Universal-to-use and easy-to-care miniature tomatoes “Honey Fingers”: growing wisely
Why do gardeners love the Honey Fingers tomato variety? Firstly, for its ease of care and sweet, appetizing aroma, and secondly, for its resistance to disease and versatility in use. In addition, tomatoes of this variety look great in the garden, in salads and canned food.
Let's take a closer look at the characteristics and description of the Honey Fingers variety, yield and other distinctive features.
Description of the variety
The variety is small-fruited and is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. Honey fingers is a hybrid, resulting from the merger of other tomato varieties. As befits a hybrid, it has high immunity to diseases and insect pests.
Distinctive features
Bushes indeterminate, that is, they are not limited in growth. The height of the bush is about 1.5 m. They are easy to care for, but require regular staking and pinching. Otherwise, the stems will break due to the many ripe tomatoes. Honey fingers are a mid-season variety; summer residents harvest approximately 100 days from planting.
Fruit characteristics and yield
The fruits have an elongated round shape, the average weight of one varies from 50 to 80 g. The color is attractive, yellow-orange. The pulp is juicy, tasty, honey-pink in color. The skin is medium thick, smooth.
It's honey fingers high-yielding variety, per season, gardeners consistently receive about 14 kg of vegetables per 1 sq.m.
How to grow seedlings
Experienced gardeners prepare seedlings 55-60 days before planting in the ground. To prepare high-quality seedlings that are resistant to external factors, follow a number of simple but important rules.
Seed preparation
Purchase hybrid seeds only from trusted sellers, carefully read the recommendations and tips on growing. To begin with, the seeds are disinfected using the drug “Maxim” or “Fitosporin”. The material is placed in liquid for several hours, during which time the product kills dangerous bacteria on the surface of the seeds.
After this, the material is checked for germination: Pour seeds into a jar of water and stir clockwise. Those seeds that have sunk to the bottom are suitable for seedlings. The remaining copies are thrown away.
Next, the seeds are germinated. This is necessary so that when planting in the ground, young and not yet strong seedlings do not freeze. For germination, use a damp bandage or cotton pad in which the seeds are wrapped. For the fastest growth, use the growth stimulator "Kornevin". It has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system and improves the plant’s immunity.
Container and soil
For seedlings they use: wooden boxes, flower pots, peat tablets and even cardboard milk cartons. The main thing is to thoroughly wash and dry the container before planting. Containers must have drainage holes. It is better to store containers on special pallets on the windowsill.
Ready-made soil or soil from the garden is used as soil. In the second case, this is the composition of earth, peat, wood ash and sawdust (in a ratio of 4:1:1:1). This mixture must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or boric acid.The ideal soil for seedlings should be loose and nutritious, with the required level of acidity.
Pour the prepared soil into a clean container and lightly compact it. Small holes are made at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other and placed in them. seeds. Sprinkle the top with soil and water generously with settled water at room temperature. Store seedlings in the warmest and brightest place in the house.
Attention! Keep seedlings away from small children or pets.
Growing and care
To ensure that the seedlings do not die or stretch ahead of time, but develop gradually and correctly, when growing them, gardeners observe a few simple rules:
- water every 5 days with warm filtered water;
- never use cold tap water;
- 10 days after planting, organize the first organic feeding;
- mineral complexes are added every 2 weeks;
- use growth stimulator “Zircon”;
- maintain an air temperature of at least 22 degrees;
- organize daylight hours of at least 9 hours for seedlings;
- 2 weeks before planting, seedlings are hardened, for example, taken out to the balcony every day for a couple of hours.
How to grow tomatoes
Hybrid Honey Fingers shows high yield on sandy loam nutrient soils. To make tomatoes tasty, much attention is paid to the planting site.
In the fall, the beds are dug up and all the garbage is burned. It is best to plant tomatoes after cabbage and legumes; it is not recommended to use beds of cucumbers or potatoes. In the spring, before planting, the soil is dug up again, a layer of straw is laid out, or humus is added. Planting begins on a windless, cloudy morning: furrows are made in the bed, the distance between which is 40-50 cm.
Since the variety needs gartering, a wooden peg is installed near each hole. Place 1-2 seeds in each hole, cover with soil and moisten.
To water 1 bush, use 1-2 liters of water. The amount of watering depends on weather conditions. In dry and hot summers, tomato beds are watered every 5-7 days, in cool and rainy summers, every 10 days.
It is important that the water gets directly under the root, and not on the stem and leaves, otherwise the risk of developing fungal diseases and viral infections increases.
Periodically, the bushes are watered not with water, but with a solution of nettle or onion peel. These folk remedies protect Honey Fingers from pests and improve the taste of tomatoes.
Important! Traditionally, before watering, the beds are loosened to improve oxygen access to the roots and make the soil more nutritious. Along with loosening, weeds are removed that interfere with the healthy development of Honey Fingers.
