A delicious hybrid for true gourmets - the “Velikosvetsky” tomato: let’s get acquainted with the species and try to grow it

The numerous variety of tomato crops often complicates rather than simplifies the choice of gardeners. Especially when it comes to choosing between a varietal crop and a hybrid. It is believed that the pure variety has better taste. But the miracles of selection have achieved excellent taste in hybrid varieties. One of these representatives is the Velikosvetsky tomato. It will not only decorate any festive table, but will also satisfy any high society nobleman with its taste.

Further in the article - characteristics and description of the hybrid, yield and growing rules.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Hybrid f1 Velikosvetsky was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2017. The applicant indicated the company "TK Leader".

Distinctive features

Type indeterminate, height 1.5-2 m. With such growth, the plants need to be tied up and stepsoned to prevent the plantings from becoming dense.

The ripening period is early, from the moment of sowing the seeds to full ripening, 105-110 days pass.

The productivity is high, 5 kg of fruits are harvested from 1 seedling, provided that 3-4 plants are planted per 1 square meter. m.

The hybrid genes contain increased resistance to major diseases, such as late blight, tobacco mosaic virus and fusarium. The culture is also immune to bacterial infections.

The hybrid is suitable for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

Fruit characteristics

Each cluster forms 5-8 fruits, the average weight of which is 130-140 g. The shape is cuboid, slightly elongated, the color is bright red. The taste is pronounced, sweet with a slightly noticeable sourness. The pulp is dense, juicy, there are 3 seed chambers, few seeds.

The peel is durable and not prone to cracking. For this reason, the fruits are used for preparing preserves and marinades, as they withstand heat treatment well. The variety belongs to the salad variety, so ripe vegetables are ideal for preparing various fresh dishes.

The photo shows the Velikosvetsky hybrid.

A delicious hybrid for true gourmets - the Velikosvetsky tomato: let’s get acquainted with the species and try to grow it

How to grow seedlings

To grow full-fledged seedlings, seeds are sown 2 months before planting in the ground. But before sowing, the seed material is carefully prepared.

Seed preparation

Initial preparation consists of rejecting the seed material, checking for emptiness and disinfection. Rejection is carried out by careful inspection for the presence of visible defects. Seeds light in color, without distortions or external damage, left for germination.

Check for emptiness by immersing in a saline solution for 10 minutes. A saline solution is prepared from 1 teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of water. Those grains that float to the surface are disposed of; they are not suitable for sowing. Disinfect the seed material in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. After disinfection, the seeds are washed with running water and dried thoroughly.

To increase germination, grains are soaked in a growth stimulator for 10 hours. It is not necessary to use specialized drugs as a stimulant. Potato juice and aloe juice perform the same function.

Reference! Aloe juice additionally disinfects seed material, strengthening the immune system.

A delicious hybrid for true gourmets - the Velikosvetsky tomato: let’s get acquainted with the species and try to grow it

Container and soil

A common wooden box or individual containers, for example, peat or plastic cups, are used as planting containers. They are prepared in advance by treating them in a solution of potassium permanganate. Disinfection of planting containers is necessary, especially if it was used for planting last year. Drainage holes are made at the bottom of the containers to drain excess moisture and some small pebbles or sawdust are placed.

The soil is prepared from turf soil, peat and humus in equal quantities. After thoroughly mixing all the components, add a little wood ash to the resulting mixture. Stir again and pour the prepared soil with a hot solution of potassium permanganate to destroy pathogenic flora.

Reference! Wood ash saturates the soil with useful substances necessary for the full development of seedlings.

The soil is laid out in planting containers, filling them halfway. During the subsequent growth of seedlings, the remaining soil is added to the containers, thus providing the sprouts with additional nutrition.


The seeds are buried 1 cm. If sown close to the surface, the grains will germinate along with the shell, which will slow down their further growth. After sowing, the soil is watered with a spray bottle with warm, settled water and the containers are covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. Until the seeds germinate, the containers are left in a warm room at a temperature of 25°C.

Reference! When creating a greenhouse effect, seed material germinates faster.

Seedling care

A week later the first shoots appear. The film is removed and the containers are moved to a well-lit place on the windowsill.During the first week, it is especially important to observe the length of daylight hours and temperature conditions. Receiving sufficient light is possible when the daylight hours are 13 hours. If necessary, install phytolamps. The temperature is reduced to 15°C, and after 6 days raised to 24°C. This is how the first hardening of seedlings occurs.

Watered warm, settled water using a shallow watering can along the edge of the containers. Water lightly as the top layer of soil dries out.

When 2 true leaves appear, the seedlings are picked and placed in separate containers. When picking, the main root is shortened by one third for further growth of the root system.

During the seedling period, seedlings are fed twice. First feeding applied 10 days after picking. The second time is fed 2 weeks after the first. Liquid fertilizers are used as fertilizing for tomato seedlings.

2 weeks before transplantation, seedlings are hardened off. To do this, they are taken out into the open air for 40 minutes. Every day, the time spent on the street is gradually increased to 10 hours.

Important! When hardening plants, the outside temperature should be at least 12°C.

A delicious hybrid for true gourmets - the Velikosvetsky tomato: let’s get acquainted with the species and try to grow it

How to grow tomatoes

After 2 months, the seedlings can be planted in the ground. The beds for tomatoes are prepared in advance, choosing a place that is sunny and protected from drafts.


Transplant into holes 15-20 cm deep in the evening or early morning. Replant with a clod of earth, deepening the seedlings to the first leaves. The soil is compacted and watered with warm, settled water. After watering, the soil is loosened and the seedlings are left to get used to the new place for 10 days.

