Characteristics and description of the honey pumpkin variety “Kroshka”: we grow the favorite of experienced farmers ourselves

Pumpkin is a tasty and healthy crop that is not difficult to grow. Nutritious pickled dishes, salads, and juices are prepared from the vegetable. Pumpkin contains B vitamins, magnesium, calcium and fiber.

Not only the pulp, but also the seeds are eaten. Of the variety of varieties, gardeners single out the Kroshka pumpkin. The vegetable has excellent taste and a sweet melon aroma. Let's take a closer look at how to grow this variety and get a rich harvest.

Description of the variety

The variety is medium late, the fruits ripen within 120-130 days from the moment of planting. Pumpkin is grown in a greenhouse or in open beds. The crop rarely gets sick and is exposed to insect pests.

Distinctive features

The bushes are medium powerful, the vines are long. The leaves are elongated, classic green. To obtain a rich harvest during the fruiting period, several vines are removed. Pumpkin is grown by seedlings or seeds. Plants are resistant to sudden changes in weather and can easily tolerate drought or high humidity.

Fruit characteristics and yield

Characteristics and description of the honey pumpkin variety Kroshka: we grow the favorite of experienced farmers ourselvesThe weight of one smooth pumpkin is 2-3 kg. The color is light gray. The pulp is orange, dense. The taste qualities are high, pumpkins are distinguished by their sweetness and juiciness.

The peel is dense, which is why the crumb is stored for a long time and does not lose its qualities. Productivity is stable, from 1 sq. m, gardeners harvest 10-12 kg.

How to grow

In regions with a temperate climate, gardeners grow Kroshka with seeds, placing them directly in open ground. In Siberia and the Urals, seedlings are first prepared so that the plant can better adapt to external climatic conditions.

Let's consider each method in detail.

Planting by seeds

The main stage is the preparation of seed material. To do this, gardeners soak the seeds in a solution of succinic acid. The colorless, odorless powder strengthens the immunity of future plants and protects them from diseases and pests. 2 g of succinic acid is dissolved in a small amount of warm water. Dry seeds are soaked in the solution for 12-24 hours, then dried in the shade.

Next, prepare the soil. Sunny, fertile beds are suitable for pumpkins. The culture prefers a mixture of sandy and loamy soils. In mid-to-late October, the beds are dug up and manure fertilizers are applied. With the arrival of spring, the soil is dug up again and loosened. To get a rich harvest, the soil is limed before planting - sprinkled with a mixture of lime and dry wood ash. This composition reduces the acidity of the soil and saturates it with useful elements.

Important! For 1 sq. m, no more than two plants are planted. 2-3 seeds are placed in each groove, sprinkled with earth on top and watered generously with warm water. For the first time, gardeners recommend covering each seedling with a cap made of plastic film. This will protect the sprouts from possible frost and rain.

Planting seedlings

Seedlings are planted in clean containers. These could be flower pots, peat tablets, plastic cups. As seedling soil, use soil from the garden or a ready-made composition. Peat, humus or liquid chicken droppings are added to the soil. The distance between seedlings should be at least 15 cm.Seedlings are usually kept on the windowsill, where there is a lot of light and warmth.Characteristics and description of the honey pumpkin variety Kroshka: we grow the favorite of experienced farmers ourselves

The optimal temperature for growing is at least 20 degrees Celsius, humidity level is 85-90%. The seedlings are watered once every 5 days, but it is important to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged. To accelerate growth, seedlings are fertilized with the growth stimulator "Kornevin". It has a beneficial effect on the development of the pumpkin root system, making it more powerful. After 2 weeks from the moment of planting, pumpkin seedlings are fertilized for the first time. Urea, ammonium nitrate or superphosphate are recognized as excellent remedies.

Before planting in open ground, seedlings are watered abundantly. A large lump of wet soil forms on the roots, so the sprout can be easily removed from the container and placed on the beds.

This is interesting:

The harm and benefits of dried pumpkin: how it affects the body, how to dry it correctly.

What to plant after pumpkin next year: rules of crop rotation.


Water the Kroshka pumpkin every 4-6 days. The intensity and frequency of watering depend on weather conditions. With frequent rains and fogs, water the beds less often, about once a week. From time to time, instead of ordinary water, use a solution based on onion peels. The product not only moisturizes the soil, but also prevents the appearance of pumpkin pests. When watering, water is directed directly under the roots, bypassing the leaves and stems. Otherwise, the risk of developing fungal diseases and viral infections increases.

Before watering, the beds are loosened. The procedure saturates the earth with oxygen and improves the plant’s metabolism. At the same time, weeds and foreign debris are removed from the beds. Twice a season the ground is sprinkled with river sand or sawdust, which are recognized as effective natural leavening agents.

Every 15-20 days the pumpkin is fertilized. During the flowering period, emphasis is placed on mineral supplements. Excellent remedies are the preparations “Fitosporin”, “Nutrivant”, Bordeaux mixture. The drugs improve the taste of fruits and make them more juicy. During the fruiting period, farmers focus on organic matter. Pumpkin is fertilized with yeast, ash, nettle and aloe juice. These methods are safe for the plant and for humans.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

The richer the soil, the more vines one plant develops. Each one bears flowers and bears a large number of fruits. To make the harvest tasty, the bushes are formed and pinched. If this is not done in time, a lot of pumpkins will grow, but they will be tasteless and unripe.

In Kroshka, the first fruit is formed on the main shoot, immediately after which it is pinched. Now all the nutrition will be spent on the formation of this fruit, it will grow big and tasty. Throughout the growth of the bush, the lashes are thinned out, those that are too long are laid out on the ground, and sprinkled with soil on top.

