Is it possible to eat melon on an empty stomach: benefits, harms and contraindications
Experts in the field of nutritional science talk about benefits of melon. Knowledge about its correct use helps to avoid negative consequences. First of all, the state of the human gastrointestinal tract is taken into account.
Doctors recommend eating ripe fruits as a snack between main meals. This will protect the digestive system from unnecessary stress. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of the fruit, whether it is possible to eat melon on an empty stomach, for whom it is contraindicated.
Is it possible to eat melon on an empty stomach?
People suffering from gastrointestinal disorders should not consume the pulp in the morning on an empty stomach or combine it with other foods. The fruits cause excessive gas, heartburn and colic.
Experts explain this by the increased sugar content, which causes fermentation in the stomach. Those whose digestion works without failures can always eat melon.
Composition and properties
A juicy representative of melons and melons consists of 90% water. The remaining 10% contains fiber and sugar. The seeds are rich in microelements and vitamins, which normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve skin condition, and increase hemoglobin levels.
Amino acids improve emotional well-being, vitamins and minerals fill the body with energy. Silicon contained in fruits is beneficial for connective tissue. The mineral strengthens hair, helps cleanse the skin, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and nerve fibers. Vitamins C and A increase immunity and improve vision.
Melon has a high fiber content, which regulates the functioning of the intestines and the entire digestive tract. B vitamins normalize metabolism, the condition of the central nervous system, and improve the condition of the skin.
Melon juice is an excellent diuretic. It is also used to treat dermatitis, allergic rashes and psoriasis.
About whether you can eat melon if you have gout, read the article.
The calorie content of melon is only 35 kcal per 100 g. The pulp contains:
- proteins – 0.6 g;
- fats – 0.3 g;
- carbohydrates – 7.4 g.
This is an ideal product for those on a diet or detox. Fasting days help cleanse the body of toxins and remove excess fluid. Experts recommend eating up to 1.5 kg of pulp per day or drinking a glass of melon juice on an empty stomach.
Effect when taken on an empty stomach
What is beneficial for some people may be harmful for others. The issue of eating melon on an empty stomach should be approached rationally, taking into account the characteristics of the body.
A high sugar content causes fermentation, and this, in turn, provokes discomfort in people suffering from stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers or gastritis. Those who do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract are allowed to enjoy melon in the morning without fear.
To learn how to make candied melon, read this article.
The benefits and harms of melon on an empty stomach
They talk a lot about the dangers of the product, only occasionally supporting expert opinion with facts. It is reliably known that this melon crop harms only those who suffer from gastrointestinal pathologies and are prone to overeating.
In what cases is it indicated?
Nutritionists advise eating melon on an empty stomach or in between meals.The duration of the break is at least two hours before and two hours after meals. This allows the body to fully absorb the product and receive the maximum of nutrients.
This feature of melon is explained by the increased content of fiber and biologically active substances, which, when reacting with the nutrients of other products, lose their nutritional value or, on the contrary, increase their effect on the human body.
Melon is recommended to be eaten for:
- decreased hemoglobin;
- fungal infections of the body;
- high cholesterol;
- loss of elasticity and strength of vessel walls;
- depressed, depressed state;
- reduced immunity;
- age-related skin aging;
- decreased secretion of gastric juice and bile;
- thrombosis;
- disorders of the kidneys and genitourinary system.
Reference. Amino acids contained in melon fruits contribute to the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”.
Direct contraindications to eating melon on an empty stomach are intolerance to the component composition and acute and subacute diseases of the digestive system. For chronic gastrointestinal diseases, doctors recommend reducing consumption of the product.
There is still debate about the possibility of eating melon for diabetes. It is worth noting that the sugar in fruits is pure fructose. The body does not require large amounts of insulin to absorb it. It is advisable to choose fruits that are not fully ripe, since they have a reduced sugar content.
Pediatricians recommend excluding melon from the diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But this fruit is not included in the list of harmful products developed by the World Health Organization.
As for possible digestive disorders in a child who is breastfed, a direct relationship between this condition and the consumption of melon has not been identified. Beneficial components penetrate into breast milk in a form that is safe for the baby. It is recommended to limit the consumption of melon if discomfort in the stomach has occurred previously.
How to make melon jam, read here.
When not to eat melon
It is undesirable to use melon:
- During the off-season or early summer. In order for the fruits to fully ripen, a sufficient number of sunny days is required. To speed up the process, farmers use nitrates, which cause poisoning and allergic reactions. Therefore, you can enjoy melon only from mid-August.
- As a dessert after the main meal. The process of food digestion occurs in the intestinal tract. Melon pulp, waiting its turn in the digestive tract, leads to heaviness, flatulence, and heartburn.
- Along with foods containing large quantities of starch, alcohol, carbonated drinks, which contribute to fluid retention.
- Children under three years old. For a child’s fragile intestines, melon with its laxative properties is contraindicated. For older children, the product is introduced into the diet little by little. A single serving is 100 g.
- A lot. Any food product that enters our body in excess does more harm than good. Moderation in everything is the key to health and longevity.
There are no strict prohibitions on eating melon. There are only rules and recommendations for nutrition for people suffering from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage.
Observe your body’s reaction to this product and do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying the juicy pulp. You will not only get a boost of energy for the whole day, but also replenish your vitamin reserves.