What fertilizers can be used for cucumbers in a greenhouse during fruiting?
Fertilizing is the most important condition for caring for greenhouse cucumbers. The procedure is carried out regularly throughout the entire fruiting period. To do this, alternate organic and inorganic fertilizers, spraying the plant on the leaf and watering at the root. They are treated with biostimulants of growth, and folk remedies are used to increase yield and control pests and diseases.
From the article you will learn how to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse during the fruiting period and what are the nuances of applying fertilizers in closed ground.
Is it necessary to feed greenhouse cucumbers during the fruiting period?
During the fruiting period, cucumbers grow, bloom and “pour” fruits. They are fed during flowering to increase the number of ovaries, prevent deformation of the fruits and increase the period of fruiting. During this period, cucumbers especially need potassium and nitrogen.
Fertilizing is carried out both at the root and by spraying along the entire length of the vine.
Use organic and mineral fertilizers - every week, alternating. Potassium nitrate is best suited during this period. 25-30 g of the drug are diluted per 10 liters of water.
Types of fertilizers and recipes, as well as application patterns in the greenhouse
Let's consider which fertilizers are organic and which are mineral, and how to apply each group.
Organic fertilizers are made independently from various infusions of herbs, bird droppings, cow manure and wood ash. They are alternated with mineral fertilizers or used separately.
Cucumbers are fed with fermented infusion of herbs. Take young crushed shoots of nettle and dandelion, mix and put in a container two-thirds full, pour in water and close with a lid. In hot weather, the infusion will begin to ferment and will be ready in 7-10 days.
As soon as abundant foam and an unpleasant odor appear, this means that the solution is ready. To speed up the process and increase nutritional value, so-called EM preparations are added there: yeast, stale bread, a glass of humus or manure. The infusion is diluted five times with water and 0.5-1 liter is poured onto the moist soil under each plant.
Reference! When EM preparations are added to a herbal solution, it begins to smell like mash or kvass.
An infusion of ash is considered an effective feeding. A glass of ash is dissolved in 10 liters of water and left for a day. Each plant is poured with 1 liter of solution.
Reference! Wood ash contains dozens of microelements needed by plants, in particular phosphorus, potassium and calcium. They make infusions from it or simply sprinkle it under the plant in moist soil, then loosen it well.
To extend the fruiting period of cucumbers, use an infusion of dry rotted hay; it is infused in a warm place for 48 hours. The bacilli contained in it fights pathogenic bacteria and fungi, which helps the cucumber grow and bear fruit longer.
The required amount of mineral and organic substances necessary for the development of fruits and strengthening of the plant is contained in a solution of cow manure. To prepare it, take cow dung and water in proportions of 1:5 and leave for two weeks.
An excellent stimulator of fruiting is a daily infusion of onion peels and boiling water. It is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 and poured over the cucumbers.
Mineral fertilizers include:
- nitrogen;
- phosphorus;
- potash;
- phosphorus-potassium;
- complex fertilizers.
Mineral fertilizers are used throughout the entire fruiting period; for this purpose, they use both universal fertilizers, which are created only for cucumbers, and fertilizer mixtures prepared independently.
Reference! Liquid and granular complex mineral fertilizers have been produced especially for cucumbers.
For feeding in warm and hot weather, use the following fertilizer:
- 25-30 g of potassium nitrate are diluted in 10 liters of water;
- 50 g of urea are diluted in 10 liters of water.
Each bush is watered with it in an amount of 1 liter in moist soil.
In cold and wet weather, spray the leaves with a solution of 10-12 g of urea diluted in 10 liters of water.
Important! At the same time, cucumbers are not watered or sprayed with mineral fertilizers. Plants feel better when these two types of fertilizing are alternated.
To prolong the fruiting of cucumbers in a greenhouse, they are sprayed with a solution of 15 g of urea and 10 liters of water. Or water under the plant with a mixture of 30 g of baking soda dissolved in 10 liters of water. The nitrogen contained in urea will not give leaves turn yellow, and baking soda will protect the soil from pathogenic microorganisms and maintain the desired level of soil acidity.
Recently, stimulants and growth regulators for cucumbers have become popular among gardeners. Let's look at the most effective of them.
"Etamon" stimulates root growth. When applied simultaneously with foliar fertilizer, its effect increases. Increases the percentage of seed germination and regulates the ratio of the sizes of roots and above-ground parts of the crop.