Planting pattern: 40 cm is the distance between seedlings, 60 cm is the distance between rows. For 1 sq.m place 3 – 4 plants.

Further care for the Velikosvetsky tomato

Proper watering is the key to healthy plant growth. The tomato is watered rarely, but abundantly, once a week in normal weather. On dry days, the amount of watering is increased to 2-3 times. Water with settled water, strictly at the root, without getting on the leaves. To retain moisture in the beds mulch peat or straw.

After watering, the soil is loosened, thereby improving the air permeability of the soil. Along with watering, weeding the beds is also important. Fungal diseases and pests multiply quickly in weeds.

The minimum number of feedings per season is at least 3. But to achieve the best amount of fruiting, plants are fed once every 3 weeks.

A full complex of mineral fertilizers with a predominant content of phosphorus and potassium is used as fertilizing. Fertilizing with organic matter, for example, bird droppings in a ratio of 1:15, is also considered a good option.

Reference! For tall plants, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used only at the initial stage, since nitrogen promotes enhanced growth.

A delicious hybrid for true gourmets - the Velikosvetsky tomato: let’s get acquainted with the species and try to grow it

Features of care and possible difficulties

When transplanting, a vertical wooden or metal support is installed next to each bush. The height of the stem requires a mandatory garter, otherwise it will not support the weight of numerous fruits. In addition, the plant may be damaged by precipitation and gusts of wind. Also, instead of a vertical support, you can use a horizontally stretched wire. This fixation option is considered the best, since neither the stem nor the branches are injured.

Reference! When fixed to a horizontal support, the fruits are formed slightly larger.

The pinching procedure is needed to increase the quantitative indicator of fruiting. In addition, when removing numerous unnecessary shoots, the possibility of thickening of plantings is eliminated.

The bush is led in 1, 2 or 3 stems. When formed into 1 stem, the highest yield is observed.

Diseases and pests

Traditional methods are often used to prevent diseases, since they are cheaper and safer than chemicals.

The bushes are sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, thereby preventing the occurrence of fungal and bacterial infections. Potassium permanganate can be replaced with ash, which has the same purpose.

When affected by fungus, use the drugs “Quadris” or “Fitosporin”. These substances are classified as contact fungicides.

When infested by insect pests such as aphids, slugs, whiteflies, use the insecticide “Proteus” or spray the plants with decoctions of fragrant herbs.

Reference! “Proteus” actively affects pests at all stages of their development, from eggs and larvae to adults.

Daily inspection of plants will protect them from the invasion of parasitic insects.

A delicious hybrid for true gourmets - the Velikosvetsky tomato: let’s get acquainted with the species and try to grow it

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

Greenhouse plants reach a height of 2 m, so pinching the crown is necessary to limit growth. When the growth point is designated, nutrients are spent on the formation of fruits, and not on the growth of unnecessary branches.

In the greenhouse, last year's top layer of soil is replaced with a new one. This is due to the fact that past plantings deplete the soil. In addition, a large number of microorganisms successfully overwinter in the upper layer, which in the spring cause considerable harm to the plantings.If there is no possibility of replacement, then the soil is carefully supplied with mineral fertilizers and disinfected with a dark solution of manganese.

Protected structures must be ventilated every day. Otherwise, increased temperature and humidity will provoke the development of fungal infections. In addition, the influx of fresh air destroys the usual habitat of many greenhouse pests.

Harvesting and application

Fruits are collected based on their shelf life. If you plan to store tomatoes for a long time, then they are picked green. Ripe vegetables can be stored for no more than 2 weeks.

The use of vegetables is universal. They are ideal for preparing a variety of fresh dishes, for example: hot or vegetable dishes, various snacks, summer salads, cutting into sandwiches. Tomatoes are good in whole-fruit canning, marinades and pickles, They are also processed into tomato products, producing delicious juices, ketchups and sauces.

A delicious hybrid for true gourmets - the Velikosvetsky tomato: let’s get acquainted with the species and try to grow it

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The variety has many positive properties:

  • high productivity;
  • easy care;
  • possibility of breeding in open and protected ground;
  • good disease resistance;
  • early ripening;
  • excellent taste of fruits;
  • unusual cuboid shape;
  • versatility in cooking.

Negative characteristics include the need for garter, regular pinching and formation of seedlings, which can cause difficulties for novice gardeners.

A delicious hybrid for true gourmets - the Velikosvetsky tomato: let’s get acquainted with the species and try to grow it

Farmer reviews

The photographs clearly show four smoothed edges in the shape of the fruit. Numerous reviews indicate that tomatoes are indeed not round, and this feature gives them a peculiar charm.

Valentina, Oryol region: “Summer came late this year, but the hybrid has taken root well. The first fruits appeared at the end of July. I liked the dense tomato clusters with tomatoes of the same size, like a selection. 6-8 ovaries were formed in each brush. The Velikosvetsky Tomato turned out to be a success! Original shape and excellent taste."

Tatyana, Bryansk: “The seeds of this crop were distinguished by 100% germination. I grew the hybrid in different ways: I formed it into one, two shoots or more. On the seedling where I left one stem, the most fruits ripened. Tomatoes of unusual shape and great taste. I liked that the brushes have time to mature completely and the vegetables do not crack.”

A delicious hybrid for true gourmets - the Velikosvetsky tomato: let’s get acquainted with the species and try to grow it


The Velikosvetsky tomato is distinguished not only by its unique shape of ripe vegetables, but also by its ease of care, resistance to diseases and high fruiting rate. Growing such a crop will not cause any trouble and will delight you with an excellent harvest. The hybrid is suitable for preparing summer dishes and winter preparations.

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