An exotic vegetable with an amazing appearance - black corn: properties, use in cooking and folk medicine
If you caught your eye corn black - don't think it's spoiled. The Peruvian variety of cereal has this unusual color. In Europe it is quite rare. Black corn gets its unusual color due to its high content of anthocyanins, natural antioxidants. They have anti-inflammatory and even antitumor effects. What else is Peruvian maize useful for, whether it can harm your health and what dishes are prepared from it - read about this and more in our article.
Characteristics and description
Black corn, apart from its color, is no different in appearance from traditional yellow corn. It has exactly the same structure of the cob and grains.
Its color is not entirely black: it has a purple tint. When cut, the grains may have a bluish, purple or yellow tint.
Among the Peruvian Indians, black corn originally ripened small cobs, no more than 4 cm. During selection, it was possible to change not only its taste, but also make the plant tall (about 2 m) with large ears (up to 30 cm).
The taste of this corn is no different from the sugar corn we are most familiar with.
Reference. It is believed that anthocyanin pigments, responsible for the blue and purple color of vegetables, fruits and berries, prevent the development of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract. However, researchers are not yet ready to recommend specific “anti-cancer” products.
Composition and properties
Black corn grains contain a large number of microelements:
- phosphorus;
- iron;
- magnesium;
- calcium;
- copper;
- nickel;
- potassium.
Black maize is also rich in vitamins:
- A;
- B1 and B2;
- C;
- E;
- K;
- PP.
Corn protein contains the essential amino acids tryptophan and lysine, which help effectively fight depression and insomnia.
The cereal is rich in proteins, fats, fiber and carbohydrates, but at the same time it is a dietary product: 100 g contains only 120 kcal. Carbohydrates stabilize blood sugar levels and provide energy.
Benefits and harms
Even 7,000 years ago, black corn was used for medicinal purposes by the Incas, Quechua and Mochica tribes. Scientists have proven that it really has a unique composition that has a positive effect on the human body:
- Removes excess cholesterol.
- Rejuvenates the body.
- Helps cope with stress and insomnia.
- Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Stabilizes metabolism.
- Nourishes muscles.
- Removes toxins and radionuclides from the body.
- Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
- Helps with some liver diseases.
- Reduces the risk of cancer.
Excessive consumption of such corn may cause discomfort in the stomach or intestines. It is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and the presence of such conditions as:
- increased blood clotting;
- tendency to thrombosis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- stomach ulcer.
Use in cooking
As already noted, black corn has the same taste as yellow corn, so it can be used in preparing the same dishes. At the same time, familiar salads or side dishes will sparkle with new colors thanks to the unusual color of the product.
Corn can be eaten boiled, baked, canned and raw form. The grains are also dried and ground into homemade corn flour.
Traditional Peruvian recipe - Masamorra Morada pudding
This pudding is cooked in the same way as jelly, but it is very thick.
- 1 kg black corn;
- 3 buds of cloves;
- 3 cinnamon sticks;
- 1 pineapple;
- 1 Granny Smith apple;
- 1 quince;
- 1 lime;
- 0.5 cups dried apricots;
- 0.5 cups dried cherries;
- 1 star anise;
- 2 tbsp. l. stevia;
- 1 tsp. ground cinnamon.
- Wash corn and fruits thoroughly. Unpeeled fruits (even pineapple) will be used.
- Cut the apple and quince into large pieces without peeling or removing seeds. Peel the pineapple, but do not throw it away. Cut the corn cobs into several pieces.
- Combine all the chopped fruit, pineapple skins and corn in a large saucepan. Pour in 9 glasses of water.
- Add cinnamon sticks, anise and cloves. Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.
- Reduce heat and cook for another 1.5 hours. During this time, a third of the water should evaporate.
- Strain the liquid and pour it back into the pan.
- Add chopped pineapple, dried apricots, cherries and stevia. Cook the mixture for 20 minutes from the moment it boils.
- Dilute the starch with cold water and pour in a thin stream into the pan with the fruit. Mix everything well. Cook for 5 minutes. Turn off the stove.
- Squeeze lime juice into pan. Mix again.
- Pour the pudding into the molds and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Can be served either hot or chilled.
Use in folk medicine
In Peru, this cereal is treated as a medicine. Various tinctures, ointments and lotions are prepared from the grain powder.
"Chicha Morada"
This recipe has been around for many years.The drink fills the body with energy, removes toxins, blocks the feeling of hunger and normalizes sleep. It is not only healthy, but also very tasty.
- 1 kg black corn;
- 600 g pineapple;
- 150 g apples;
- 60 g lemon;
- sugar, cloves and cinnamon to taste.
- Wash all fruits and corn.
- Peel the pineapple, but do not throw it away. It is the peel that is needed to prepare the drink. Cut the apples into large pieces.
- Place apples, corn, pineapple peel and spices in a saucepan. Pour in all 4 liters of water and bring to a boil. Boil the drink until the corn kernels begin to pop.
- Cool the broth and strain.
- Squeeze lemon juice into it, add sugar if desired.
Black corn tincture
It is taken for inflammation and lung cancer, bronchitis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Before doing this, you should definitely consult with your doctor!
Drink 30 drops of the tincture, diluted in pineapple juice, twice a day 15 minutes before meals.
- 200 g black corn;
- 500 ml vodka.
- Cut the cobs into several pieces.
- Place in a glass container and fill with vodka.
- Place in a dark place for a week.
- Strain the finished tincture.
Corn silk tincture
Has a calming effect. With long-term use, this drink can dissolve stones in the kidneys and ureters, helps with hypertension and atherosclerosis.
- 100 g corn silks;
- 1 cup boiling water.
- Pour boiling water over the stigma.
- Cool to room temperature and strain.
- Take 3 tbsp every four hours. spoons.
Features of cultivation and care
Since the homeland of the plant is South America, the growing conditions must be created approximately the same. This cereal does not tolerate night frosts and thrives at temperatures of 20-24°C. Therefore, in the north of Russia and Siberia it is unlikely that it will be possible to grow black corn, but in the south it is quite possible.
Before planting, the seeds must be prepared. To do this, they are soaked for five days in a solution of wood ash (2 tablespoons of ash per 1 liter of water). It is advisable to choose a site where legumes, cabbage or tomatoes had previously grown.
Seeds are planted in April, laid to a depth of 8 cm. Corn ripens 85-120 days after the seedlings appear. The timing directly depends on the growing conditions.
Advice. Fertilizing with zinc, molybdenum and superphosphate will help corn grow in unusual conditions.
Black corn is an incredibly healthy exotic grain. Its positive properties have been tested by many years of experience of the population of South America, which uses black maize both as a medicine and as a food product. Original Peruvian recipes with tropical fruits and numerous spices have a highly tonic effect and heal the body.