginning of November, until I ate them. What I didn’t like about growing was that there were several attempts of blossom end rot to infect the bushes. Saved the situation with fertilizing".
Christina, Borisoglebsk: “We have been growing Goldfish in our country greenhouse for five years. Usually the bushes grow right up to the roof, so you have to pinch them, although it’s a pity. I always form two stems, but next year I want to try three. The trunk of the bush is not very powerful, but it is curly and has to be tied up. And the leaves look very similar to the tail of a goldfish! There are always more than enough tomatoes growing; they are very tasty in themselves.”.
Amateur gardeners often try to plant something new and original on their plot. The Goldfish tomato combines an exquisite appearance and an unusually sweet taste. It is considered one of the best among yellow tomatoes. If you haven't grown this golden variety, pay attention to it. Tomatoes have a minimal number of shortcomings, which are more than compensated for by their sweet taste and benefits.
You will learn detailed information about growing the variety from the following video: