Hybrid early-ripening hybrid of cucumbers "Gunnar": characteristics and cultivation techniques

Cucumbers are a popular vegetable crop grown all over the world. Vegetables are successfully grown in greenhouses and greenhouses, on beds and even on the balcony. Every year, breeders develop new varieties that are popular among gardeners.

Dutch hybrids occupy a special place among the variety of crops. One of the brightest representatives of this group is the early-ripening Gunnar, obtained by crossing different types of cucumbers.

Description of the hybrid

The gherkin cucumber Gunnar f1 was bred in 2010 by the international company Enza Zaden, which has been creating various varieties of vegetables for several decades.Hybrid early-ripening cucumber hybrid Gunnar: characteristics and cultivation techniques

An early-ripening hybrid appeared in Russia and Ukraine in 2014 and immediately attracted the attention of farmers. The manufacturer does not distribute information about which varieties were used to create Gunnar. The hybrid is suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground, but the best yield is achieved indoors.

Distinctive features

The hybrid belongs to the type of parthenocarpic plants and produces only female flowers, which do not need pollination to form fruits. It occurs faster in them than in varieties with bisexual flowers. Bouquet formation of ovaries does not require fertilization.

Parthenocarpic hybrids have seedless fruits, and therefore they have an even color and size. Vegetables have a high shelf life and retain their presentation for a long time.

Hybrid features:

  • has early ripening periods;
  • grows on slightly saline soil;
  • resistant to adverse weather conditions;
  • does not require pollinators;
  • does not require pre-sowing treatment of planting material;
  • is immune to powdery mildew and cladosporiosis, moderately resistant to yellowing, cucumber mosaic and downy mildew;
  • the fruits have absolute ripening;
  • produces up to 4 harvests per season;
  • The vegetables have a juicy sweet taste.

Composition and properties

Cucumbers are 95% healthy structured water, which removes toxins and heavy metal salts from the body through the kidneys.

Gunnar cucumbers contain minerals: potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper. The pulp contains manganese, chromium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, vitamins B1, B2, PP, A, C and beta-carotene.

Regular consumption of fresh fruits gently cleanses the intestines thanks to the dietary fiber and fiber contained in cucumbers. Digestion is noticeably improved, toxins and excess cholesterol are eliminated.

Fresh fruits are consumed:

  • as a therapeutic food for diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • for dietary nutrition for obesity;
  • for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • when cholesterol plaques appear on the walls of blood vessels;
  • with high physical activity and chronic fatigue.

Cucumbers are useful for those who want to lose weight: they are not only tasty, but also low in calories. For prevention, fasting “cucumber” days are arranged, which normalize metabolism and remove excess fluid and salts from the body.

The calorie content of the product is only 15 kcal per 100 g.

Proteins - 0.8; fats - 0.1; carbohydrates - 2.8.

Cucumbers are also used for external use as a remedy for acne and freckles.They are used to make face masks, lotions and cosmetic waters.

Characteristics and yield

Hybrid Gunnar belongs to the salad and canning types. The fruits are dark green in color, spindle-shaped with large tubercles on the surface. Cucumber length is 10–16 cm, weight is 85–117 g.Hybrid early-ripening cucumber hybrid Gunnar: characteristics and cultivation techniques

Depending on the care and growing conditions, 3–5 fruits are formed in the nodes. Cucumbers are harvested every other day, and if there is a rich harvest - daily.

With high-quality agricultural technology, the hybrid is highly productive. In the spring-summer period, 17-23 kg of vegetables are harvested per 1 m2, in the summer-autumn period - 8-13 kg. Such abundant fruiting requires the application of fertilizers in large quantities.

The taste of the fruit is sweet, without bitterness. The homogeneous pulp without voids makes the gherkins suitable for both fresh and canned. For pickling And pickling use late harvest. Fresh vegetables are used immediately after harvest, since every day they lose nutrients and taste.

How to grow your own

The seeds of the Gunnar hybrid are not treated before sowing - the manufacturer has already taken care of this.

Planting seeds and seedlings

Plant the seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm at a temperature of the top layer of soil not lower than +17 °C.

Soil requirements:

  • increased breathability;
  • neutral pH;
  • high humidity;
  • high percentage of soil bacteria.

Complex fertilizers are applied to the garden bed, the furrows are well watered, then the seeds are planted and sprinkled with soil.

