Using onions in socks for medicinal purposes
If you have ever been treated with traditional medicine, you have probably heard about the beneficial properties of onions. Most often it is used only internally as a medicine. In this article we will talk about how to use this vegetable externally and why it is placed in socks at night.
Why do you put onions in socks on your feet and heels at night?
Onions are placed in socks overnight to heal faster runny nose and cough, bring down a high temperature. This method is also used to prevent viral diseases due to the high content of vitamin C, especially in those with weak immunity.
Onions help with sweating feet, unpleasant odor, and fungal infections of the feet.
What is the essence of this treatment method?
There are about 7,000 nerve endings on the soles of your feet. Each of them is associated with a specific organ. Chinese doctors say that the condition of the whole body depends on the legs.
Due to the constant wearing of shoes, feet are often neglected and neglected. To stimulate important points on the feet, representatives of traditional medicine advise putting the product in socks at night.
For what and for what diseases is it used?
The most common reason why people apply bows to their feet is colds and viral diseases.. The vegetable secretes juice, which is absorbed into the skin and enters the blood. Quercetin, vitamins and essential oils improve mood, normalize body temperature, and also disinfect indoor air.A pleasant bonus of this procedure is liver cleansing. Many harmful substances pass through it, which have a detrimental effect on the human body, and phosphoric acid helps get rid of them.
Onions are also used to combat mycosis of the feet and nails. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of the juice, you will get rid of unpleasant itching, odor and flaking of the skin.
Many women also use this method to treat gynecological diseases, since the meridians associated with the reproductive system are located on the feet.
Read also:
Onion on feet at night: pros and contraindications
What benefits does onion therapy bring:
- fighting colds;
- cleansing the body and air in the room;
- getting rid of unpleasant foot odor, foot fungus and nail plates;
- treatment of gynecological diseases;
- strengthening the immune system.
But the procedure also has contraindications:
- onion allergy and individual intolerance;
- open abrasions and cuts on the legs;
- liver and kidney diseases;
- bronchial asthma;
- heart problems;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- age less than 5 years.
What harm can there be from this method?
If you use onions on wounds on the feet, the juice can cause a burn to the affected skin and an allergic reaction.
Children under 5 years of age cannot be treated in this way. The skin of babies at this age is still very sensitive. From this treatment method The child will experience severe itching, redness and irritation.
Important! If severe itching occurs, remove the compress and rinse the reddened areas of the skin with water. If this doesn't help, take antihistamines.
What is the difference in use for children and adults
A child's skin is much thinner and more delicate than that of an adult. The difference lies in the duration of treatment and the use of auxiliary products that will help avoid burns. If you are treating a child:
- do not leave the onion in your socks all night, it is advisable to limit it to 4 hours;
- mix vegetable pieces with honey;
- Be sure to monitor the skin reaction - if itching or burning occurs, remove the compress.
Treatment of an adult
Algorithm of actions:
- Peel the onion. Cut into 1cm thick slices to prevent them from breaking.
- Prepare a thick sock that fits tightly on your foot. It is better to choose an unnecessary one, since the smell of juice will be very difficult to wash off later.
- Place the bow on your feet and put a sock on top.
- Leave the compress on overnight and go to bed.
Repeat the procedure 4-5 days in a row.
Important! Use wool socks. The feet will warm up better in them, and the treatment will be more effective.
Treatment of a child
Children over 6 years old are treated in the same way, but the procedure lasts 4-5 hours. Onions mixed with honey are placed on the soles of the feet. From adolescence, you can leave the compress on all night.
Important! For treatment, use only fresh mixture.
Precautions before use
Onion treatment can cause itching and redness on delicate and sensitive skin. Before use, test for individual intolerance. Apply onion juice to a small area of skin and leave for half an hour. If itching and redness occur, it is better to look for an alternative treatment method.
It is advisable to consult a doctor before using the product. Perhaps you have individual contraindications that you were not aware of.
Reviews about the application
Reviews from those who have put onions in their socks at night are positive. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some.
Svetlana, 38 y.o.: “A colleague at work told me to use onions in socks to fight colds. I've known for a long time about its beneficial composition, but I haven’t liked it since childhood. That’s why I decided to put a compress on my legs when I got sick. The method really works. It helped bring down the temperature and improve my health. And thanks to the fact that onions kill germs in the room, my husband and children did not get infected from me.”
Evgenia, 30 years old: “I tried this method for the first time three years ago, when a child caught the virus in kindergarten. I didn’t want to stuff him with a lot of medications, so I decided to resort to traditional medicine. Thanks to onions, the body quickly recovers and gets better. It also helps when your feet sweat a lot.”
Nikolay, 49 years old: “My family and I always make onion compresses for our feet when we have a cold. Helps you quickly get back on your feet and lower your temperature. An effective and budget-friendly way. We also use it simply for prevention.”
To treat with onions, compresses are applied to biological points located on the soles of the feet. This way the body recovers faster, the immune system is strengthened, and fungal diseases are treated. Before use, do a home test for individual intolerance and monitor the condition of your skin during the procedure. Be healthy!
Yes, I also use onions and garlic. I didn’t put onions on my foot. I need to try it. But I do onion inhalation. I chop the onion finely and put it in a bag and breathe in the onion smell - the cold and sneezing stops.