Why do cucumbers grow crooked in a greenhouse and what to do to prevent deformation of the fruit

Cucumbers are among the most popular crops in every garden. However, when growing this generally unpretentious vegetable indoors, it often happens that the fruits become twisted and lose their presentation and taste.

In this article we will tell you why cucumbers grow in a greenhouse in a crochet manner and how to eliminate this problem.

Causes of curvature of fruits

Deformation of vegetables occurs for various reasons. These may be external factors, agrotechnical violations, or inexperience of summer residents. If errors are corrected in a timely manner, the harvest can be saved.

Why do cucumbers grow crooked in a greenhouse and what to do to prevent deformation of the fruit

Delayed harvesting

If the fruits are not removed from the bushes as they ripen, too many of them are formed, which is why proper development is disrupted. Crooked cucumbers are not always characterized by bad taste, but most often housewives refuse to buy such goods on the market, preferring smooth and beautiful vegetables for preservation.

Too large cucumbers remaining on the bushes are no longer suitable for food, but they still absorb nutrients from the soil. Because of this, young specimens experience a deficiency of micro- and macroelements. The optimal frequency of fruit removal is every 2-3 days.

Lack of light and heat

Cucumbers are light-loving crops; all their parts require sufficient lighting - stems, leaves and lower ovaries. If the top grows too much, the foliage blocks the light from the fruit below.Because of this, they can not only become deformed, but also fall off or completely rot.

Trying to collect as much harvest as possible on the site, many summer residents make the same mistake - they plant shrubs too densely.

The demands on climatic conditions also manifest themselves in air temperature. Cucumbers develop properly and become hydrated at 21-26°C, and at night this figure should not fall below 20°C. Otherwise, the vegetables must be covered, otherwise their growth will stop completely.

Irrigation irregularities

Why do cucumbers grow crooked in a greenhouse and what to do to prevent deformation of the fruit

Improper hydration is one of the most common causes the appearance of deformed specimens. 95% of the fruit is water, so they need regular watering. Developmental disorders also occur due to the use of cold or ice water; this is a great stress for the crop and the cause of the formation of barren flowers.

Important! If there is a lack of moisture, plants quickly wither and bear fruit poorly, and if there is too much, nutrients are washed out of the soil. Experiencing a deficiency of nutrients, the fruits become small, curl and completely rot. In this case, the roots may completely die.

Features of the variety

In some hybrids, curved, hooked fruits are the main characteristic feature. In this case, some may experience pronounced deformation, while others may experience minor deformation.

According to the observations of summer residents, irregular fruits - hook-shaped, pot-bellied or pear-shaped - grow in hybrids:

About 30% of the total harvest is curved fruit in Pasadena and Pasamonte.

Neighborhood of different varieties

Why do cucumbers grow crooked in a greenhouse and what to do to prevent deformation of the fruit

When choosing varieties and hybrids for planting in an open greenhouse, carefully study their features indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.Cucumbers can be one of two types. The formation of ovaries in the first type does not require pollination, and the second type will bear fruit only with the participation of pollinating insects. Placing these two varieties next to each other in the same bed will lead to cross-pollination, resulting in impaired fruit growth and development.

In addition, planting some vegetables is an unacceptable proximity. Summer residents have a term “alelopathy”. It means the appearance of specific root and leaf secretions when cucumbers are placed in the same greenhouse together with the following vegetables:

  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • spices;
  • lettuce and other greens.

Micronutrient deficiency

Lack of fertilizers leads to various problems. Potassium deficiency often causes deformation of fruits. During potassium starvation, cucumbers become rounded, thicken at the stem, and gradually curl. The fruits quickly die, and those that survive acquire a bitter taste.

Important! A lack of potassium is provoked by fertilizing with yeast solution, bird droppings, mullein - these compounds wash away the useful microelement.

Feeding with nitrogen content are important for development at each stage. Its deficiency negatively affects the formation of green mass, fruiting and flowering, but an excess leads to the appearance of hooked fruits.

