What is the yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse per 1 square meter and how to increase it
How many cucumbers can you harvest from a greenhouse bed? What varieties to use and what to do to increase the yield? You will find answers to these questions below. We will tell you in detail how many kilograms can be collected from one bush and square meter, what determines the yield and how to increase it. And the recommendations of experienced gardeners will help ensure an unprecedented harvest of vegetables that will be the envy of your neighbors.
What is the yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse per 1 square meter and what does it depend on?
How many kilograms of vegetables will be harvested per unit area directly depends on varieties and quality of seeds, places of cultivation and care. Despite the fact that cucumbers are famous for their early ripening, it is not always possible to grow as many as you want. Average vegetable yield per 1 sq. m in a greenhouse ranges from 9 to 50 kg.
Reference. In open ground, the yield of cucumbers is four times lower than in a closed structure.
The seed planting scheme also has a great influence on the yield.. The general condition of the plants depends on the density of the bushes. The principle “to be in trouble, but not to be offended” does not work here. If the planting is too compact, a favorable environment for the development of fungus is created. Barren flowers form on the plant. The cucumber lacks natural resources.
According to experts, The optimal planting density is 3-4 bushes per 1 square meter. m. With this arrangement, seedlings do not need to compete for water, fertilizing, or sunlight.
Many factors influence crop yield, but the gardener can influence most of them and achieve a positive result. However, there are also those (for example, the quality of purchased seeds) where everything depends on chance.
Main factors influencing the number of kilograms collected:
- variety (usually taken parthenocarpic (self-pollinating) varieties and hybrids characterized by early ripening);
- fertilized soil;
- planting time (planted in the spring for the season or grown year-round);
- density of bushes;
- proper feeding and abundant watering;
- sufficient level of lighting in the greenhouse;
- correctly set temperature conditions, which range from +20°C to +35°C depending on the growth period (sowing, flowering, fruiting);
- prevention of fungal infections (whitewashing frames with lime, spraying bushes with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture will protect against ascochyta blight, bacteriosis, cladosporiosis);
- protection against pests (aphids, spider mites, black flea beetles);
- regular harvesting, which prevents the fruit from overripening.
Ladybugs are often used to control aphids.. It can destroy up to hundreds of pests in a day.
The most productive varieties for greenhouses
Scientists have developed dozens of varieties and hybrids of cucumbers. They all differ in size, shape and level of fruiting. Some varieties were selected for the street, others for the greenhouse. Therefore, when talking about productivity, it is appropriate to compare indicators for one type of soil. Undoubtedly, greenhouse plants, unlike outdoor ones, will always show better results.
The following varieties and hybrids proved to be leaders in yield in greenhouses::
- Cupid F1. Recognized as the most productive. Gives up to 50 kg per 1 sq. m. It has very early ripening periods - up to 30 days.Characterized by a small number of branches. The planting density of this type of cucumber is 3 bushes per 1 square meter. m.
- Tom Thumb. Another representative of early ripening cucumbers. Fruits on the 38th day. Weight does not exceed 80 g. Low weight is compensated by a large number of fruits. A characteristic feature of the variety is resistance to diseases.
- Murashka F1. This hybrid does not require insects for pollination. It is characterized by bunch flowering, which is the key to high yield (up to 28 kg per 1 sq. m).
- Benefit F1. Self-pollinating hybrid. Begins to actively bear fruit on the 45th day. Gives up to 25 kg per 1 sq. m. The key feature is the complete absence of bitterness.
- Tumi. Productivity - up to 11 kg per bush.
- Matrix. Has the same good disease resistance as Thumb. It surpasses all other varieties in terms of popularity. Fruits up to 30 kg per 1 square. m.
F1 means that we have a first generation hybrid obtained from crossing two different varieties.
How to increase productivity
You can often hear that cucumbers are very unpretentious by nature. However, this is not entirely true. If they are not given proper attention, you can forget about a big harvest. Therefore, after planting, a lot depends on care.