"Gumin" — biostimulator of plant growth with a minimum content of foreign impurities. Doubles yield and strengthens plant immunity.Available in liquid form and mulching paste.
"Silk" stimulates the development of female flowers, increases the color saturation of the fruit, and promotes the appearance of ovaries several days ahead of schedule. You can sprinkle it on cucumbers for ovary in the greenhouse. The drug is used to prevent diseases and stimulate the immune system. Helps plants develop frost and drought resistance.
"Azovit" - a biofertilizer based on living bacteria with nitrogen-fixing properties. Increases productivity and environmental friendliness of products, produces active substances that activate vegetation, and increases plant immunity to diseases.
"Ferovit" - a cure for iron chlorosis. It is also used to normalize the soil before planting crops in greenhouses.
Folk remedies
The ability of cucumbers to accumulate nitrates forces gardeners to use folk remedies.
100 g of yeast are dissolved in 10 liters of water and infused for a day. Water cucumbers with this solution in warm or hot weather, 1 liter per root.
Two-thirds of the container is filled with dry black bread, warm water is poured in and pressed down with a heavy weight so that the bread does not float. After seven days, the infusion can be used by diluting it three times - 0.5 liters for each bush.
To speed up the ripening process of cucumbers, they are sprayed with a solution of boric acid - 0.25 tsp. boric acid per 10 liters of water. Spray one leaf every week.
A solution of 30 g of soda and 10 liters of water is used to re-form the fruit. They are watered at the root once a week.
What fertilizers are suitable for controlling pests and diseases?
Some mineral fertilizers and fertilizers will protect cucumbers from diseases and pests.
The most common diseases of cucumbers are powdery mildew and peronosporosis (downy mildew).
An excellent remedy for them is wood ash. Ash is sprinkled, watered or sprayed on plants with its solution. It is safe, so even fruits can be treated with it.
Important! Cucumbers are sprayed or watered only with warm water, at a temperature of 25-28°C. Before feeding the roots, water the cucumbers generously.
When the first signs of powdery mildew appear, the potassium content in the fertilizing is increased, this is achieved with the help of ash.
Disease prevention is carried out with a solution of 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. wood ash and 800 g of cow dung. The mixture is infused for a day and filtered. Water at the root 0.5 or spray on the leaves.
Important! Plants are sprayed 6-7 times, every 10-12 days, using different solutions.
To prevent and combat powdery mildew, use a mixture of 3 g of potassium permanganate and 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out from above and always from below the leaf.
Potassium permanganate can be replaced with soda ash - 50 g per 10 liters of water. Sometimes 30 g of liquid soap is added to the solution.
For preventive purposes against powdery mildew, plants are sprayed with whey. Lactic acid has a detrimental effect on pathogenic fungi, preventing the development of infection.
Treating cucumbers with a solution prepared from a bucket of water and 3 tbsp helps in the fight against aphids and other pests. l. ammonia. In this way, they not only repel pests, but also feed the plants. Repeat it every 10-14 days.
Ash is also used against aphids - when they appear, cucumbers are pollinated ash. It will not destroy the pest, but it creates unfavorable conditions for its habitat.Leaves damaged by pests are removed so that they do not take away the strength of the plant.
A solution of 100 g of superphosphates, 50 g of potassium chloride and 10 liters of water is used to control pests, while simultaneously feeding cucumbers. It is better for them to spray the crop in the evening.
What fertilizers should not be used to fertilize cucumbers during the fruiting period?
During fruiting, cucumbers should not be fed with chicken manure: it will give rapid growth of green mass and shoots, and fruit set will sharply decrease.
Important! Cucumbers have the ability to quickly accumulate nitrates, so the doses of fertilizers do not exceed, but feeding carried out every two weeks, but not earlier. In this case, it is best to combine root feeding and spraying along the vines.
Do not fertilize with compounds made by eye: strictly follow the instructions. Do not overuse fertilizing, maintain a time interval between them.
In case of potassium overdose the fruits will grow irregular shape. If there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil, the fruits become pointed at the lower end and turn white.
During fruiting, cucumbers in a greenhouse not only can, but also need to be fed. They do this to get a healthy, not deformed crop and to extend the fruiting period.
Plants are fed both at the root and by spraying along the entire vine along the leaves. They use mineral and organic fertilizers, store-bought and home-made. The main thing is not to overuse fertilizers and not to use preparations not intended for the fruiting period.