How to grow Harmonist cucumbers and why they are good
The first generation cucumber hybrid Harmonist is suitable for planting in warm regions of the country and central Russia. In the northern regions it produces an excellent harvest in greenhouses and greenhouses. Sweet taste without bitterness even at the tail, small seeds inside, high transportability - you will learn about these and other advantages of Harmonist in our article.
Description of the cucumber hybrid
The Harmonist hybrid is self-pollinating and does not require the help of bees and other insects. It is grown both in greenhouses and in open ground.. Early ripening vegetable: growing season – 40 days.
Medium height, no higher than 160 cm. Leaves are dark green, medium size. Up to four shoots are formed in one node.
Distinctive features
This parthenocarpic hybrid, that is, it has an exclusively female type of flowering. External differences include the presence of white fluff and thorns throughout the entire area of the fruit. There is a small amount of seeds inside that are unsuitable for planting.
Composition, properties, benefits, calorie content
The calorie content of cucumber is 13.5 kcal per 100 g of product. It consists of 95% water, which flushes the kidneys and is involved in removing harmful substances, heavy metal salts and toxins from the body.
Cucumber also contains:
- beta-carotene;
- vitamins A;
- B vitamins (B1, B2);
- vitamin C;
- vitamin PP.
Contains minerals such as:
- zinc;
- copper;
- potassium;
- manganese;
- iron;
- iodine;
- chlorine;
- sodium;
- phosphorus;
- folic acid.
Cucumber is the leader among vegetables in fiber content. Its dietary fiber gently cleanses the intestines without causing discomfort and improves peristalsis.
Regular consumption of fresh cucumbers has a positive effect on the condition of the thyroid gland, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and prevents cardiovascular diseases.
The size of the bushes does not exceed 1.6 m, female flowers predominate, lateral branching is moderate. The leaves are medium-sized, dark herbal in color. Up to four shoots are formed in one node.
The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, the typical weight is up to 110 g. The length of one cucumber reaches 10 cm, the diameter of the fruit is 5 cm. The peel is dark green, it is possible that there are spots or light blurred stripes located on a quarter of the fruit.
High taste qualities: the flesh is soft, crispy, sweet, juicy. The number of seeds is small. Suitable for both fresh consumption and preparations. Excellent taste retention during canning and heat treatment.
The productivity of this hybrid is quite high. On one square m grows up to 13 kg.
How to grow your own
The Harmonist cucumber is suitable for growing in any region of the Russian Federation. The harvest is obtained both in greenhouses and when planted in open ground. Productivity depends on proper planting and subsequent care.
Reference! In the northern and central regions, cucumbers are not planted as seeds in open ground. Frozen roots rot, which leads to complete or partial loss of the crop. Therefore, it is better to transfer already strong seedlings into the ground.
Planting by seeds and seedlings
Planting seeds for seedlings begins at the end of April and ends in mid-May. They are germinated in peat containers, which are placed in the ground together with the seedlings. For seedlings, highly nutritious soil is used, which contains turf soil, humus and peat in a ratio of 1:2:2 with the addition of 0.5 parts of coarse river sand.
For disinfection purposes, it is recommended to steam the soil for 45 minutes in a fabric bag or spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 3 g per 10 liters of water. Seedlings are transplanted into open ground after the soil has sufficiently warmed up, and into closed greenhouses after three leaves appear.
Attention! Since Harmonist is not a cucumber variety, but a hybrid, you won’t be able to collect the seeds yourself. You will have to buy the material - and preferably from a trusted manufacturer.
Directly In open ground, seeds are sown according to a 50:50 scheme. cm at the end of May - beginning of June. The optimal soil temperature for germination is at least +25°C.
Growing in stages and care
Step by step planting seeds:
- Filling the containers two-thirds full with soil, pouring a good amount of water. The water is left to settle for 2-3 days before planting and heated before watering.
- Furrows are made in moist soil, into which seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 2 cm, then sprinkled with soil. The glasses are wrapped in film.
- Germination conditions are similar to greenhouse conditions. The first shoots will appear in four days.
- The film is removed, and the seedlings are placed for three days in temperature conditions of no less than +16°C and no more than +18°C. Until the time of disembarkation, daytime temperatures vary at 21-23°C, night temperatures – 18-19°C.
Crop care includes mandatory regular watering to ensure rapid growth of seedlings. Seedlings are also picked when the first three leaves appear.
Transplantation of seedlings into open ground is carried out on the 26th day after the appearance of the first shoots.
Read also:
Early maturing hybrid of cucumbers "Connie f1", resistant to diseases
Step-by-step planting of seedlings:
- Soil preparation, including watering, loosening and fertilizing.
