How to harvest in a timely manner: when to remove pumpkin from the garden in the middle zone
The summer season is in full swing. Some crops are just ripening, while others are already producing crops. Pumpkin is considered the queen of autumn. For the sake of nutritious seeds, it began to be grown 8,000 years ago in Mexico, and in the 16th century it was brought to Europe. The fruits are valued for their high content of vitamins, microelements, and fatty acids. Porridge, pies, and juices are prepared from the pulp. Our publication is about when it’s time to harvest pumpkin.
When to remove pumpkin from the garden in the middle zone
Pumpkin harvesting in different climatic zones varies somewhat in terms of timing. It is important to identify them correctly, taking into account all the nuances.
Pumpkin harvesting is associated with autumn, since by this time the crop is fully ripe, the fruits become tasty, having accumulated useful substances.
In central Russia The harvest is not carried out too early, since the duration of storage of the fruits directly depends on their ripeness. The optimal time is from mid-September, and in more southern regions - after the leaves have completely dried.
What do the deadlines depend on?
From pumpkin variety depends on its growing season. The manufacturer indicates this information and the nuances of caring for the vegetable on the package of seeds.
The maturity of a pumpkin is determined by the weather conditions of a particular climate zone and the variety of crop. There are 3 groups of varieties: early ripening, mid-ripening and late ripening. This is what mainly influences the harvest time.
Early ripening varieties reach maturity by the end of July - beginning of August.Pumpkins have a pleasant taste and light aroma. The fruits have a thin enough peel, so they do not last long. The growing season is 92–104 days.
Mid-season varieties are distinguished by their large size, thick and hard skin of pumpkins. Their shelf life is an order of magnitude longer if harvested before the first frost. The growing season is 110–120 days.
Late-ripening varieties have the largest size and the longest storage period (up to six months). Their growing season is within 200 days. The advantage of such pumpkins is the possibility of ripening outside the garden. During storage, the fruits acquire a richer taste, juiciness, sweetness and aroma. The typical light orange color serves as a kind of harvest indicator for late-ripening pumpkins.
Varieties with large fruits ripen in the beds until mid-October, which allows the vegetables to acquire a rich taste and juiciness. Moreover, if you overcook the pumpkins, their quality will suffer both from the long delay on the stems and from the first frost.
Exact calculation
Depending on the type of crop in central Russia, the following deadlines are adhered to:
- early ripening pumpkins are harvested from the garden in August - early September;
- mid-season - in September - early October;
- late ripening - in September - October (before frost);
Favorable days according to the lunar calendar
Harvest on a sunny and warm day. It is optimal if it falls on lucky days according to the lunar calendar. So, the best time to collect pumpkins is towhen the waning Moon is in Gemini, the waxing Moon is in Scorpio, in any phase - in Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Favorable dates in 2019:
- August 6, 7, 16–25;
- September 2–4, 1W–22, 30;
- 1, 11–19, 27, 28 October.
How to determine fruit ripeness
Ripe fruits have excellent taste and juicy pulp. The maturity of a pumpkin is determined by external signs or using certain techniques.
External signs
Certain changes on the fruits indicate that they are ripe and ready for harvest:
- A dry, hard, cork-like stalk is characteristic of ripe fruits, while a green and juicy stalk is characteristic of unripe ones.
- Dried and yellowed leaves (most of them) indicate maturity.
- As they ripen, different types of pumpkin acquire a color ranging from dark orange and yellow to gray-green. Large-fruited varieties stored for a long time are characterized by brighter and more saturated colors. In the most aromatic and sweet nutmeg and small-fruited varieties and well-stored hard-barked varieties, the color changes significantly during ripening and acquires a special pattern.
Lifehacks for checking
A few simple techniques can help you determine the ripeness of a vegetable.
The first option is to apply a little pressure on the fruit with your fingernail. If you can’t leave a dent or it’s difficult to do, it means the pumpkin is ripe.
Another way is to tap the surface of the vegetable. The ripe fruit produces a dull sound.
Harvesting rules
Ripe fruits are harvested in clear, dry weather. Pumpkins picked on a rainy day store much worse. If it turns out to be a damp day, the wet fruits are dried for 10–15 days in a dry, warm place on a straw base. In sunny weather, pumpkins are dried directly in the garden, then put away for storage.
Ripe vegetables are cut with a sharp knife or pruning shears, leaving a stalk 5–10 cm long. This prevents bacteria from entering and rotting.
Attention! The fruits are transferred very carefully, preferably not by the stalk, since even minor damage and scratches reduce the shelf life, especially for large-fruited varieties.
Damaged vegetables are consumed as soon as possible because they do not last long. Small cuts and scratches on the peel are treated with brilliant green or sealed with a bactericidal plaster.
Further storage
Late-ripening varieties, collected before the first frost, ripen for 1-2 months in a dry, warm place at a temperature of +25...+27°C and a humidity of 85%. After this, the fruits are not stored for long, so they are consumed as quickly as possible.
Important! It is better to keep vegetables in a dark, well-ventilated place at +10...+15°C and air humidity of 70–75%. For this basement and cellar suitable.
In a city apartment there will also be suitable conditions (for example, under a closet). The temperature is maintained no higher than +20°C.
The pumpkins are laid out on a bed of sawdust, straw or waterproof fabric so that they do not touch each other. Do not keep them together with other vegetables and fruits, especially apples and pears, which emit ethylene, which accelerates ripening and reduces shelf life. In cold weather, the fruits are covered with a layer of hay or straw.
Large-fruited pumpkins that are fully ripe have the highest shelf life. They produce large amounts of starch, which hydrolyze during storage into soluble sugars, which gives the fruit its sweetness. Such vegetables retain their nutritional and healing properties for up to six months, after which the pulp begins to dry out, becomes fibrous and loses its taste.
Butternut squash last somewhat worse - up to 4 months.
The indicators are even lower for early-ripening, hard-barked vegetables - no more than 1 month.Their pulp is thin and fibrous, so it dries quickly, and the seeds begin to germinate. The fruits themselves are unsweetened, but the seeds (with or without thin skin) have an amazing taste and are very healthy.
If it is impossible to store fresh, pumpkin is used to make preparations: jam, candied fruits, dried and frozen slices.
Useful tips
Experienced vegetable growers give recommendations for pumpkin harvesting:
- The fruits are harvested before the first frost, on a clear and warm day, twisting the stalk along its axis. This way the fruits will better retain their juiciness.
- When cold nights set in, cover the still-unpicked vegetables with something warm.
- The largest and ripest specimens are selected for seeds.
Calculating the timing of the pumpkin harvest is easy. It is enough to know the characteristics of the variety, take into account the climatic conditions of the area, and choose a dry and clear day. Then the harvest will be stored for a long time, and you will be able to enjoy dishes made from healthy vegetables.