Disease-resistant and easy-to-care cucumbers “Buyan f1” from Russian breeders

Buyan F1 cucumbers were bred in the last century. And today they still do not lose their popularity.

They are valued for their ease of care and high yield - up to 15 kg per square meter. m - and resistance to diseases. Read about the characteristics of the hybrid, methods of cultivation and care rules in the article.

Description of cucumbers

Hybrid cucumber Buyan F1 was bred in 1997 by the agricultural company "Manul". In 2000, it was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation in three regions - Volga-Vyatka, Central and North-Western.

Distinctive features

Hybrid Buyan is suitable for growing in greenhouse and natural conditions. By type of pollination belongs to parthenocarpics, that is, it does without bees. It is characterized by early ripening - ripening occurs on the 45th day after germination. Productivity is high - up to 15 kg per 1 sq. m.

Disease-resistant and easy-to-care cucumbers Buyan f1 from Russian breeders

Composition, properties, benefits, calorie content

Cucumbers are 95% water. The fruits contain vitamins (A, C, H, E, group B), macro- and microelements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, copper, fluorine, chromium, iodine and others).

Eating fresh cucumbers reduces the risk of disease cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, helps remove excess fluid and harmful substances from the body, prevents stone formation in the kidneys and gall bladder, enhances intestinal motility, and reduces bleeding gums.

The calorie content of the fruit is only 14 kcal per 100 g, so people who lead a healthy lifestyle or want to lose weight include cucumbers in their diet.

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The bushes are medium-sized and medium-climbing. The main feature is tufting: 6-7 fruits are located in one node. The leaves are wide, with a wavy edge, rich green. There are smooth and wrinkled. The female type of flowering is characteristic. The flowers are bright yellow, five-pointed, star-shaped.

Cucumbers are cylindrical, elongated, with dense, slightly bumpy skin. The color is dark green with a transition to light green at the ends. The pulp is aromatic, juicy, without bitterness. The seeds are whitish, medium-sized. The length of greens is from 9 to 12 cm, weight up to 100 g.

Important! Cucumbers longer than 12-14 cm with a yellowish tint are considered overripe.

Disease-resistant and easy-to-care cucumbers Buyan f1 from Russian breeders

How to grow your own

Buyan F1 cucumbers are easy to plant and care for. Their planted with seeds or seedlings in open or closed ground. The choice of planting method depends on the region. In the south of the country, the seed method is more often used, in the northern part - seedlings.

Before planting in any way, the seeds are disinfected: kept for about 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, then placed in water at room temperature for a maximum of 5 hours.

Sowing seeds for seedlings and further care

Disease-resistant and easy-to-care cucumbers Buyan f1 from Russian breedersSeeds for seedlings are sown in early May. Cucumbers have weak roots, so they do without picking. Small plastic or paper containers are suitable. They take special garden soil, with sawdust and humus. Before planting, store the seeds in a cloth moistened with water for 2-3 days until sprouts appear.

Then they plant 2 pieces in cups to a depth of 1.5 cm.The earth is watered with water and covered with film. The optimal temperature is +21…24°C.

The soil for replanting is prepared in advance in the fall or spring: it is disinfected with a solution of karbofos, and mineral and organic fertilizers containing peat, wood ash and humus are applied.

Around mid-May, when the soil warms up to at least +10°C, the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place. The holes are made 10-15 cm deep, the distance between them is 40-45 cm. After planting, the sprouts are watered generously with warm water.

Important! For disinfection, a solution of potassium permanganate is poured into the holes before planting.

Sowing seeds in the ground

Seeds sown in open ground in the second half of May. Before planting, they are treated in the same way as with the seedling method. Plant the seeds to a depth of 2 cm, 2-3 seeds per hole. The distance between the holes is at least 10 cm. A distance of 50 cm is maintained between the rows. The soil is watered after planting, and the beds are covered with polyethylene until the sprouts appear.

Further care

Watering cucumbers moderately, with warm, settled water, about 3-4 times a week, in hot weather - daily, after sunset. Any tall plant, such as corn, is planted next to them for natural shading. The roots of the cucumber are fragile, so they carefully weed the beds and loosen them 3-4 times a week.