- Up to 6 plants are planted in holes per 1 m².
- The planting is covered with a film to protect it from freezing. It is removed when a stable temperature regime is established.
Important! Along with the seedlings, supports for cucumber vines are immediately installed near each bush.
Plant care at this stage is timely shading during the period of active sun in the first few days after planting.
Features of cultivation and possible difficulties
The hybrid is demanding on wateringcarried out as the soil dries. In hot areas plantings are watered twice a week or more, depending on the air temperature.
Spraying the leaves leads to burns, so water is applied at the root in the evening. In the morning, the soil should be loosened to prevent crust formation and improve air circulation.
Attention! Cucumbers are moisture-loving, but too much and frequent watering will lead to rotting of the bushes.
Feeding is carried out no more than five times per season.. During the flowering phase, cucumbers require the addition of chicken manure. It is diluted with water 1:20. During active fruiting, liquid manure is added in a ratio of 1:20.
To increase productivity use mineral fertilizer complexes, including double superphosphate (20 g) and ammonium nitrate (15 g). The powder is diluted in 10 liters of water and also applied under the root.Before this, the soil is watered and then loosened.
Be sure to tie cucumbers to the trellis to ensure complete air circulation and uniform distribution of sunlight. The formation of growing bushes is required, which implies the removal of 3-4 leaf axils along with shoots and ovaries. Removal of stepsons stops at a height of 60-80 cm, at this interval only the ovaries are left. When a height of 1.5 m is reached, the growth point is removed.
Diseases and pests
The hybrid is resistant to infectious diseases, but during the period of active fruiting, the plant’s body is depleted and becomes vulnerable to fungal diseases. To strengthen cucumber bushes, use an infusion of bread crusts and onion peels.
The most dangerous disease for this hybrid is powdery mildew. As a preventative measure, the bushes are treated with an infusion of ash two to three times during the growing season. Resistant to diseases such as cladosporiosis, root rot and downy mildew.
Insects such as: whitefly, spider mite and root-knot nematode. The nematode can be removed from the beds by planting legumes nearby.
Reference! Procedures such as autumn soil disinfection, weed removal, and freezing greenhouses in winter reduce the likelihood of pest invasion.
Spider mite appears when crop rotation is not observed, excessive air humidity and beds are overgrown with weeds.
Harvesting and application
Harvesting begins 40-45 days after emergence. Vegetables are harvested regularly, preventing the fruits from overgrowing.
It is used in cooking both fresh and canned. The accordionist retains and conveys taste well even when preserved.
Advantages and disadvantages
The main benefits of the Harmonist cucumber include:
- resistance to common infectious diseases;
- precocity;
- long fruiting period;
- abundance of harvest;
- high taste qualities;
- lack of bitter taste;
- long-term storage and suitability for long-distance transportation;
- undemanding in care.
Disadvantages of a hybrid:
- loves moisture, but its excess causes the roots to rot;
- when grown in open ground, fruits are often deformed;
- there is a risk of a decrease in the number of cucumber ovaries due to overgrowth;
- inability to use fruit seeds as planting material.
Most gardeners like the taste and yield of vegetables. In addition, summer residents note that cucumbers easily tolerate pest invasion, which is not typical for all varieties of cucumbers.
Lyubov Ivanovna, Krasnodar region: “I heard about Harmonist cucumbers in the store (the woman asked the seller about the availability of seeds). I asked what kind of cucumbers these were; I had never heard of them. The woman replied: “We ate them all summer and stocked up for the whole winter. Plant! You will not regret!". After such an answer, I simply had to grow them in my garden. From the photo on the bag of seeds, they seemed unsightly to me, and the name was a little confusing. But since I decided to imprison, it’s time to act, especially since they were so praised. I acted according to the instructions on the packet of seeds. The result is excellent - and no illnesses all summer.".
Victoria, Barnaul: “In April, I planted the Harmonist hybrid as seedlings, and 25 days later I transplanted the sprouts into open ground. Watered once a week, in extreme heat 2-3 times. I picked the fruits every day so that the plant would not waste energy on ripe vegetables.They tasted sweet and crispy, without any bitter taste even at the tail. The seeds in the fruits are small, so they are practically not felt. I and my whole family really liked them, so I wasn’t disappointed in them, quite the opposite. She treated them to her neighbors at the dacha and advised them to buy and plant them. I have already bought seeds for the next planting and I hope that they will continue to delight us with their abundance and taste.”.
Harmonist cucumbers are an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced gardeners. This hybrid is resistant to most diseases. The main components of the future harvest are care and proper cultivation. Follow the minimum care rules and harvest.