The benefits and harms of canned corn: choosing and eating the product correctly
Corn (or maize) originates from southern Mexico. Thanks to the complex work of breeders, wild corn acquired its familiar appearance with many bright yellow grains. This is a very common product all over the world: it is indispensable during the holidays when preparing all kinds of salads and is an excellent snack for those watching their figure. Corn, especially canned, tastes sweet, so it can successfully replace unhealthy sweets and chocolate.
Few people know how to choose the right one in the store in order to get a truly high-quality product. This is exactly what we will talk about in the article, and we will also find out what benefits and harm corn can bring to the body and how many calories it contains.
Composition of the product
The calorie content of canned corn varies depending on the original raw material. The percentage of sugar in a cereal is not a constant indicator, but the average energy value is 58 kcal/100 g. This applies to raw canned corn. Boiled has more calories – 119 kcal/100 g.
The ratio of BZHU (proteins/fat/carbohydrates) in 100 g of canned corn is 2.2/0.4/11.2 g.
There are many vitamins and minerals in the product. True, after undergoing the conservation procedure, most of them are lost.
Vitamins (per 100 g):
- ascorbic acid – 4.8 mg;
- vitamin PP – 1 mg;
- niacin – 0.95 mg;
- vitamin B1 – 0.02 mg;
- vitamin B2 – 0.05 mg;
- beta-carotene – 0.02 mg;
- vitamin A – 3.3 mcg.
Microelements (per 100 g):
- iron – 4 mg;
- zinc – 1650 mcg;
- aluminum – 465 mcg;
- copper – 300 mcg;
- fluoride – 67 mcg.
- phosphorus – 301 mg;
- potassium – 285 mg;
- magnesium – 103 mg;
- calcium – 42 mg;
- sodium – 40 mg.
Beneficial features
Corn has long established itself as a tasty and healthy product. Its use promotes such positive changes in the body as:
- normalization of sleep;
- memory improvement;
- protection from stress;
- increasing immunity;
- slowing down aging;
- improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
- normalization of digestion;
- reducing the risk of sclerosis.
Benefits for children
Any canned food is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. The exception is high-quality baby food. But as the child grows, grains gradually begin to be introduced into the diet, since all the vitamins, micro- and macroelements contained in it are beneficial for the baby. Children like the pleasant sweetish taste; they perceive corn as a dessert, which reduces the consumption of sweets and chocolate.
To find out which corn is best to use for popcorn, you can find out here.
For men
For representatives of the stronger sex, corn is of particular value. Due to their ability to be almost completely absorbed, carbohydrates in the product quickly provide the body with energy and help cope with fatigue after a hard day at work.
Corn has a positive effect on the male reproductive system. Eating grains helps prevent genital dysfunction and infertility.
For women
Corn is even more beneficial for women's health than for men's: it can moderate pain during menstruation and ease menopause. This cereal has a positive effect on the female reproductive system as a whole.
B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails.
If you are not allergic and have no special recommendations from your doctor regarding the use of this product, feel free to eat it during pregnancy. Corn perfectly helps cope with toxicosis and replenishes energy.
When breastfeeding, eating canned corn is also allowed. You just need to do this gradually, in small doses, you need to monitor the baby’s condition: manifestations of a reaction from the gastrointestinal tract or allergies are possible.
Important! A nursing mother can start consuming corn only six months after the baby is born. Fiber is poorly absorbed by an unprepared body, which can lead to negative consequences.
Doctors note that corn has a positive effect on the quality and quantity of breast milk, but everything needs moderation.
For older people
Older people can and even need to eat corn: it prevents the development of sclerosis, and the phosphorus in the composition is useful for osteoporosis and rheumatism.
However, this cereal can have a laxative effect, and older people are more susceptible to such adverse reactions to any foods.
Does corn contain gluten? Read here.
Is it possible to eat while losing weight?
When following a diet to lose excess weight, eating canned corn is not prohibited. Moreover, there is a mono-diet, which involves consuming only this product for several days..
Due to its low calorie content and rich composition, corn is considered an excellent assistant in the fight against extra pounds.However, like any carbohydrate-containing product, it is not recommended to eat it at night.
Consumption standards
Canned food should be consumed in the first half of the day due to its high carbohydrate content.
The daily norm for adults is 150 g. For children under 10 years of age, the dose is reduced to 80 g per day no more than 2-3 times a week.
Everything is individual, the main thing is to monitor the reaction of your body or the condition of your child.
Contraindications and possible harm
There are diseases for which the use of canned corn is contraindicated:
- obesity;
- stomach ulcer;
- high blood clotting;
- tendency to form blood clots;
- individual intolerance;
- gastritis;
- pancreatitis.
Due to the large amount of carbohydrates, the body of people with gastritis or pancreatitis simply cannot cope with them, and preservative substances can aggravate the course of the disease.
For healthy people, the following indicators pose a danger:
- Incorrectly selected product in the store: poor quality or with violations storage conditions.
- Product abuse.
Excessive consumption of canned corn and replacing it with main daily meals can cause indigestion and diarrhea.
How to choose canned corn in the store
If you take a serious approach to choosing a truly high-quality product, you should not focus only on the price of the product.
Some tips for choosing good corn:
- Choose grains preserved in glass containers. This will allow you to evaluate the appearance of the product. The color of the grains should not be too bright and saturated (this indicates harvesting from old cobs). The ideal color is milky with a slightly yellowish tint.
- If the can is a tin, there should be no damage or stains on it.
- Pay special attention to the expiration date of the product: it should not be more than two years old. Otherwise, you risk consuming a lot of preservatives. Also, you should not buy canned food that expires in a few months; choose a fresher jar. To do this, you should look into the far corners of the store shelf (older products are always put forward).
- Shake the jar. Ideally, you should not hear liquid pouring (this indicates air getting inside and possible damage to the contents).
Like any product that has gone through the canning process, corn loses many useful substances. Therefore, it is important to use it in moderation and not replace main side dishes exclusively with canned maize. But as a tasty and yet healthy addition to your usual diet, corn will be an excellent option.