Mandatory stage of care - mineral and organic feeding. The hybrid develops well if it is fertilized with liquid manure, ash, yeast, and the Zdraven preparation once every 2-3 weeks. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers especially have a positive effect on the variety, without which it is impossible to obtain a rich harvest.
Features of cultivation and possible difficulties
Since honey finger bushes are not limited in growth, they are tied to supports. Most often these are the wooden stakes mentioned above, to which the stems are tied using strips of fabric.
The main thing is not to tie the fabric in a knot, otherwise the fragile stems may break. Thanks to tying, all the nutrients that the plant receives from fertilizing go to the development of tomatoes, and not to the growth of the stem.
Every 2 weeks tomatoes stepson, that is, they remove excess shoots from the bushes. Experienced gardeners recommend doing this with gloves, as tomatoes have caustic greens that stain your hands and have a negative effect on the skin. Too long shoots are removed using small scissors.
Diseases and pests
Even strong hybrids that are resistant to negative factors are occasionally attacked by insect pests. Many gardeners notice in beds with Honey Fingers huge numbers of whiteflies that gather on the inside of the leaf and suck the juice from the plant.
As a preventive measure, spraying with a soap solution, which includes 100 g of grated soap and 10 liters of warm water, is used. The procedure is carried out once a week.
Sometimes Honey Fingers suffer from root rot, which appears due to excessive humidity and an excess of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Root rot destroys the roots, which soon causes the bush and fruit to die.
To prevent rot, summer residents treat the beds with ash and solution. potassium permanganate.
Important! The most common disease of tomatoes is recognized late blight. Appears as brown spots. This is a dangerous fungus that can destroy the entire crop. To avoid it, follow planting rules and disinfect seeds and soil in a timely manner. If the tomato is already sick, then the infected bushes are eliminated, and the remaining ones are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.
The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse
When growing in a greenhouse, gardeners regularly ventilate the structure. The fact is that the greenhouse climate is specific. There is increased humidity, which can become fertile ground for the development of dangerous microbes. Ventilate the shelter using special vents.Particular attention is paid to the microclimate in hot summers.
When growing Honey Fingers in open ground, it is important to give the plant all the necessary vitamins and microelements in a timely manner. If this is not done, the leaves will take on a limp appearance and begin to curl. After some time, the fruits will lose their elasticity and taste. Ash, potassium magnesium, and ammonium nitrate are used as mineral fertilizers.
Harvesting and application
Vegetables are collected as they ripen. As soon as the crop begins to produce its first results, the fruits are picked every 3-5 days. For long-term storage, the Honey Fingers variety is picked at the ripe stage, when they just begin to acquire a yellowish tint. The fruits are not washed with water, but simply wiped with a dry cloth and stored in a cool, dry place.
The Honey Fingers variety makes delicious side dishes, fresh and pickled salads, cold savory appetizers, and sandwiches. The sweet and juicy taste goes harmoniously with meat and fish, vegetables and spices. Plus, tomatoes are delicious fresh.
Interesting! Due to their small size, tomatoes are ideal for whole-fruit canning and pickling. Beautiful yellow tomatoes look delicious in a jar. Unusual recipes are especially popular, such as winter preparations from tomatoes, apples and cucumbers. Pickles will not only decorate the dinner table in winter, but will also give the body much needed and healthy vitamins.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Among the advantages of the Honey Fingers variety, gardeners note its appetizing appearance and long shelf life. Tomatoes are universal in use and show consistently high yields. The variety is immune to common crop diseases and is rarely exposed to insect pests.
The negative aspects include the need to tie up and trim bushes. This takes a lot of time and effort, especially if summer residents are faced with such procedures for the first time.
Farmer reviews
Yellow Tomatoes Honey Fingers have won the attention of gardeners across the country. However, some summer residents expected more from the harvest and were left disappointed. Let's take a closer look at what exactly they say about the Honey Fingers variety.
Maxim, Nizhny Novgorod: “In my opinion, the Honey Fingers hybrid is one of the most delicious varieties. The pulp literally melts in your mouth and tastes pleasant and sweet. I’ve been planting this variety for a long time and recommend it to everyone.”
Anna, Ufa: “This variety is real honey! All I can say about the Honey Fingers tomato variety is that it is a first-class and tasty vegetable. There are never any problems with growing, everything is simple and easy. The tomatoes ripen at the same time and are stored for a long time.”
Alexey, Kirov: “Heard a lot about Honey Fingers tomatoes. I decided to plant it last year, but I didn’t get the expected effect. The bushes turned out to be very leafy, but the fruits themselves developed poorly. The harvested crop did not have the promised sweet taste and aroma. I will try to grow other varieties.”
The hybrid variety Honey Fingers is a real star among gardeners. Neat and compact tomatoes show excellent yields both in the south of Russia and in central Russia. Dishes with the addition of these tomatoes look beautiful and contain a whole supply of B vitamins, vitamin A and C.Honey fingers are universal, can be stored for a long time and can delight summer residents even in the fall.