Growing tips from experienced gardeners

Gardeners from all over the country share with each other tips and recommendations for growing the Kroshka variety. If you follow simple rules, the harvest turns out tasty and can be stored for a long time:

  • Before planting, the seeds are hardened: placed in the freezer for 2-3 hours throughout the week;
  • plant pumpkin after legumes, potatoes or onions;
  • before planting, water the ground with boiling water to destroy larvae and insects;
  • when growing crops in a greenhouse, be sure to ventilate the room daily;
  • the beds are watered in the morning or evening;
  • rainwater is used for irrigation;
  • When applying mineral fertilizers and growth stimulants, follow the dosage indicated on the package.

Diseases and pests

Pests destroy both young plants and bushes with ripe fruits. There are several reasons for the appearance of insects: contaminated soil, improper care, sudden changes in weather.

Most often found in the beds:Characteristics and description of the honey pumpkin variety Kroshka: we grow the favorite of experienced farmers ourselves

  1. Spider mite. The small bug is barely 1 cm in length, so it is very difficult to see it on a pumpkin. The mite attacks fruits and foliage. The pest is camouflaged depending on the color of the environment; it can be either light green or brown. The insect appears due to non-compliance with crop rotation rules and an excess of mineral fertilizers. As preventive and therapeutic measures, plants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture, and the beds are fertilized with ash.
  2. Slugs. Jelly-like and slippery insects look like a snail without a shell. Slugs appear due to high humidity and heat. Pests suck nutrients from the bush, causing the plant to wither and soon die. A solution of copper sulfate and soap sprays help in the fight against slugs.
  3. Whitefly. Small white flying midges gather in flocks on the back of the leaf. It is possible to see them only with a careful examination of the crop, since their size does not reach even 0.5 cm. Because of the whitefly, the leaves curl and acquire a yellow tint. To prevent the appearance of whiteflies, summer residents spray the bushes with a solution based on aloe juice or whey.

The most common diseases are late blight and tobacco mosaic. Late blight is a fungal infection that attacks plants during hot, humid summers. The fungus appears in the form of brown spots on leaves and fruits.If measures are not taken in time, the bushes die.

For prophylaxis, Bordeaux mixture and the drug Oxychom are used. Tobacco mosaic appears in the form of large yellow patterns. The virus affects young bushes, and over time the patterns begin to grow. Summer residents advise using the drug "Maxim" or spraying with potassium permanganate.

Harvesting and application

Characteristics and description of the honey pumpkin variety Kroshka: we grow the favorite of experienced farmers ourselvesThe crumbs are collected in late August - early September. The fruits become firm and elastic, and a sweet melon aroma emanates from them.

Vegetables are picked together with the stalk, this increases the shelf life of the product. After harvesting, the vegetables are not washed, but wiped with a dry cloth. Specimens with cracks and scratches are used for consumption. Other fruits are removed for long-term storage in the basement or cellar.

Due to its rich content of vitamins and minerals, pumpkin is used to prepare dietary and nutritious dishes. Pies, porridge, salads, side dishes and soups are prepared from it. Sweet dishes are especially appreciated.

For example, Kroshka makes excellent pies, muffins and cheesecakes. Many housewives pickle vegetables and even prepare fermented winter dishes.

Interesting! Pumpkin is also used in cosmetology. The grated pulp is an excellent tonic for all skin types. It has a strong moisturizing and rejuvenating effect. The mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cold water.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of the variety include excellent taste and aroma. The sweet yellow pulp is tasty both fresh and as part of other dishes. The product is indispensable for proper nutrition and helps to get rid of excess weight. Growing a crop is easy; the main thing is to follow the watering and fertilizing regime.Summer residents carry out preventive measures several times a season, and the crop does not get sick.Characteristics and description of the honey pumpkin variety Kroshka: we grow the favorite of experienced farmers ourselves

Among the disadvantages, they note the fact that the bushes require obligatory shaping and pinching of the tops, however, this is not difficult for experienced gardeners, and beginners can quickly learn this.

Farmer reviews

To finally understand what the Kroshka variety is, or as gardeners call it, Krokha, let’s study several reviews about it.

Nikita, Orel: “Sweet Tiny pumpkins are my favorite. They grow small and even. The unusual color of the vegetable attracts attention, and the bright yellow flesh is always pleasing to the eye. I prepare marinated and fermented dishes from pumpkin.”

Maria, Sochi: “The Kroshka pumpkin was recommended to me by my neighbors in the garden. At first I didn't like the pale gray color of the fruit, but when I cut into one pumpkin, I was surprised. Sweet, juicy, soft flesh similar to melon, very tasty. I will grow more."

Irina, Volgograd: “I’ve heard a lot of praise about the Tiny pumpkin. She hoped to grow a rich harvest and planned to make winter preparations. However, a month after planting, I noticed slugs on the bushes. I followed all the rules of agricultural technology, so I can’t understand the reason for their appearance. We managed to get rid of the pests, but the opinion of the variety has deteriorated.”

Read also:

Simple and delicious pickled pumpkin recipes: cooking instructions.

The best varieties of pumpkin for open ground with photos and descriptions.

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Honey pumpkin crumb is universal in use: in cooking, folk medicine, cosmetology.To obtain a rich harvest, summer residents advise growing the crop in seedlings, planting it in fertile sunny beds.

Pumpkin responds well to feeding with ash, ammonium nitrate and manure. During the fruiting period, summer residents form bushes and pinch off the tops. For long-term storage, the fruit is cut off along with the stalk.

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