To grow seedlings, the prepared soil mixture is poured into special cassettes or other suitable container. Place a seed in the center and sprinkle 1 cm of soil.

The container is placed in a warm, well-lit place.After emergence of seedlings, the temperature is reduced to +20 °C. The seedlings are watered with warm water. When 3 leaves appear, they are planted in a permanent place. Complete planting with mulching.

Step-by-step cultivation and care

Gunnar cucumbers need constant watering warm water. It is important to ensure that drops do not fall on the leaves and stems. Often gardeners install a convenient drip irrigation system.Hybrid early-ripening cucumber hybrid Gunnar: characteristics and cultivation techniques

From the moment the plants develop, moderate watering is carried out, and from the beginning of fruiting its volume is increased. Each bush is provided with 1-2 liters of water, in the future - 4 liters.

For good yield indicators, plants are fed with complex mineral fertilizers. Contents of 1-2 liters are added per 1 m2.

After moisture or rain, loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

When drip irrigation is used, the tape is placed not under the mulch, but on top of it. For active formation of ovaries from planting to flowering, moderate irrigation is carried out, then it is increased, since Gunnar is demanding of moisture. This feature requires the consumption of large volumes of water.

Important! Monitor the volume of water without leaving the soil too wet or dry.

With each subsequent feeding, the fertilizer should contain less nitrogen and a little more potassium and phosphorus.

Unlike non-hybrid cucumbers, Gunnar is formed into a single stem. For the correct development of the bushes, a “blinding” procedure is carried out: all shoots and ovaries that formed at a height of 5–8 internodes from the ground are removed. The ovaries that form higher are left, and if shoots appear, they are also removed. Pinch the bush at a height of 3 or 5 leaves from the growing point.

For gartering, it is more convenient to use a mesh, guiding the stem and twisting it around the cells. When growing Gunnar in open ground, the height of such a device is about 2 m, and for greenhouse cucumbers its size is determined by the height of the room.

The lower dried leaves are removed in the morning or evening. At this time, the plants will not experience severe stress.

Diseases and pests

Gunnar is resistant to the most common plant diseases. If all care measures are followed, the risks of plant damage are low.

To prevent fungal diseases, bushes are sprayed with sodium polysulfide. To prevent infection by downy mildew, the beds are treated with fungicides.

When growing Gunnar in greenhouse conditions, he is not threatened by insects. In open ground, the crop is attacked by sprout flies, spider mites and melons. aphid. To get rid of them, plants are treated with karbofos or tobacco solution.

Harvesting and application

The harvest is harvested a month after planting. The first cucumbers are removed from the bushes before they reach their maximum size. This will reduce the load on young plants and stimulate the growth of new fruits. Remove vegetables early in the morning or late evening to retain moisture, firmness, and crunch.

Fresh cucumbers are universal in use: they are used for preparing salads and canning.

The harvest is stored in the cellar for several days at an air humidity of about 90–95%. If you keep it longer, under any conditions, the taste will change and the skin will become wrinkled.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the Gunnar hybrid include:Hybrid early-ripening cucumber hybrid Gunnar: characteristics and cultivation techniques

  • early ripening;
  • abundant fruiting;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • long-term preservation of the marketable appearance of the fruit.


  • high price of seeds;
  • regionalization of cultivation (suitable for the third and fifth light zones).


Experienced gardeners shared their opinions on the productivity of the hybrid:

Vladimir, Kursk: “I’ve been growing Dutch hybrid cucumbers for a long time. Of the several varieties, I consider Gunnar to be the most productive. It actively bears fruit from late spring until autumn. The cucumbers are neat, small and even. The harvest is stored for a long time and is easily transported.”

Elena, Volgograd: “Despite the high cost of the seeds, I decided to try it. Grown in closed ground. I harvested my first harvest in 1.5 months. Zelentsy are up to 9 cm long and sing together. When planting, I add humus and ash. The pulp of cucumbers is aromatic and tasty. The whole family eats it fresh.”


With proper agricultural technology and careful care of the Gunnar hybrid, a rich and high-quality harvest of cucumbers is ensured. The main advantages of the crop include its resistance to diseases and pests, excellent taste and commercial characteristics of the fruit. The hybrid does not require pollinators and allows you to harvest up to 4 harvests per season.

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