To prevent the central stem from breaking, Plants are tied to a support as they grow. They are fertilized monthly with vitamin complexes for better growth and fruiting. Experts recommend using diluted manure, humus mixtures, urea solution and superphosphates.

Disease-resistant and easy-to-care cucumbers Buyan f1 from Russian breeders

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Buyan F1 considered an undemanding hybrid, but note for the following details:

  • the plant may be lethargic, fruiting may be scanty and late if the soil is not prepared in advance;
  • the plant may become infected with peronosporosis if it is not sprayed with an antifungal agent for prevention;
  • To prevent cucumbers from drying out and rotting, follow the watering rules.

Diseases and pests

Cucumbers are resistant to various types of infections. They are not afraid of powdery mildew, cladosporiosis, brown and olive spots, cucumber mosaic virus and other common diseases. But Brawler F1 sometimes amazes peronosporosis (downy mildew).

Disease-resistant and easy-to-care cucumbers Buyan f1 from Russian breedersIn this case white, bluish or purple spots appear on the leaves and shoots. As a preventive measure, preliminary disinfection of the soil with potassium permanganate, compliance with crop rotation, and avoidance of thickening helps. In case of infection, stop applying fertilizers with nitrogen and use medicinal preparations - for example, Vitaplan and Fitosporin-M.

Cucumber is under attack aphids, mites, whiteflies and other pests. To prevent infection, the soil is sterilized and treated with disinfectants before planting.

Effective for pest control fungicides - for example, "Profit" or "Ridomil". Traditional methods are also suitable: water the plant with dandelion infusion or tobacco solution.

The hardest thing to fight with whitefly. If there are few butterflies, try using mechanical methods: spraying the leaves with fresh water, hanging a brightly colored sticky fly trap. If the number of pests is high, chemical treatment will help (Zeta, Inta-vir, Rovikurt, Fufanon, Fitoverm).

Harvesting and application

The fruits ripen at the end of June - in July. Fruiting is long, until October.Harvesting is carried out every 3-5 days. Fresh fruits do not last long - a maximum of two weeks, so it is better to either eat them immediately or pickle them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Disease-resistant and easy-to-care cucumbers Buyan f1 from Russian breedersCucumbers Buyan F1 have a number of advantages:

  • high yield rates;
  • early and long fruiting;
  • versatility of cultivation;
  • does not require pinching or pinching (self-regulation of branching is characteristic);
  • excellent external and taste qualities;
  • short fruitfulness;
  • stable immunity against most diseases and external environmental factors (tolerates changes in humidity and temperature well).

The only drawback - susceptibility to peronosporosis.


Negative reviews about the old-timer hybrid are rare.

Irina, Lipetsk: “I spend the whole summer at the dacha, so I plant a lot of vegetables, including cucumbers. I have been growing Buyan F1 for several years now and am very pleased. Cucumbers grow excellently and ripen quickly. Tasty, strong, crispy, not very large. I recommend to everyone!".

Nadezhda, Krasnoyarsk: “I planted Buyan F1 cucumbers for the first time last year and was pleased! They really don’t require any special care, it’s just advisable to water them regularly and make sure the soil doesn’t dry out, otherwise the cucumbers will taste bitter. I planted the seeds in the second half of May, and the first fruits ripened in July. From 1 sq. meters, we collected more than 10 kg of cucumbers".

Alexey, Kaliningrad: “I grow Buyan F1 in a greenhouse along with other varieties. I like this look the most. Cucumbers are very tasty and have a good presentation. And the yield is high. I fertilize the soil with sand and peat, sometimes I buy ready-made vitamins, Agricola, for example, and organic fertilizers. And most importantly: the cucumbers never got sick, so there was no loss in the harvest.I recommend these cucumbers to my friends and acquaintances".


Both beginners and experienced gardeners will be happy with Buyan F1 cucumbers. Growing and caring for them will not take much effort and time. You will be satisfied with the yield and fruiting before frost. Minimum costs and hassle, and crispy, juicy cucumbers from your garden - on your table!

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