Deformation is also caused by a lack of iron, which manifests itself initially in discoloration of leaves and stunted growth.

How to prevent crochet cucumbers from forming

To prevent damage to the crop, cucumbers need proper care and regular feeding.


The key to smooth and beautiful cucumbers is fertilizing with potassium sulfate in combination with other components: 0.5 liters of mullein, diluted in 10 liters of water, mixed with 0.5 g of potassium sulfate and 0.5 g of boric acid, add 0.3 g of manganese sulfate .

Fertilizers can be used ready-made, balanced, store-bought, or prepared independently according to folk recipes:

  • dilute chicken manure in equal proportions with water, leave for 3 days and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10, inject at the root into the soil;
  • Pour 1-2 liters of wood ash into 15 liters of water, leave for 2-3 days and dilute with another 1 bucket of water, pour 0.5 liters of the prepared solution under each bush;
  • “Kalimagnesia” – 20 g of dry powder per 1 m² at the flowering stage and during the period of fruit formation.

A rich source of vitamins and microelements is yeast solution. It contains a lot of nitrogen, phosphorus, manganese, iron, potassium, zinc and potassium. For a 10 liter bucket of water you will need 1 pack of dry product. Infuse the composition for 24 hours, water soil at the rate of 1 liter per 1 bush.

The feeding cycle for cucumbers should consist of at least 5 stages. The first time potassium and nitrogen are added 2 weeks after planting the seedlings, and the second time - with the appearance of flowers. The next time fertilizers will be needed at the beginning of fruiting, and then after 2-3 weeks. A mandatory element at this stage is phosphorus. In infertile areas, complex formulations can be applied 1-2 more times.

Growing conditions and care for cucumbers

Why do cucumbers grow crooked in a greenhouse and what to do to prevent deformation of the fruit

To get a rich harvest, follow the rules of agricultural technology. The soil must be constantly loosened, since the resulting crust disrupts air exchange and oxygen access to the roots. The soil is loosened with a hoe before planting seedlings, then this is done very carefully so as not to damage the plants.

Reference. To prevent the formation of an earthen crust, the soil is mulched, covering the surface with sawdust, humus or peat.

Water as needed: in dry and hot weather - once every 2 days, on cloudy and rainy days - stop until the soil dries completely. Before watering vegetables in the greenhouse, it must be ventilated.

A prerequisite for proper growth is pinching. This is done so that the upper ovaries and leaves do not block the light of the lower parts of the plant, as well as to ensure uniform consumption of nutrients by the fruits. The optimal quantity is up to 20 ovaries per bush.

Advice from experienced summer residents

Why do cucumbers grow crooked in a greenhouse and what to do to prevent deformation of the fruit

Gardeners recommend that you initially pay close attention to the planting conditions, so that you don’t have to take measures to correct mistakes later.

In addition to proper care, it is important:

  • observe crop rotation - do not plant cucumbers in the same area for more than 2 years in a row, as well as in places where zucchini, pumpkin, and dill are grown;
  • choose a suitable variety - self-pollinating should grow in a greenhouse, insect-pollinated in open areas;
  • leave enough space when planting - 15-20 cm between rows of bushes.

The water used for irrigation is first left in the sun to warm it up, or diluted with boiling water. For 1 m², 5-8 liters of water are used for young bushes, and for fruiting - 120 liters. Foliar feeding is best done in rainy weather.

Reference. If you cannot follow the rules of crop rotation, you can restore the soil for the next planting with the help of green manure plants. After the autumn harvest, mustard, oats or phacelia are planted on the site. By the end of autumn, the crops will have grown, they can be dug up, and cucumbers can be planted in the spring.


The condition of cucumbers must be monitored from the moment the first shoots appear. Proper care, protection from pests and sufficient fertilizing will allow you to get a high-quality harvest of cucumbers in the greenhouse with the correct shape and containing a large amount of vitamins.

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