Main factors affecting yield:
- Pollination. During the flowering period, insects play an important role in the formation of the ovary. You can lure them with regular sweet water (100 g of sugar per 1 liter of water) or pollinate the cucumbers yourself, for example, by transferring pollen from the male flowers to the female flowers with a soft brush. Of course, if self-pollinating cucumber species grow, these pollination methods are useless.
- No side shoots. The vegetable grower must take certain measures to prevent the appearance of additional shoots.Different varieties of crops have their own periods of stepsoning. This procedure is usually carried out using scissors, sometimes manually. Trimming additional shoots allows plants to use their forces to form ovaries. Plus, getting rid of excess leaves provides more light to the garden bed.
- Pest protection. To protect adult bushes from insects, they resort to plant staking. This method also helps protect cucumbers from mechanical damage. In addition, by not allowing the leaves to touch the ground, you will protect them from fungal infections.
- Proper watering. Cucumbers are a very moisture-loving crop. If there is a lack of water, it will definitely not be possible to get an additional harvest. In addition, those fruits that do ripen will have a bitter taste. It is recommended to water greenhouse plants once every 2-3 days. Average water consumption is from 10 to 15 liters per 1 square. m.
Do not overwater vegetables, otherwise it will cause soil rotting and fungal infection.
How many cucumbers can be harvested from 1 sq. m in a greenhouse
Determining the yield of a particular variety per 1 sq. m, it should be borne in mind that average data for the year are usually given.
The table shows average yields for the main greenhouse varieties:
Name | Productivity per 1 sq. m, kg | Productivity per hundred square meters, kg |
Amur | 30-50 | 3000-5000 |
Tom Thumb | 13-15 | 1300-1500 |
Murashka | up to 28 | up to 2800 |
Benefit | up to 25 | up to 2500 |
Tumi | until 11 | up to 1100 |
Matrix | up to 30 | up to 3000 |
Indicators for month, season, year
To find out how many vegetables are harvested per month on average, just Divide the annual harvest by 12.
If cucumbers are grown not all 365 days in a row, but only in the summer, speak of the yield for the season.To calculate such an indicator, it is enough to count the number of months of this period, then divide the annual yield by 12, and then multiply by the number of months of the season.
What kind of crop can be harvested from one bush?
To calculate this value, it must be taken into account that per 1 sq. m usually have four seedlings. Knowing the average annual yield, divide it by four and get a figure for the bush.
If necessary, you can later calculate the yield per seedling per month or per season according to the principle described above.
Important! Some varieties may have a planting density greater or less than four. Take this into account when calculating the yield for each specific variety.
Useful tips from experienced vegetable growers
The yield of cucumbers planted in closed ground is affected by the seed preparation process. Experts know that such preparation significantly improves the quality of seedlings.
All the process can be divided into the following stages:
- To soften the outer shell, The seeds are immersed in water for several hours..
- After this, the liquid is drained and plant material for impregnation is placed in a saline solution (3 g salt per 100 ml water).
- Those seeds that will float to the surface and thrown away.
- The rest are wrapped in a cloth and placed in a thermos with a water temperature of 40°C for three days.
- Then the seeds can be planted in the ground.
After planting for better ripening and proper subsequent storage of the crop Experienced vegetable growers advise:
- Carry out the so-called air feeding. To do this, you need to fill the barrel with water and add organic fertilizer (mullein) to it. As a result of fermentation, nitrogen and carbon dioxide necessary for plants will be released.
- Sharp stop watering when formed barren flowers. This action will cause the plant to become stressed, which will result in intensive growth of female flowers instead of male ones. After this, resume watering.
- Pay special attention lighting in the greenhouse. Light should be available to vegetables for at least 12 hours a day.
- Maintain temperature in the greenhouse from +20°C to +35°C depending on the growth period.
- Do not store cucumbers near vegetables that emit ethylene. This gas contributes to the overripening of the fetus.
- Use the refrigerator for long-term storage. If cucumbers are placed in a regular tray outdoors, after three days the vegetables will begin to change properties.
Whatever variety of cucumbers you choose to grow, use the advice of experienced vegetable growers. There is nothing difficult about properly preparing seeds for planting or properly caring for the plant as it grows. And in gratitude for your efforts, several additional kilograms of fresh vegetables will be waiting for you.