The best varieties of Pioneer corn seeds: characteristics, prices and selection tips

Our country has created all the conditions for the accelerated development of agriculture. Farmers are interested in purchasing high-quality seeds from trusted producers. Such companies include the American agricultural company DuPont Pioneer.

Hybrids of soybeans, sorghum, sunflower and corn from this manufacturer are distinguished by good germination and yield.

Company Description

DuPont Pioneer is an American company that develops and supplies high quality hybrid sunflower, soybean, sorghum and corn seeds to more than 90 countries around the world. The company has existed for more than 30 years.

The best varieties of Pioneer corn seeds: characteristics, prices and selection tips

The range is constantly expanding, their quality is improving. The company is engaged in advising clients on the proper conduct of agricultural activities to increase productivity and profits.

The company monitors its reputation, which has been built over the years. The operating principles of its employees are safety, care for the environment and respect for customers.

DuPont Pioneer employees also work in our country., who advise and train Russian agricultural producers in practice. The Silage Agro-Academy project has gained great popularity, where farmers from the Non-Black Earth Region, southern Russia, the Volga-Ural region and other regions come to study.

Advantages and disadvantages

The best varieties of Pioneer corn seeds: characteristics, prices and selection tipsHybrid corn seeds "Pioneer" have high yields even in regions difficult for farming.Among them, you can select specimens suitable for regions with different climatic conditions.

A harvest of 6 tons from 1 hectare can be harvested even with minimal care. The crops are frost-resistant; young shoots can withstand frosts down to -20 °C. An adult plant can survive even winter frosts; its cobs do not burst and remain on the stem for a long time. Thanks to these properties, Pioneer corn seeds have gained popularity among large agricultural enterprises and ordinary summer residents.

The only drawback of the product - high cost of seeds.

The company's best hybrids

The best corn hybrids from the Pioneer company - PR38D93 Anasta, 3893 Clarica, Pioneer 37D25 and Pioneer 39F58. These agricultural crops have a number of undeniable advantages: they have good yields and resistance to difficult climatic conditions and diseases. These are tooth-like plants with large ears and slightly flattened grains.

In 2015, Pioneer introduced to the market a new corn hybrid, Optimum AQUAmax-P9911 - the result of unique long-term research by the company’s scientists.

Description, features, characteristics

PR38D93 Anasta - mid-season corn hybrid. The growing season is 3 months. Is different:

  • consistently high yields;
  • unpretentiousness to soil type;
  • frost resistance.

However, it is not recommended to grow it in hot climates, since high air temperatures are difficult for the plant to tolerate. Sowing rules: 1 hectare - 75,000 seeds.

The best varieties of Pioneer corn seeds: characteristics, prices and selection tips

3893 Clarica also refers to mid-season hybrids with a growing season of 3 months. The main advantage of the hybrid is considered to be high drought resistance: to get a good harvest, it is enough to water 2-3 times per season. The plant is characterized by a small height and developed roots.Steppe and forest-steppe areas are suitable for growing 3893 Clarica. Sowing rules: for 1 hectare - 75,000 seeds.

Pioneer 37D25/PR37D25 - mid-late hybrid. The growing season is a little more than 3 months. An advantage is considered to be good frost resistance; an excellent harvest is harvested with constant watering. Regions for cultivation - the north and forest-steppe regions. Sowing rules: per 1 hectare - 60,000 plants.

This is interesting:

How corn is grown and harvested for silage

How corn is harvested for grain

Pioneer 39F58/PR39F58 - a mid-early corn hybrid. The growing season is just under 3 months. The main advantage is high adaptability to weather changes and difficult environmental conditions. The plant has a strong stem and well-developed roots. Suitable regions for cultivation are woodland, steppe and forest-steppe regions. Sowing rules: 80,000 plants per 1 hectare.

Optimum AQUAmax-Р9911 - an early hybrid of corn. The growing season is 2-3 months. The hybrid is drought-resistant and has record yields. In the Chernigov region, thanks to modern technologies and drip irrigation, during the 2015 season, a harvest of 18.3 tons per 1 hectare was obtained.

Features of cultivation

Soil cultivation for further planting of Pioneer corn hybrids is carried out in the fall. The areas for sowing are plowed to a depth of 25 cm and treated with weed control agents.

In the spring, before planting, the ground is harrowed for better moisture retention. Depending on the quality of the soil, the sowing depth ranges from 5 to 10 cm. The density of seed planting varies from 60,000 to 110,000 per 1 ha: the earlier the hybrid ripens, the denser the sowing.

The main task after sowing is weed control, the most effective way is to use herbicides.

Pioneer products have strong immunity against most corn diseases. 4 popular varieties are resistant to fusarium, blister and flying smut. However, plant care is necessary: ​​fungicides and insecticides are used to kill pests and fight diseases.

Reference! A special attachment is used for harvesting.

The best varieties of Pioneer corn seeds: characteristics, prices and selection tips


The cobs are famous for their excellent taste. Sweet and juicy fruits are used not only for making animal feed, but in the food industry: they are excellent for freezing, canning, making cereals, flour and alcohol. Due to the presence of useful amino acids and vitamins, these hybrids are used in pharmaceuticals for the production of drugs.

Using modern processing methods Corn grains can be used to produce ethanol, the basis of biofuel. Corn starch is used to make paper, linoleum, viscose and in the construction industry.


The average price for Pioneer corn hybrids is 5,000 rubles. per bag, holding 80,000 seeds. This volume is enough to sow 2 hectares of field.

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How to choose the right corn hybrid from Pioneer

To assist in selection, seed sets are numbered from 100 to 900. Seeds with an index of 200-250 are suitable for sowing in the northern and western regions, and with an index of 250-500 - in the central and southern regions.

Attention! A distinctive feature of corn hybrids from the Pioneer DuPont company: 1 plant - 1 cob.

If there are more cobs, this may indicate that seeds are not from the manufacturer “Pioneer”. The reason for the appearance of more than 1 ear may lie in errors in growing technology: experts advise sowing seeds more densely.

The best varieties of Pioneer corn seeds: characteristics, prices and selection tips

Where can I buy

Seeds of Pioneer corn hybrids can be purchased directly from the manufacturer by making a request, or through specialized agricultural online stores.


The popularity of Pioneer corn in our country is evidenced by the fact that every seventh hectare of corn is sown with these hybrids.

Semyon, Tula: “I have been involved in livestock farming for more than 10 years. I grow Pioneer corn for silage, I couldn’t find a better option.”.

Victor, Saratov: “I grow corn for wholesale sales, “Pioneer” gives a full harvest, even if the summer is dry, and there is no opportunity for frequent watering”.


Despite the negative attitude towards plant hybrids produced in the USA, crops from the Pioneer company have many advantages. They are unpretentious, have high yields, and are safe for human and animal health. These qualities motivate large agricultural enterprises and ordinary gardeners to purchase such crops.

In our country, hybrids from the Pioneer company are gaining more and more popularity every year.

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